Showing posts with label Gameplay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gameplay. Show all posts

November 08, 2015

Watch the Fallout 4 Intro Cinematic Trailer

Unlike the Video Gameplay, that has been leaked to Vidme few days ago, and removed quickly due to a copyright claim, or for violating the terms of use, the Cinematic Intro from Fallout 4 actually made it to YouTube, and who knows for how long it will be there so share it quickly! The video is courtesy of Zirkky.

Update: that video is taken down by ZeniMax Media Inc due to a copyright claim, so we added ours instead.

Be warned as this Intro Cinematic Trailer may contain spoilers!

Fallout 4 Cinematic Intro [Video]

Watch the Fallout 4 Intro Cinematic Trailer on YouTube.

I must say, this intro gave me chills! I totally understand if you don't want to spoil your game early, but I highly recommend it to everyone who doesn't mind it and want every single bit of new Fallout 4 info just before the game launch.

For those who watched, drop in some thoughts about the whole "leak", and until 11-10, meet me on the Vault-Tec Inc. Facebook page! If you want some more early sneak-peak into Fallout 4, stay tuned or even better -- Subscribe!

Also, here's the beautiful Fallout 4 Music Theme which is a must see;

November 02, 2015

Fallout 4 Video Gameplay Leaked [Spoilers!]

We've seen a lot of Fallout 4 screens in past few days, and now, we even got an early leak of the Fallout 4 Gameplay Videos. Vidme user totallynotreal, that is actually LennyReviews from unknown game review company (since his page was missing at the point of writing this), has posted a few Gameplay Videos of Fallout 4.

Although, he claims that the footage is not his and that he simply re-uploaded them, asking Bethesda not to sue him... Oh well..

Enjoy and be warned -- spoilers ahead!

Fallout 4 Gameplay - Part 1

Fallout 4 Gameplay - Part 2

Fallout 4 Gameplay - Part 3

Fallout 4 Gameplay - Part 4

There is, however, a gameplay gap between some of the videos, but that's, in my opinion, not to ruin the game story too much. If you want some more early sneak-peak into Fallout 4, stay tuned or even better -- Subscribe!

For those who watched, drop in some thoughts about the whole "leak", and until 11-10, meet me on the Vault-Tec Inc. Facebook page!

UPDATE: As you can see, the videos are all taken down by Bethesda, better luck next time..

Instead, watch our Let's Play Fallout 4 Gameplay playlist;

June 16, 2015

What's New in The Wasteland (Fallout 4 E3 Highlights)

Fallout 4 #BE3 Showcase Highlights

Since New Vegas, Fallout fans have patiently awaited the next piece in the franchise, in hopes of more wasteland fun in bigger and "badder" ways. After years of silence, and a rather surprise announcement, Bethesda Game Studios has given unto the mass Fallout 4, which seems to be the largest, most ambitious title of the IP yet. On June 14th, during E3, much was shown of what they had to offer within the game. Many new features were added, and many favorites have been brought back, tweaked and improved for the new game. Here are some of the key features which were highlighted during the E3 presentation and some speculation from watching.

A Voiced Character

A first for any Bethesda RPG, Fallout 4 will feature a voiced player character, for either male or female. Finally, a voice is put to the mute hero of the wasteland, but this isn’t the only voicing miracle added to Fallout 4.

Todd Howard revealed that over thousand of the most common names (not known how many female and male) have been recorded for the players robot, Codsworth, to address the player as. This is monumental. Though it’s only one character, the ability for you to hear your name in the game makes for a far better immersion experience.


With a new game comes a new Pip-Boy, the wrist-worn companion of Fallout. The new Pip-Boy is much more interactive and immersive, with all onscreen items and Vault Boys animated (as far as we can tell). The Pip-Boy also adds game tapes, a rather gimmicky, yet none the less amazing addition to the game.

In addition to the improvements, many a fanboy's dream has been answered. With the Collector’s Edition comes a fully functional, smartphone powered Pip-Boy replica. A second screen companion app will allow you to use your phone, with or without the Replica case, as your in-game Pip-Boy.


One of the biggest features, and in my opinion, the most exciting, is the insane amounts of customization and crafting added to the game. First things shown was the settlement and base building features, which seemed very Minecraft-esque. Bethesda seems to have tested the waters in base crafting with the Hearthfire DLC for Elder Scrolls: Skyrim. While it was executed decently there, it seems they’ve stepped up their game, a lot. You’ll be able to set up multiple settlements, set up defense systems, and even create pixel art through the powered generators available in crafting.

Bethesda RPGs have always allowed one to grab literally object in the game, though before much of it was useless junk which clogged the inventory and brought Encumbrance to the unwise adventurer and wastelander. That is no longer the case in Fallout 4. Every item has a purpose through crafting. The material is obtained through scrapping the many items found scattered across the wasteland.

Todd Howard stated during the E3 presentation that there is over 50 base weapons, and over 700 modifications and add-ons. That leads to thousands upon thousands of customization options for your personal arsenal in the wasteland. It was even seen you could name your custom weapons.

Man’s Best Friend

Dogs are one of the only creatures, besides humans (for the most part) which survived with minimal radiation present in the Fallout Universe, excluding cyborg dogs such as Rex. your furry friend took the spotlight in the first announce Trailer, and even more was revealed about them during E3. It’s unknown at this time if he can act as your personal pack mule, as Rex and other companions could mainly within Fallout: New Vegas, but commanding your dog to fetch items within the world was demonstrated. All one needs is to point in the world, and the dog shall obey.

Power Armor

Though not directly addressed in the E3 presentation, power armor seems to have undergone a bit of a revamp. Aside from the crafting treatment much of the rest of the game has been given, allowing you to customize your power armor to your heart's desire, the armor seem to be much more valuable. A new HUD was shown for the power armor, and new features, such as a jet pack. It seems like one will no longer be able to use the armor willy nilly, as some things might make it balance out in power, such as decreased speed. Hopefully more is seen in time.


With so much to offer, Fallout 4 seems to be one of the best games of the year, and definitely a sure favorite for the fans. We won’t have to wait much longer, though, to explore the wastelands once more, as the game will be released November 10th of this year. Until then, while we all sit and wait, to emerge from the Vault 111, check the Fallout 4 Demo Showcase below!

June 05, 2015

Fallout 4 Gameplay Features (leaked)

The following information about Fallout 4 Gameplay Features is leaked information, which means that it doesn't have to be true, can be particularly true, but also, that it may contain a huge amount of spoilers. Since we got that clear, I will start with the game engine which is the most crucial part of any game. Fallout 4 will be developed for all platforms, but firstly, only for PS4, XBone, and PC (next-gen). That's right, Fallout 4 is developed in two different game engines.

The first version uses a brand new engine built from the ground up to take advantage of the power of next-gen systems. Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 version is also being developed by Bethesda Game Studios, but will release a year after the advanced version. This version runs on the Creation Engine, the same engine that powered Skyrim. This is being done so that PS3/360 users can play the game without a problem. Everything will be the same in this version as the advanced version, except for the graphics, gameplay, and some additional features.

Gameplay Features

Fallout 4 plays similar to Fallout 3 and New Vegas. You can play in Third Person or First Person, or on the PC version, a new "Classic Mode" that will put the game into birds eye view and play similar to the classic Fallout Games. Unlike Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas, you can only play as a man. This is due to the storyline requiring it. However, after the main story is over, you can have a gender change.

At the beginning of the game, you create your character (You can only be a male in the main story), and afterward, you start the game with a blast. After the blast, you awake to see the building you are standing inside blown apart and your wife, Lydia, dead. Robots and Androids are storming the place, killing and kidnapping the people inside. You, known as "The Officer", must escape and get revenge.

In Fallout 4, you are in Boston (and the surrounding countryside), and it takes place in the year 2287, exactly 10 years after Fallout 3. In Fallout 4, mixing things up, BSG are making the game more "Story Based" and the player character will finally talk, and narrate his storyline.

Location, Factions, and Creatures

The map of Fallout 4 is about 3 times the size of Skyrim. The reason for this is to make a much more realistic and interactive world, that players can always find new things, even if they have played it for years after release.

The downtown area is entirely controlled by "The Institute", a group of techies and scholars, as well as researchers, who devote their lives to technology. The countryside area is a "Wasteland" with small towns and settlements, as well as vaults here and there. Logan International Airport is taken over by the Brotherhood of steel, who are there trying to control the technology, and are currently waging a war against the institute, as they both have disagreements as to who should be in control of the technology in the area.

Meanwhile, Vault 79, located outside of Boston, is under the control by "The Railroad", a group of people dedicated to helping Androids escape the institute.

The Railroad returns from Fallout 3, where you only had a small glimpse of it during the "Replicated man" quest. In this game, they are a full faction and are much larger.

The Brotherhood Of Steel returns and control Logan Airport. This BOS is not the same as seen in Fallout 3. Instead, a similar BOS to the ones seen in the classic Fallout games as well as Fallout New Vegas make an appearance, only caring about technology, and will obtain it by force if they have to.
The Institute returns from Fallout 3 and is headed by a man named Thomas Littleton. They are the primary antagonists of the game and control most of Boston Downtown. Their patrols in Downtown Boston are the counterpart in this game to the Super Mutants in Downtown DC in Fallout 3.

Talon Company also returns, but in a much smaller force. They base operations outside of a bunker located in Downtown Boston.

Super Mutants return, in the same form as the ones from Fallout 3, keeping in line with the "East Coast" mutants. Feral Ghouls return as well. Vicious Dogs return. Feral Cats are new, and exclusively located in one of the vaults. Spore Carriers return from Fallout New Vegas and are located in sewers.

Madison Li returns from Fallout 3. 10 years prior to Fallout 4, she left D.C after the Loss of James and having thought she lost the lone wanderer as well. Having had enough, she left to Boston, as it is home to one of the biggest Scientific facilities. Madison will once again be voiced by Jennifer Massey.

Three Dog returns as well, although he is only heard on the radio, and not seen in person. People believe the radio is not actually live, and that it is simply a looped recording. (Based on the fact that you CAN kill him in Fallout 3.) He is voiced by Erik Todd Dellums.

Bryan Wilks returns from Fallout 3. Yes, the little boy you saved from Grayditch. He is now 19 years old and is a mercenary, working with Talon Company. He bases his reason as to working with them on "Once someone saved me, and I wanted to be just like them!" He is voiced by Jerry Jewell.

September 12, 2014

After War Nevada - Complete Overhaul for Fallout: New Vegas


AWN - After War Nevada - Complete Overhaul Mod by Jodwig

After War: Nevada is a complete overhaul for Fallout: New Vegas and is a summary of 2 years of hard work by Jodwig himself. It's enormous mod, which aim was to change and re balance every single aspect of the game. See detailed description bellow, along with the video review by Caedo Genesis.


All items have been carefully balanced, including vanilla weapons and new ones as well. Few vanilla weapon models have been swapped and few unique weapons have been added. In all cases new items were added as well.

More than 250 carefully balanced weapons in total; about 35 Pistols, 60 Rifles (including automatic ones), 10 Submachine Guns, 20 Shotguns, 30 Heavy Guns, 25 Explosives, 45 Melee and 20 Unarmed.

More than 80 balanced armors, all with the new resistance system (Normal, Laser, Plasma, Fire, Electrical, Radiation). About 45 Light, 20 Medium, 10 Heavy and 10 Power.

More than 50 balanced helmets. About 20 Light, 15 Medium, 10 Heavy and 10 Power.

More than 110 ammo types, from classic HP and AP to depleted uranium. Hollow Point ammo massacres unarmored targets, while armor piercing is a must against armored targets.

Weapon Mods
Weapon mods have been changed into 3 tiers for every mod type (3 tiers of damage mods, 3 tiers of speed, ammo, accuracy and so on) in order to increase the chance of players getting a mod and to allow players to use it for different weapons as well.

More than 30 implants with the new implant system. They can increase your stats, resistances, speed, AP regen, healing rate or even give you nightvision.

Food, Chems & Scavenged Items
More than 230 balanced items, from food and drinks to drugs and scavenged from plants and creatures items.

All misc items (like empty bottles, syringes, scissors etc.) have had their value and weight altered, so the player is now allowed to loot them in order to earn some caps.


All old perks and traits have been changed (some were balanced, some removed and many new ones added). 

There are around 250 balanced perks in total, most with their own unique icons. The player gets 1 perk every 2 levels, with so many perks and being able to pick only a few perks (15 perks at lvl 30) each player's build is more unique, allowing him to customize his character as he wants; he can specialize solely in stealth and silent killing, be it with melee weapons or guns, or go with sniper depending on critical hits, or with a jack of all trades build etc. There are also perks for skills, tags, karma perks which require good/neutral/evil karma in order to work, mastery perks, which require 10 of one of the stats, but give big bonuses etc.

As in vanilla, player chooses up to 2 traits at the beginning, there are around 30 balanced traits to allow the player to further customize his play style.


Alternate Start & Classes
Player chooses on the beginning one of the 30 classes with alternate starting locations, perks, factions and so on. He also chooses his own gear, limited to each class.

Old Fallout resistances are back! Creatures and armors have resistances now. You can check armor's resistances in pipboy, next to the armor's name, in brackets - (Normal, Laser, Plasma, Fire, Electrical, Radiation).

Weight has been changed from pounds (lb) to kilograms (kg), together with ALL items in the game.

Recoil & Accuracy
All Guns, Explosives and Energy Weapons have recoil. The stronger and heavier weapon is, the higher is recoil. Also, with low weapon skill your hands will sway, moving will increase recoil and make them sway even more, crouching and aiming down the ironsights helps a lot. Crouching also increases chance to hit in VATS. While in interiors, players get penalties to recoil and accuracy with bigger weapons. Smaller weapons like pistols, SMGs, shotguns and carbines have no penalties at all.

Crippled Limbs
Crippled limbs were rebalanced, crippling head will lower your perception to 1, thus making you unable to shoot anything from range, while crippled arms greatly increase weapon swaying and crippled legs greatly reduce movement speed and prevents you from using sprint. Same goes for enemies as well. Info about currently crippled limbs can be read in effects tab in pipboy.

Hardcore Mode
On HC mode ammo has weight, companions can die and you have to eat, drink and sleep. I recommend playing on HC mode, I rebalanced game for both types of game mode, with HC on and off, but HC mode turned off will still make game easier and make it less survival-oriented.

Loot of all NPCs from all factions have been rebalanced. They are more deadly, accurate and tougher. They use newly added weapons as well AND they use special ammo types now, meaning that you can meet raider with assault rifle loaded with armor piercing bullets, so your armor can go to hell with that - no more ramboing in power armor. Their accuracy lowers radically the later it gets, so player is no longer at disadvantage during night, but it's still a double-edged sword.

As mentioned earlier, creatures are resistant to various types of damage, they are also faster, tougher, stronger AND every creature gives different amounts of XP, so player is rewarded for killing stronger creatures, just as it should be.

SPECIAL Stats & Skills
The 7 primary stats and skills have been rebalanced and made equally important. You need high strength if you want to do damage with melee weapons or use heavy weapons; perception for shooting and using VATS at long ranges; endurance for health, resistances, implants, drugs, alcohol etc.

Poison resistance is much more important, because creatures' poison is much deadlier now. Player will be able to catch Diseases in the future.

In vanilla, there was hardly any radiation and no need for Rad-Xs nor Rad Aways, so instead of adding radiation to random places and altering all current zones of radiation (it would take me years to do that), I increased radiation on food AND added radioactive auras and attacks to many creatures. Radiation has never been deadlier.

Primary Needs
Hunger. thirst, sleep and radiation thresholds for penalties start at 200 and change every 66/67 points, e.g. 200, 266. 333. 400, 466 etc., up to 1000 which ends with death. Hardcore Mode only (except for radiation). At night and in interiors dehydration rate is 50% slower, while during combat all Primary Needs are 100% faster.

There are 2 new companions - Sunny Smiles and Jacobstown Marcus. Also, all companions got some love. You can recruit 1 companion per every 2 points of Charisma, up to 5 companions with 10 points, and up to 7 with perks. Every companion uses ammo, has their favorite weapon, tags, starting perks/traits, abilities and unique SPECIAL stats, which matter and make a difference. Everything can be checked in the pipboy in perks tab.

Sprint & Bullet Time
Well known by everyone Sprint and Bullet Time are here! They both use action points in addition to VATS or as an alternative for people not using VATS at all. Sprinting can help you run from ferocious creatures or help melee character get near their victims and to try knocking them down, while Bullet Time slows down the time, allowing you to aim more precisely.

Dodge Chance
Players have dodge chance modified by agility, perks, moving, sprinting or even by unarmed and melee skills. Dodge chance is capped at 90% and ignores damage on a successful roll.

Playable Races
Playable races are unlocked, meaning you can play as ghouls (comes with bonuses and penalties), raiders or old ones.

Vendors & Economy
Traders have cutthroat prices. Selling items doesn't give much money and buying is expensive, but traders are stocked with goods, meaning that you can usually get what you need as long as you have money. The better stuff the trader has, the more he charges for something, while poor traders and small shops will offer better prices, but they will have less money and worse stuff to sell. 

Many locations got repopulated or fortified, like Crimson Caravan, Goodsprings, Gun Runners, Jacobstown and NCR Correctional Facility etc. There are even more, If you are using the Mini DLC Plugin.

Spawns have been altered. Player can meet stronger enemies at the beginning, while on the higher levels his chance of meeting stronger enemies increases, but he can still meet weaker enemies.

Check this mod on Nexus.

Caedo Genesis made a 3 minute long review of After War Nevada mod, check it bellow:

Anyways, Fallout fans are the best, and this mod proves that! Jodwig alone almost made Fallout 4 (or New Vegas 2, if you want) in two years, what do you think about that? Share this epic work with your Fallout friends and for more awesome projects like this one, check the links bellow.

Check other Community projects:

May 30, 2014

Fallout 3 Best Gameplay Effects and Changes

FWE - FO3 Wanderers Edition by FWE Team

Fallout 3 Wanderers Edition (FWE) is a major overhaul mod for Fallout 3 that changes underlying game mechanics and adds new features to the game. The aim of the mod is to improving the challenge, sense of immersion, depth of gameplay, and range of options compared the vanilla game. Generally, you'll find the wasteland to be a more dynamic but far less forgiving place. FWE's development is guided by two objectives. The first is to enhance the First-Person-Shooter (FPS) elements of the game (while still preserving non-FPS options). This includes making combat faster paced, exciting, and more player-skill based. The second objective is to enhance the role-playing elements of the game by emphasizing choices and consequences, balance, character development, immersion, and the range of viable options. Both these objectives aim to increase the replay value of Fallout 3. Get it here.

Fellout by Hattix

200 years since the bombs fell and somehow everything is tinted green? Things in Fallout and Fallout 2 weren't green. Fellout changes all that, giving a harsh world more reminiscent of the Sahara Desert or the Mad Max/Road Warrior movies though due to popular demand (and if Enhanced Weather is installed) some areas will have rain. Fellout also neutralises indoor lighting, removes green fogging and also water has been changed in most places. This is a l ittle experimental for the time being, but still quite a lot better than glowy green clouds of fog. Some purists may love it, some may hate it, but most people should get a kick out of the overhauled weather systems. If Fellout feels like a mod, then it's failed. If it feels like how the game should have been, it's succeeded. Get it here.

Marts Mutant Mod - RC 62 by Martigen

This mod is a port of MMM from Oblivion to Fallout 3. It focuses on adding a huge range of diversity to creatures and NPCs in the Fallout 3 world as well as adding new and unique creatures and NPCs to encounter. The mod is broken down into a core base and a range of optional modules. The key results the mod achieves are:
  • Every creature and NPC is unique with its own stats, size, confidence, health, damage and even skin (texture)
  • Creatures and NPCs suffer improved wounding effects such as visible bleeding and statistic penalties
  • Creatures and NPCs can loot the corpses of fallen enemies, after which you can find this loot if you kill them
  • Creatures and NPCs have improved behavioural AI based on class -- in any given group some may be aggressive towards you, some may be ambivalent, and others may avoid you outright.
  • Configurable increased spawns allow you tailor how many creatures and NPCs spawn in the game at any given spawn point
  • Improved faction system to better reflect inter-faction relations and ensure the player isn't the center of the universe
  • New creatures and NPCs to add variety to the wasteland -- all hand-crafted with their own stats, abilities, loot, weapons, textures and in some cases scripted AI behaviour. Get it here.

RTS - Real Time Settler by arcoolka and ripvanwinkle111

Like father, Like son. The lone wanderer set out into the wastes lead by the heroism of his father, The chance to change the world the chance to do good... That is what the lone wanderer did, Rebuilding of civilization. The people need a saviour they need someone to rise against the harsh vices that has claimed many, You my friend set out into the world to create an image of architectural brilliance create a save haven for those needing shelter. With the world at your finger tips what will you do? Every empire starts somewhere, with one village, Every empire has a great ruler, and that my friend is you. Build your village, a beacon of hope in the Wasteland. Decorate your village with furniture and trinkets. Manufacture weapons and armor and sell it on the open market. Get it here.

Which one (if any) of those incredible mods have you tried? Share us some thoughts.

Fallout 1, 2 Tactics, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4