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Showing posts with label news. Show all posts

June 05, 2015

Fallout 4 Gameplay Features (leaked)

The following information about Fallout 4 Gameplay Features is leaked information, which means that it doesn't have to be true, can be particularly true, but also, that it may contain a huge amount of spoilers. Since we got that clear, I will start with the game engine which is the most crucial part of any game. Fallout 4 will be developed for all platforms, but firstly, only for PS4, XBone, and PC (next-gen). That's right, Fallout 4 is developed in two different game engines.

The first version uses a brand new engine built from the ground up to take advantage of the power of next-gen systems. Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 version is also being developed by Bethesda Game Studios, but will release a year after the advanced version. This version runs on the Creation Engine, the same engine that powered Skyrim. This is being done so that PS3/360 users can play the game without a problem. Everything will be the same in this version as the advanced version, except for the graphics, gameplay, and some additional features.

Gameplay Features

Fallout 4 plays similar to Fallout 3 and New Vegas. You can play in Third Person or First Person, or on the PC version, a new "Classic Mode" that will put the game into birds eye view and play similar to the classic Fallout Games. Unlike Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas, you can only play as a man. This is due to the storyline requiring it. However, after the main story is over, you can have a gender change.

At the beginning of the game, you create your character (You can only be a male in the main story), and afterward, you start the game with a blast. After the blast, you awake to see the building you are standing inside blown apart and your wife, Lydia, dead. Robots and Androids are storming the place, killing and kidnapping the people inside. You, known as "The Officer", must escape and get revenge.

In Fallout 4, you are in Boston (and the surrounding countryside), and it takes place in the year 2287, exactly 10 years after Fallout 3. In Fallout 4, mixing things up, BSG are making the game more "Story Based" and the player character will finally talk, and narrate his storyline.

Location, Factions, and Creatures

The map of Fallout 4 is about 3 times the size of Skyrim. The reason for this is to make a much more realistic and interactive world, that players can always find new things, even if they have played it for years after release.

The downtown area is entirely controlled by "The Institute", a group of techies and scholars, as well as researchers, who devote their lives to technology. The countryside area is a "Wasteland" with small towns and settlements, as well as vaults here and there. Logan International Airport is taken over by the Brotherhood of steel, who are there trying to control the technology, and are currently waging a war against the institute, as they both have disagreements as to who should be in control of the technology in the area.

Meanwhile, Vault 79, located outside of Boston, is under the control by "The Railroad", a group of people dedicated to helping Androids escape the institute.

The Railroad returns from Fallout 3, where you only had a small glimpse of it during the "Replicated man" quest. In this game, they are a full faction and are much larger.

The Brotherhood Of Steel returns and control Logan Airport. This BOS is not the same as seen in Fallout 3. Instead, a similar BOS to the ones seen in the classic Fallout games as well as Fallout New Vegas make an appearance, only caring about technology, and will obtain it by force if they have to.
The Institute returns from Fallout 3 and is headed by a man named Thomas Littleton. They are the primary antagonists of the game and control most of Boston Downtown. Their patrols in Downtown Boston are the counterpart in this game to the Super Mutants in Downtown DC in Fallout 3.

Talon Company also returns, but in a much smaller force. They base operations outside of a bunker located in Downtown Boston.

Super Mutants return, in the same form as the ones from Fallout 3, keeping in line with the "East Coast" mutants. Feral Ghouls return as well. Vicious Dogs return. Feral Cats are new, and exclusively located in one of the vaults. Spore Carriers return from Fallout New Vegas and are located in sewers.

Madison Li returns from Fallout 3. 10 years prior to Fallout 4, she left D.C after the Loss of James and having thought she lost the lone wanderer as well. Having had enough, she left to Boston, as it is home to one of the biggest Scientific facilities. Madison will once again be voiced by Jennifer Massey.

Three Dog returns as well, although he is only heard on the radio, and not seen in person. People believe the radio is not actually live, and that it is simply a looped recording. (Based on the fact that you CAN kill him in Fallout 3.) He is voiced by Erik Todd Dellums.

Bryan Wilks returns from Fallout 3. Yes, the little boy you saved from Grayditch. He is now 19 years old and is a mercenary, working with Talon Company. He bases his reason as to working with them on "Once someone saved me, and I wanted to be just like them!" He is voiced by Jerry Jewell.

November 30, 2014

Why the Next 10 Years of Fallout Will Smash the Last 10

It is only logical way to think that in the next 10 years we will deeply enjoy Fallout 4. Let's remember the facts from the past; Original Fallout game came out back in 1997, Fallout 2 the next year, in 1998, and spin-off Fallout: Tactics came out in 2001. So, we "old" Fallout gamers enjoyed Fallout for more than 10 years until we finally got the new-gen sequel Fallout 3.. I know not many will agree, but New Vegas is actually another spin-off, no matter it is more similar to original Fallout games and it should be the true sequel to Fallout 2. So, when we can expect Fallout 4? In *2018! 10 years after Fallout 3 came out.. In my opinion, it will be worth of waiting as it was worth to wait for Fallout 3 for 10 years. It will also be the next-gen game and it will rock our world.

One of many popular memes about Fallout 4
When it comes to announcement, it could happen very soon, at VGX 2014, but I wouldn't get my hopes too high. Geoff Keighley, the executive producer of VGX, stated that he had a “great night planning with the ladies who run Bethesda,” hinting the possibility of a major game announcement. If Fallout 4 gets announced at VGX 2014, then we can expect it to come out in late 2015 / 2016, but as I said, I wouldn't get my hopes high. Bethesda also recently filed the trademark for Pip-Boy, but to me, it is something that should have been done in years before, and I don't think it has anything with hinting a possible Fallout 4 announcement. Let's just remember that there have been numerous hoaxes and speculations about the game, though officially there is no word yet.


To get back on the topic, the next 10 years of Fallout will smash the last 10 simply because we will get Fallout 4 eventually, and it will be the next GOTY, a game of epic proportions, just like it was Fallout 3 compared to Fallout 2 (I don't mean the story). It will be next-gen and that means the developer will be looking to improve the gaming experience by releasing it for next-gen consoles and PC only, with better graphics, processing power, detailed environment, immersive feel, and even with a deeper plot. According to a report by JBG News, this will lend a sense of morality to the game character. It opines that the developer could "exploit the idea of morality and use it as a driving force behind Fallout 4, intensifying the player's attention to detail and wanting to right (or wrong) things."

* Shots fired.

May 22, 2014

Wasteland 2 gets in late August

After 26 years of waiting, Wasteland fans will finally get their hands on the sequel, Wasteland 2, in late August, developer InXile Entertainment announced today.

Back in 2012, InXile hoped to raise $900,000 through Kickstarter in order to develop a sequel to classic RPG Wasteland. The project became one of the highest-funded the crowdfunding site had seen up to that point, raising more than $2.9 million. That sum caused its initial release target of October 2013 to get pushed back as the scope of the game was increased.

Those who backed the game on Kickstarter have had access to a beta version of it through Steam Early Access since late last year. InXile has been releasing updates for that version of the game in the meantime, the latest of which--the release of the full Arizona portion of the game--is now live for those with beta access.

GameSpot recently reviewed the Early Access version of Wasteland 2, finding that it "spectacularly balances the older style of classic PC RPGs and more modern sensibilities."

"It's exciting to be in the home stretch on a game I've been wanting to get to for the last two decades," said Wasteland 2 director Brian Fargo. "The feedback from our backers on the early beta has been great and I'm proud of the way Wasteland 2 is shaping up. The scope of the game is immense with a word count that is greater than The Lord of the Rings novels and a solid 50 hour+ game experience that has diversity from beginning to end. My goal has been to over deliver on our backer's expectations for Wasteland 2."
InXile hasn't provided a specific date in August for when the game will be available. When that day comes at the "end of August," Wasteland 2 will be available on PC, Mac, and Linux.

The original Wasteland, which was released in 1988 and was also directed by Fargo, was developed by Interplay Entertainment. That company would go on to create what's considered the spiritual successor to Wasteland, Fallout, more than a decade before Elder Scrolls developer Bethesda took over the reins and released Fallout 3, dramatically raising the profile of the series.

Fallout 1, 2 Tactics, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4