Showing posts with label Fallout 3. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fallout 3. Show all posts

June 15, 2014

The Best Fallout 3 ENB Presets


Midhrastic ENB for Fallout 3 by midhras

Midhrastic is an ENB configuration for use with Fallout 3 (and possibly also New Vegas). It was based off the ENBseries binary and shader files designed by Boris Vorontsov (of ENBseries is an image post-processing method hugely popular in games such as Grand Theft Auto IV and Skyrim, and many users have designed their own configuration using original and scrounged code and personally tweaked values. I’m a tweaker and scrounger myself. Upon recently discovering that Vorontsov released an experimental binary for use with Fallout: New Vegas, and after trillville (a.k.a. Anthemios) used it to great effect in Fallout 3, I had to try and design my own ENB. What you can download here is the result of that desire. See more >>

Realism ENB 0_237 by Wanny

This is simply an ENB aiming for realistic image. Nothing more, nothing less. Contains a custom weather ESP file and cloud textures to make sure there are no bugs. DLCs are not officially supported as I didn't work on them much (yet) but they will work. DC/Surburban area is partial cloudy, North is overcast and Wasteland East/West is sunny.

It is heavily edited to my taste and may not please everyone. I got a few requests to upload this ENB config so there we are. Hope you enjoy. I won't provide support much as I don't have much time for modding and I hope you understand. See more >>

Lone Wanderer ENB by lonewanderer518

Lone Wanderer ENB will enhance the sense of visual immersion and gameplay. Powered by ENB .161 it uses sun glares, palette based color corrections, bloom, SMAA, SSAO, Indirect lighting, and detailed shadows. Post processing is done with SweetFX. This adds anti-aliasing, Lumasharpen, HDR, DPX, Tonemapping, Vibrance, LiftGammaGain, Dither and Curves . Additionally, the prepass effects have modifications and original tweaks from Kyo and Midhras. These prepass effects bring you tilt-shift, chromatic aberration, sharpening, film grain noise, advanced focus, and bokeh blur with multiple offsets.

Two key characteristics are more realistic colors and depth of lighting. A goal that will continue to be developed is customization. Many variables are being worked on to give the user a chance to adjust this mod to their taste. Revive your game and travel the wasteland as the Lone Wanderer. See more >>

Enb Next Generation by TheRadik

Enb Next Generation is based in two different configurations for a different experience than the original. The Next Generation "F3ProjectRealitymkl" is a configuration adapted for this mod. And the Next Generation Standard is a configuration adapted for itself, but is based mod "Fellout". The Next Generation of configuration F3ProjectRealitymkl fantastic mod, has more variety of climates and some effects, this setup works fine for Fallout 3 DLC. It supports FALLOUT GOTY, and might even be true for New Vegas, but you should get off FN Mkl Project Reality mod for New Vegas to make it work, but for now only recommend using it in Fallout 3, because later I will make a similar setup for Fallout new vegas.

The Next Generation Standard Configuration, stands on its own, does not need to install another mod, and is compatible for Fallout 3, also works for all the DLC, but I found that there may be problems for the nights can be very bright, but could be solved if you download the DLC Support mod "Fellout". See more >>

Which one (if any) of those incredible mods have you tried? Share us some thoughts.

June 13, 2014

Fallout 3 the Most Popular Guild / Faction Mods

Mothership Zeta Crew by Nylonathathep

So, you've finished playing Mothership Zeta and have conquered your own starship. You are the commander, but your crew consists on a know-it-all brat and an agoraphobic field medic. Not exactly the mightiest army ever, is it? Well, we are going to change that.

Mothership Zeta Crew adds a new faction under your command. It will develop a whole history arc involving the recruitment and commandment of a force comparable with the enclave or the Brotherhood of Steel itself. Can't say much more without spoiling the story! Once the mod is active and you've finished the Zeta add on, a button will appear in the command bridge, on the console at the right of your command chair. Press it and let the story begin! Features:
  • New areas on the ship and outside
  • Hordes of new NPC
  • New unique missions (5 for now)
  • Enclave commander-esque features
  • New Armor
  • New Weapons
  • Special features
  • An epic story arc

MERC 2 by Vforvic and SiN

In Merc 2 you will meet Blain who promises safety and security in exchange for your help in locating a long hidden base. Blain seems to know about both you and your father and promises to help you both. If you follow Blain you could unlock a secret that promises wealth, security and advanced technology. With his help you could forge a new faction in the Wasteland and perhaps tip the balance of power…or others that seek the power could do the same. If you win you could have a powerful new faction to command with new locations, weapons, armor and a safe place to call home.

When I started writing for this mod I had a vision of bringing us back to FO2 where the decisions weren't as clear cut; morality by choice, not by design. The 1.5 version of MERC 2 is the result; NPCs who seem to live and breathe, each trying to make sense of a world that doesn't make sense and where the rules only apply to those who can defend themselves. See more >>

Raiders Regulators Talon Expanded by PimpBot420

This mod attempts to increase the variety of Raiders, Regulators, and Talon company mercenaries that you run across in the wastelands. In addition to a greater variety of equipment, there are a handful of new items that are added. All new items can be found on the appropriate enemy. This mod will not affect any Raiders or mercenaries that have already spawned in your game, only to newly generated enemies.
  • Raiders have received 15 armors, 17 headgear, 14 weapons.
  • Regulators have received 2 armor, 6 headgear, 2 weapons.
  • Talon company has received 2 armor, 6 headgear, 10 weapons.
  • Female Regulators and Talon Company mercs have been added.

8 new armors are introduced: Carnage Hawk Armor, Hand-Me-Down Raider Armor, Highway Scar Armor, Sharp-Dressed Raider's Armor, Regulator Trench Coat, Talon Metal Armor, Regulator Leather Jacket, Talon Recruit's Outfit
11 new headgear are introduced: Hunter's Mask, Hunter's Hat, Regulator's hat, Black Eye patch, Pyro Helmet, Welder's Shade, Anchorite's Helmet, The Devil's Pigtails, Deactivated Slave Collar, Wasteland Flatfoot's Cap, Talon Riot Helmet. No video available for this mod. See more >>

Reillys Rangers Expanded by Tubal

Don't have any reason to return to the Ranger compound after completing Reilly's quest besides the caps? Feel that a mercenary team of 4 seems a bit small to operate in the DC ruins?
Reilly's Rangers Expanded adds new rangers and new features to the compound over time. As you help the rangers to explore they expand their operation.

This initial version adds new rangers as guards for the compound, a merchant, a player-owned tent, a wearable ballistic mask, and a few other minor tweaks. All features will become available by returning to Reilly with mapping data. Currently there is no consideration for how much data is needed, so 1 map marker is all that's needed to unlock another step. Leave the area for a day or so for the expansion to take place. Also re textures the Ranger Battle Armour, and the ranger logos decorating the place. No video available for this mod. See more >>

See also: 

June 05, 2014

Rejected Fallout 3 Perks

In Fallout 3, you will gain a perk every level as opposed to every three levels in Fallout and Fallout 2, and every two in Fallout: New Vegas. There are 58 regular perks, 5 special perks and 7 quest perks in the normal game;
  • 2 special perks in Operation: Anchorage, though one is a special perk from the base game (Power Armor Training), 
  • 1 special perk and 2 quest perks in The Pitt, 
  • 14 regular perks in Broken Steel, 
  • 1 special perk, 2 quest perks and 3 cut perks (impossible to get without using the console or one or more mods) in Point Lookout
  • 1 special perk in Mothership Zeta
As you might have seen/use/know about those mentioned above, there is also a short list of perks that are rejected for Fallout 3 and would be interesting to see them in game:

  • Darwinian Perk: -100% depth. Player will also occasionally feel compelled to toss a live grenade at his own feet, then squeal in dismay like a digital cat.
  • Foppish Dandy Perk: -3 to Perception due to the player looking down his nose at everyone. Adds aura: Haughty Disdain. Does not protect against radiation.
  • Valueless Chav Perk: There are no discernible benefits gained from this particular perk, save from the ability to slightly frighten the elderly and frail.

  • Unsettling Gimp Perk: Player gains experience from any melee injuries inflicted upon him, but suffers -30 points to Speech skill due to restrictive ball-gag.
  • Mrs Doubtfire Perk: Immediate gender change, but each time the player uses V.A.T.S., there's a chance Pierce Brosnan will seduce their current companion.
  • Big Daddy Perk: +20 damage resistance, -1 hand, -5 to Sneak due to constant groaning. Enables the player to enlist any female child as a permanent companion.

  • Lil' Cthulhu Perk: -10 to Euclidean geometry, +10 disposition to Centaurs. Player can now look directly at the ground and press USE to immediately devour the Earth.
  • Barack Oblamma Perk: Immune to all attacks of any conceivable kind. Also gives +33% damage versus any human over the age of 70, +1 hope, +1 unity, +1 change.
  • Rod Hull Perk: The player has a 33% chance for an extra beak attack in V.A.T.S., but -50 disposition with all characters, particularly females. Fall damage is doubled.
The more you know..

Let's Talk About Fallout 3 (Page 2/2)

I know I've probably come off as extremely critical of Fallout 3. But I am not harsh for humour, this is what I genuinely think of the game. I understand that there was no way it would be the same as the old games, but as I said before, there's just some stuff that should go without saying. Fallout was so unique because of things like interactions being remembered and shared across locations. You can't just not include that, especially when you put great emphasis on factions in your new Fallout game. Thus, I have officially gotten to Fallout 3's plot, an unusually personal affair.

You can even decide which genitals you want!
Fallout 3 starts with you being born. This is one of more favorite introductions to a game. Fallout 3 uses the backdrop of the player character growing up in Vault 101 as a tutorial, which is a brilliant use of conveyance. It also helps that your dad in this game is voiced by LIAM NEESON. Time skips forward in several places, because while I would love a game where you just rp as a Vault Dweller, I imagine that wouldn't be the best idea of fun for most. You meet some fun characters, build your character in a nicely made interactive sequence (Or it would be, if you didn't have the option to just pick and choose.), and then shit happens. See, Vault 101 was one of those experimental Vaults brought up in Fallout 2. Nobody is allowed to enter or leave the Vault after it is sealed, and the Overseer is the supreme power. Naturally, your dad mysteriously leaving the Vault causes some "Problems"; The Overseer goes batshit crazy, kills your friend, and sends security to hunt you down. You are forced to leave the Vault in a rather cool little escape sequence. Then you re-roll your character...Way to ruin the immersion, guys. This is when you save to avoid playing this bit again, because it's only good the first time around, and chances are you will play through multiple times.

It's a beautiful wasteland...
Of course, the game sucks you right back in as you step outside for the first time. The sun blasting in your virgin eyes as the Wasteland slowly appears before you is a sight that is appropriately breathtaking the first time playing. From here, you can basically go and do whatever you want to do, though it's rather obvious the game wants you to follow a certain path, what with your very first quest being checking out the nearby town of Megaton. Despite being physically improbable, Megaton is a nice enough town and an interesting location, where you get a number of easy starting quests. Now the ultimate goal for the first half of the game is find Liam Ne- I mean your Dad. The plot is the conventional Fallout method: You go to a town, you talk to some dude, he leads you to another dude who saw your Dad, but he won't tell you where he went until you do some quest for him, rinse and repeat two more times. The good news is, like all the good Fallout games, there is plenty of interesting stuff and strong dialogue to boost this otherwise straightforward structure. The game doesn't end when you find him either, as you get some personal bonding with dear old Dad as you discover what exactly he was doing when he left.

Note: Spoilers ahead.
Dad is actually not from the Vault, and neither are you. You both came from the outside world, but your dad managed to convince the Overseer to let you both in as he was a capable doctor. Your dad was working on making a mass water purifier that would provide all of the Capital Wasteland with fresh clean water, but that sorta ended prematurely when you were born and your mom died in childbirth. He always intended to go back to the project when you grew up, and did so after learning about the GECK, which would be the last component needed for the purifier. This twist, while not particularly surprising (The hints too it are as subtle as an elephant stampede.), is still a pretty good one. Sadly, just as it looks like you are gonna finish the job, everyone's favorite group of assholes show up: The Enclave!

The Enclave: Ruining good times since 2077
Now one might pose a good question: Where the fuck did these guys come from? The answer is...Nowhere in this game. It is suggested that the Enclave had bases all over America, but if that's the case, why is this branch's agenda the exact same one as the original, when the entire reason the original had such a plan was that the Enclave found the intact vats at Mariposa; It was not the game plan from the moment the War began and ended for all branches everywhere! Where the fuck did they get their sample of the FEV virus? How did they make it in such a short amount of time. Where did they get the new Power Armor?! Why are they so united in their cause until the very last second, WHEN VICTORY IS LITERALLY WITHIN GROPING DISTANCE?! Either this is the single greatest coincidence in the history of storytelling, or Bethesda just didn't want to make a new antagonist. Great fucking job making it believable at least...

The Brotherhood of Steel: ALSO ruining good times since 2077
I haven't even gotten started on the other faction that appears for seemingly no reason: The Brotherhood of Steel. They gotta be in every single game, don't they? I guess it's because of the Power Armor, right? You need at least one faction that can provide Power Armor, because you NEED Power Armor, it is absolutely necessary. At least the Brotherhood have a logical reason for being here. Clearly this means Fallout Tactics is canon, and after expanding in Illinois, more Brotherhood decided to go check out the Capital for technological goo-gahs. The Brotherhood has gone from isolationist techno-zealots to altruistic peace keepers, losing all sense of identity, and they really are The Brotherhood of Steel in name and appearance only. So much so, in fact, that a good amount of them split and became the Outcasts, which would be cool if the game had a Faction system. But, wait a minute, I thought these guys were from the Chicago Brotherhood. You know, the group that already decided to be helpful to the community...Why would they trek all the way to DC then suddenly decide to go back to the old ways they'd abandoned long ago...Unless they AREN'T from Chicago....WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCKING FUCK.

Why does anyone like these assholes?
Borking of factions aside, the game has plenty of fun side quests to partake in, and the local radio DJ will spout off about your exploits regularly over his show, Galaxy News. The sidequests are where the game really thrives, offering up a number of really fun things to do and people to interact with, like stealing The Declaration of Independence from a robot convinced that he's Button Gwinnet (Don't ask). There's also the campaign itself, which offers some intense drama and action for those seeking it, and the story may very well suck you in with its steady and strong flow. Now of course I suppose I should mention the ending. The original ending to this game sucks; It's short, skimps alot on details, and then just sorta cuts out. It was so bad that one of the DLC, Broken Steel, was dedicated to fixing it.

Liberty Prime honestly makes the whole game worth it
So that was Fallout 3, how is it really? Well, the roleplay elements are threadbare, the difficulty is all over the place, and I could drive train sized holes through the plot, but I have to say it's enjoyable. The combat is visceral and deeply entertaining, the characters are fun and enjoyable, and the story's emphasis on family and striving for the greater good felt nice and sweet. It's definitely not better than Fallout 2, but it stands on its own as a solid game that successfully brought the series back from the brink. What do you think of 3?

More Let's Talk About:

Top 10 Fallout 3 Mods of All Time

FWE - FO3 Wanderers Edition by FWE Team

Fallout 3 Wanderers Edition (FWE) is a major gameplay overhaul that improves the challenge, immersion, depth of gameplay while emphasizing balance, choices, role-playing and fun. FWE integrates over 50 individual mods together with new content, resulting in a seamless package! Read more about this mod here.

Marts Mutant Mod - RC 62 by Martigen

MMMF3 focuses on adding a huge range of diversity to creatures and NPCs in the Fallout 3 world as well as adding new and unique creatures and NPCs to encounter. Read more about this mod here.

Fellout by Hattix

Fellout is a weather and lighting mod intended to get rid of that awful green tint to everything. It does this both indoors and out. Read more about this mod here.

Weapon Mod Kits by Antistar

Weapon Modification Kits - or 'Weapon Mod Kits' - allow you to use standard Workbenches to modify your favourite firearms with a range of handy attachments:
  • Auto-Fire Mechanism (AF): Adds full-auto firing capability to most guns that do not have it otherwise (also increases weapon spread by around 50% and reduces weapon to 65% of its default accuracy in VATS).
  • Extended Magazine/Clip (EC): Doubles magazine/clip capacity.
  • Laser Sight (LS): Increases accuracy (reduces weapon spread by around 33% and increases weapon accuracy in VATS by 25%).
  • Scope (SC): Can use scope to sight targets, increases range by 30%.
  • Silencer (SI): Makes weapon silent, reduces damage and projectile speed (by around 10% each).
In addition, the loving attention bestowed upon your weapon during modification results in durability improvements. Each successive mod applied to a weapon increases its durability by 25% (of its base durability). See more >>

NMCs_Texture_Pack_for_FO3 by NeilMc_NMC

It changes the vast majority of in-game graphics, does not cover the DLC. This was a years worth of work, all textures were made individually by 1 person alone, and took a great deal of effort. This graphics mod change: Roads, Landscape, Trees, Rocks, Vehicles- Cars/ Motorbikes/ Boats etc., Buildings- Litter & most paper scraps, Interiors- all aspects, walls ceilings floors etc., Medium to large sized objects (eg. toolboxes, Nuka cola vendors, chairs, cupboards etc). This encompasses the bulk of the in-game visuals, what I consider the vast majority of the graphics. See more >>

Fallout 3 Redesigned - Formerly Project Beauty HD by Dracomies and SpaceOden

This is my attempt to change NPCS in Fallout 3. I have redesigned their facial structure to give them a more natural appearance, as well as to preserve their character as well. It removes some of the awkward skin tones, and facial structures of the Vanilla versions. Rather than listing every NPC that was changed, you will need to take my word that nearly 500 NPCs have been redesigned in Fallout 3. Everything from children, Talon Mercs, women, men, Raiders, named NPCs, the random straggler walking on the side of the road, etc. I am an avid fan of Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 and this has helped me in making the characters fit the lore of Fallout 3. I also have had experience in the past with character design and with portrait drawing and this has helped me a tad with figuring out the right proportions for characters in Fallout 3. See more >>

Fallout 3 Re-Animated by Alendor

This is a re-animation project for Fallout 3 that I began in my spare time. While playing though the game I felt that the poses and animation just didn't suit my taste, and kind of took away from my experience. Not to say they are poorly done, however they just weren’t my style. So I began looking at how to get animations into Fallout 3, and this is my result. I’m a professional animator (although not in the biz long) and am using this project to help keep my skills up, as well as to enhance the game immersion which I feel could be increased with updated animations. Not necessarily requiring a quality update, as the Beth guys are great at their job, but just a different approach or style to the poses and animations such as rifle aiming, idles and so forth of the human characters. My goal is to reanimate a significant amount of the human animations that are all game play related. Of which there are around 300 of them, and I say game play related, because there is another 700+ animations in the idle folder. So I’m working on pretty much all the action based animations that will play on your player character. See more >>

EVE - Energy Visuals Enhanced by weijiesen and Cipscis

This mod will make you start using energy weapons. If you already are a fan, then try not to mess your trousers. To start with, here are a few of the things that EVE introduces:
  • THIRTY TWO new custom animated "Critical Kills" for laser/plasma/pulse/Fatman/missile
  • ALL new custom muzzleflashes for all laser/plasma/pulse
  • ALL new custom enhanced projectiles for all laser/plasma/pulse/MissleLauncher/flamer
  • ALL new realistic animated impacts for all laser/plasma/pulse
  • ALL new high-quality textures for all laser/plasma/pulse
  • ALL new sounds for laser/plasma/pulse/robots (ALL energy weps in FO3)
  • Insects and Supermutants have their own custom animated ash pile! (random chance to be seen upon laser crit kill)
  • NEW custom explosions for Plasma/pulse Grenade/Mine
  • New "Crit hit effects" for laser/plasma
  • New customized meshes for laser/plasma/pulse
  • All "unique" unergy weapon variants are now overhauled "Classic Fallout" weapons!
  • New awesome models for Plasma and Pulse grenades and mines (thrown)
  • New mesh Firelance, Vengence, WazerWifle, Protectron's Gaze, and more!
  • Pulse weaponry introduced to FO3 (all aspects: sounds, impacts, deaths, ect.)
  • Outcast's "Shredder" grenade introduced to FO3
  • PT900 (Plasma Thrower) Introduced to FO3! The king of heavy energy weaponry!
  • Fatman has crit kills! (x3)
  • Missile crit kill against a supermutant will dismember from the torso! (elbo and neck too)
  • Shooting dead bodies with an energy wep will have a chance to disintegrate it or cause shader FX.
  • Firelance will ignite enemies and bodies with a alien-ish blue flames FX.
  • New custom flamer model with awesome textures and sounds!
  • Flamer has own crit kills! (x5)
  • Flamer causes enemies (non robot) to have a chance to flee when on fire (dependent on their Endurance, and also you having the Pyromaniac perk helps)
EVE for Fallout 3 is now open-source. Use whatever, wherever. Go hog-wild for all I care. Would be nice to have credits mentioned wherever used, ofc. See more >>

Mothership Zeta Crew by Nylonathathep

So, you've finished playing Mothership Zeta and have conquered your own starship. You are the commander, but your crew consists on a know-it-all brat and an agoraphobic field medic. Not exactly the mightiest army ever, is it? Well, we are going to change that. Mothership Zeta Crew adds a new faction under your command. It will develop a whole history arc involving the recruitment and commandment of a force comparable with the enclave or the Brotherhood of Steel itself. Can't say much more without spoiling the story! Once the mod is active and you've finished the Zeta add on, a button will appear in the command bridge, on the console at the right of your command chair. Press it and let the story begin! See more >>

Underground Hideout by danthegeek

This Mod adds a Player Vault on the South East end of the Wasteland near Rivet City. The vault includes all the ammonites including a stocked Armory, Display areas, Item Sorters, special Weapons, and is Companion Friendly. The entrance is located West of the “Rivet City” Entrance in the Parking lot with the crashed planes and wrecked cars. See more >>

See also: Top 10 Fallout: New Vegas Mods of All-time

June 03, 2014

Let's Talk About Fallout 3

Brotherhood of Steel happened, it's true, and I can't change that. The game did irreparable damage to the franchise. Hell, it very nearly DESTROYED the franchise. Interplay sold Fallout to Bethesda and closed Black Isle's doors. Van Buren, the game that was meant to be Fallout 3, never saw the light of day; It was 75 percent complete if reports are to be believed. Fortunately for all of us, Bethesda wasted no time setting to work on a brand new one. And thus I present our topic of discussion this time: Fallout 3.

The first thing I'd like to mention is that the game is not really a sequel to the Fallout stories currently in progress. In fact, Fallout 3 really feels like another Fallout spin-off to me. It's in a completely new location, a lot of features from previous games are gone, and the overall package feels slightly off. Now before you start sending me a bunch of angry e-mails, I want to make one thing really clear: Fallout 3 is really good, even great. I enjoy the hell outta this game, and I'll even break it open and play it to this day, some 6 years later. And I'm not the only who thinks so. Fallout 3 completely revitalized the Fallout community, and it seemed to have the effect Brotherhood of Steel might have had if it, you know, wasn't utter shit; It brought console gamers into the Fallout world. But just because I love the game does not mean I can tear it some new holes, which I totally intend to do. So here we go.

The game swaps out the traditional isometric turn-based style with that of third-person shooting and exploration. There was exploring in the originals, to be sure, but it felt rather impersonal. all movement between locations was done by a map screen, where you controlled a little red X. Here, you see everything, and it certainly makes the world feel more real. The world itself has been painstakingly crafted to look like the world of Fallout, with very similar architecture and retro-futuristic trappings. The Capital Wasteland is a really big place, and while it's mostly desolate, there is still plenty of interesting locations to just come across and promptly explore. It's that sort of organic feeling that Bethesda is really good at cultivating, that makes you want to just wander into the wastes looking for shit. Throw in some awesome ambient tracks, and even a radio that plays retro tunes (Including The Ink Spots "Maybe", which kicked off the first game.), and you've got a very Fallout-feeling adventure that will promptly obliterate about 10 hours of your life. Problem is, there is only a handful of actual useful locations. It is highly doubtful you will ever go out to the fringes of the world looking for things because there are roughly 3 locations that provide all your basic needs and quests.

I personally believe you are a sadist if you collected all these. 
The inventory is roughly the same, though they've given it some fine tuning. Finally, you can loot corpses for every single thing they have on them, including the clothes on their backs and the pencils in their pockets. You need to do this for your main gear too, since weapons and armor now have degrading values, and must be constantly repaired and maintained. The clutter, while useless (Unless you get a very particular weapon crafted), adds to the feeling of scrounging for every last bit of stuff you can use. Or it would if the game were difficult. The game has arbitrary difficulty by making enemies that aren't tougher, but just have more health. This kind of thing drives me up a wall, and I'd like the game much less if it weren't for one simple thing: VATS. Oh yes, VATS. The Vault Assisted Targeting System emulates the aiming system from the originals, allowing you to pick out specific body parts on an enemy and shoot those in particular. It doesn't work in melee or unarmed like it used to, but you can still make incredible use of your guns against enemies who otherwise are a total pain. Deathclaws too fast for you? Break their legs! Mirelurks too tough? Shoot them in their uncovered faces! Super Mutants doing too much damage with their miniguns? Blast 'em right out of their hands! This system, combined with the game's plentiful gore, makes combat way more fun than it has the right to be.

Moving on from praise into more hate, Fallout 3 royally fucked up on one of the franchise's most prominent and important aspects: Karma and Reputation. Karma basically dictated how you would be perceived, as either a good, bad, or neutral individual. In the originals, all it did was affect how NPCs and towns initial reacted to you. In this one however, there's a bunch of crap that's dictated by Karma. Certain companions are unattainable, hit squads will hunt you down if you dip too far in either direction, and ultimately the game's ending is changed. This is fucking dumb, and I will now explain everything I hate about this. First, how do people in the Wasteland know everything you do? The only form of communication over large areas is caravans, and word of mouth isn't that reliable, not to mention there are several instances where no one could POSSIBLY know what you did (Saving Butch's mom in the Vault, for example.), but you get Karma for it anyway. Second, why the fuck are there hit squads for if you are a good guy? Like seriously, some jackass put a hit out on you for being incredibly helpful. What the hell! Lastly, Karma is far too easy to manipulate. I can literally detonate a nuclear warhead, and kill an entire town, full of innocent people, but I can just unload 40 bottles of water on some guy asking for them and ALL IS FORGIVEN. But the worst sin Fallout 3 has committed is there is no Reputation system. Factions are just sorta there, and you can never really join them. It makes it feel like there's no real stake in anything you do, since the only way to piss off NPCs is shooting them or TELLING them you are going to shoot them first, ya know, to be polite.

But on a positive note, what other game lets you nuke a town?! 
Lastly, the leveling in the game is wonky. Percentages have been replaced by solid numbers, meaning you can no longer level your skills past 100. Whatever, no big deal. But now you get a perk every level. While this sounds awesome, it's not, because initially there are barely any actual perks, just small stat increases. To make things lamer still, there are certain skills that you absolutely HAVE to level, unlike previous games where you could do pretty much whatever you wanted. Repair and Medicine are pretty much required if you want to have a good time, since Repair is necessary to maintain your gear, and Medicine...somehow magically dictates how effective drugs are...Because...They removed self healing from the game.

I'm not done yet, but we'll have to wait until next time to discuss more. Next time, I delve into Fallout 3's story, the quests, the controversial ending, and the DLC's. Do you disagree with what I think? Think I'm being too harsh? Go ahead and speak your mind, and thanks for reading!

Let's Talk About Fallout 3 - PAGE 2

More Let's Talk About:

May 31, 2014

Fallout 3 Best Weapon Mods

Zealotlees ACR - Adaptive Combat Rifle by Zealotlee

Adds an ACR Assault Rifle with many variants to the game. With FOSE installed the player can find various modification kits that can change the barrel of the gun, the optics, or add a silencer. All of these modifications can be changed on-the-fly without use of a workbench! There are also some hidden camouflage packages for the gun to give them a unique appearance. Raiders, Outcasts, and Talon Company can be seen using the ACR as well as some other NPCs. Random upgrades as well as ACRs can be found at vendors. There is an ACR (10.5" Compact) at 80% condition located inside Hamilton's hideaway along with all the available upgrades aside from the camo packages. A text file is included with the download that gives the location of the camo packages.

Unfortunately there is no other way for the upgrade system to work without FOSE. If there is a high enough demand for a non-FOSE version I will do my best to make it. As of version 1.2 you will now have the ability to field strip your ACR. Just equip the ACR you wish to field strip and use the ACR Kit- Field Strip item under the Aid section. This will remove all components from your currently equipped ACR except for whatever camo package you had applied before. You can use your "stripped" ACR to either build a new one via menu or use it for repair parts. Get it here.

Classic Fallout Weapons BETA by War1982

This mod is FREE to be used in any way you see fit, except for profit, and as long as you give appropriate credit. You will always be able to find the latest version of my weapons mod here,
if anyone wishes to modify/reskin this i'd be more than happy for them to do so, and please send me a copy so i can include it in the final build (.DDS preferred, but i can work with anything). All weapons can be found in shops, in the hands of raiders, Enclave troops, Brotherhood members, supermutants, NPCs etc. Get it here.

Community Ammunition Library - CALIBR by Tubal

The Community Ammunition Library (CALIBR) is an attempt to standardise the ammunition used by different weapon addons and modifications. Two mods that add weapons in the same caliber will not otherwise be able to use each other ammunition (assuming they do not use existing FO3 ammunition), leading to conflicts or duplicated but incompatible ammunition. An example: modder A adds the M14 rifle, which uses 7.62x51mm NATO ammunition. Modder B adds the FN FAL, which uses the same caliber. Even though they are able to use the same bullets in the real world, in Fallout 3 they cannot. The mod does not modify existing weapons, ammunition, or other aspects of the game, and if no CALIBR compatible mods are installed it will not affect the game at all. There should be no risk of conflicts with other mods, or official DLC's. This mode doesn't have video preview. Get it here.

Better Arsenal Desert Eagles V5 by Vashts1985

Adds the Desert eagle XIX plus a Unique firearm: Desert Dragon. Fight high level raiders.find them occasional at vendors that sell *rare* small arms. Desert dragon can only be bought from Smiling jack or cheated for at this time or "player.additem 00f0434f 1" without the quotes (desert dragon), "player.additem 00E0434f 1" without the quotes (desert eagle XIX), "00f2935e" for the .50ae. Short story video for mod preview: A mysterious wastelander seeks revenge for the murders of his friends and dog after being attacked by raiders. Get mod here.

Which one (if any) of those incredible mods have you tried? Share us some thoughts.

May 30, 2014

Fallout 3 Best Gameplay Effects and Changes

FWE - FO3 Wanderers Edition by FWE Team

Fallout 3 Wanderers Edition (FWE) is a major overhaul mod for Fallout 3 that changes underlying game mechanics and adds new features to the game. The aim of the mod is to improving the challenge, sense of immersion, depth of gameplay, and range of options compared the vanilla game. Generally, you'll find the wasteland to be a more dynamic but far less forgiving place. FWE's development is guided by two objectives. The first is to enhance the First-Person-Shooter (FPS) elements of the game (while still preserving non-FPS options). This includes making combat faster paced, exciting, and more player-skill based. The second objective is to enhance the role-playing elements of the game by emphasizing choices and consequences, balance, character development, immersion, and the range of viable options. Both these objectives aim to increase the replay value of Fallout 3. Get it here.

Fellout by Hattix

200 years since the bombs fell and somehow everything is tinted green? Things in Fallout and Fallout 2 weren't green. Fellout changes all that, giving a harsh world more reminiscent of the Sahara Desert or the Mad Max/Road Warrior movies though due to popular demand (and if Enhanced Weather is installed) some areas will have rain. Fellout also neutralises indoor lighting, removes green fogging and also water has been changed in most places. This is a l ittle experimental for the time being, but still quite a lot better than glowy green clouds of fog. Some purists may love it, some may hate it, but most people should get a kick out of the overhauled weather systems. If Fellout feels like a mod, then it's failed. If it feels like how the game should have been, it's succeeded. Get it here.

Marts Mutant Mod - RC 62 by Martigen

This mod is a port of MMM from Oblivion to Fallout 3. It focuses on adding a huge range of diversity to creatures and NPCs in the Fallout 3 world as well as adding new and unique creatures and NPCs to encounter. The mod is broken down into a core base and a range of optional modules. The key results the mod achieves are:
  • Every creature and NPC is unique with its own stats, size, confidence, health, damage and even skin (texture)
  • Creatures and NPCs suffer improved wounding effects such as visible bleeding and statistic penalties
  • Creatures and NPCs can loot the corpses of fallen enemies, after which you can find this loot if you kill them
  • Creatures and NPCs have improved behavioural AI based on class -- in any given group some may be aggressive towards you, some may be ambivalent, and others may avoid you outright.
  • Configurable increased spawns allow you tailor how many creatures and NPCs spawn in the game at any given spawn point
  • Improved faction system to better reflect inter-faction relations and ensure the player isn't the center of the universe
  • New creatures and NPCs to add variety to the wasteland -- all hand-crafted with their own stats, abilities, loot, weapons, textures and in some cases scripted AI behaviour. Get it here.

RTS - Real Time Settler by arcoolka and ripvanwinkle111

Like father, Like son. The lone wanderer set out into the wastes lead by the heroism of his father, The chance to change the world the chance to do good... That is what the lone wanderer did, Rebuilding of civilization. The people need a saviour they need someone to rise against the harsh vices that has claimed many, You my friend set out into the world to create an image of architectural brilliance create a save haven for those needing shelter. With the world at your finger tips what will you do? Every empire starts somewhere, with one village, Every empire has a great ruler, and that my friend is you. Build your village, a beacon of hope in the Wasteland. Decorate your village with furniture and trinkets. Manufacture weapons and armor and sell it on the open market. Get it here.

Which one (if any) of those incredible mods have you tried? Share us some thoughts.

May 28, 2014

Most Popular Fallout 3 Companion mods

Jessi Companion by Loxy38.

Teen Companion named 'Jessi' Which is short for Jessica (Class:Ranger), Her own Ranged and Melee Weapons (Some custom and some with custom textures), Usual A.I packages, Her own Pip-boy Light, New Hairstyle (By Ren), Custom Eyes with 4 extra colours, Her own PipBoy3000 and Glove, 5 Outfits, Her own Inactive Slave Collar, She smokes / Eats / Sleeps and has a sandbox mode when not hired or at Home, She can change your Race for you and Repair your gear for you,Extensive Customizations, Any Karma can recruit her, She can heal in battle and out of battle with Stimpaks, Home Marker System, Run Speed Menu, Barber Menu and Many Many more features. Way too many to list. Get it here.

Enclave Commander 090 by J3X

Command everything from a small strike squad to a whole army using the most advanced squad command system for Fallout III. Call in Airstrikes, carpet bombing runs, missile strikes, orbital strikes, reinforcements & transports wherever you want it, just point with your mouse! Five different factions to call in soldiers from; Enclave, Brotherhood of Steel, US army & Brotherhood Outcast. 6 different kinds of humanoid soldiers and 6 different kinds of robots to call it, including everything from stealth units and scientists to Chimera tanks. Get it here.

RobCo Certified by Talkie Toaster

RobCo Certified adds a new three-rank perk with the same name. With the perk, if you have a spare Fission Battery and some scrap metal you'll be given the option to repair any robot you destroy, turning them into a loyal ally who'll follow you anywhere. Each rank allows you to repair bigger and better robots to command. RobCo Certification is designed to allow non-combat sciency characters to be viable, letting them unleash a horde of robot minions against those who would threaten them. Version 2.0 lets you upgrade your robots, improving their firepower, and gives you vastly more control over their abilities and skills. It also adds Companion Share & Recruit compatibility, so friendly repairmen can fix up damaged bots. Plus, Zeta addons! Now you can command alien robots, and teleport them down from the Mothership if you run out back in the Capital Wasteland. Get it here.

Sharing and Caring Companions by ZableBlaze

The SCC master file allows you to easily recruit any NPC you can open dialogue with. Recruited companions will follow, sneak and fight alongside you. Sharing and Caring Companions also allows you to trade with your friends and give them simple orders like 'wait' and 'dismiss'. As new commands are released for FOSE you'll see more complex orders and different ways of issuing them to your companions. Get it here.

Which one (if any) of those incredible mods have you tried? Share us some thoughts.

Fallout 1, 2 Tactics, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4