Showing posts with label Fallout 3. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fallout 3. Show all posts

June 29, 2014

Fallout 3 - Cut Content (Part 2)

This article continues from Fallout 3 - Cut Content (Part 1)

Cut raider graffiti


There are also the cut weapons Mason jar mines and Piggy bank grenades that appear only in The Art of Fallout 3. There is no hint of what they might have done or what damage they might have caused, as there is only concept art about them:

Mason jar mine:
The mine itself seems to be a combination of nails, an empty jar, a stick of dynamite and a lit cigarette. The cigarette burns down, and eventually ignites the fuse on the dynamite. When it explodes, it sends the nails flying, due to where the dynamite is placed, it would send the nails in a limited direction. Also this wouldn't be able to function as a mine, due to the fact that cigarettes are not proximity activated. It would instead function like a time bomb.

Piggy bank grenade:
It is a grenade version of the bottlecap mine because, as the name suggests, it would have used currency for shrapnel. Unlike the bottlecap mine or the Nuka-grenade, the piggy bank grenade appears to use a powder fuse rather than an electronic one.

Fired at the player by a trap. There is sufficient evidence to suggest it was a player weapon at one point, including a first person view model and Pip-Boy icon for a cut Throwing skill.

Black Bart's Bane
This weapon's damage, critical damage, and item HP are all double that of a normal BB gun, and its value has been raised accordingly from 36 to 60 caps. In all other aspects it is identical to a normal BB gun. This weapon can not be found anywhere in the game. It is obtainable only via console command on PC or inventory edit on Xbox 360. To get Black Bart's Bane, use the console command: player.additem 6B535 1

Black Bart's Bane

The Breaker is a unique nail board. It can be repaired with nail boards. it differs in that it does more damage, more DPS and more than double the durability. This weapon cannot be found anywhere in the game and can only be obtained via console. To get The Breaker, use the console command: player.additem CB546 1

Clover's Cleaver
Clover's Cleaver is a unique Chinese officer's sword cut from the final release of Fallout 3. It has higher Damage and Damage per second but a Critical Chance .5 lower than that of the normal Chinese officer's sword. It was intended to be used by the non-player character Clover, similar to Butch's Toothpick, which is used by Butch DeLoria. This weapon can only be obtained via console commands. To get Clover's Cleaver, use the console command: player.additem C80B8 1 100

Cryo grenade
The cryo grenade was originally a weapon cut from the final version of Fallout 3. It does not exist in the final version of the game, nor does it exist as an unused item in the G.E.C.K. editor. The mesh and texture are contained within Fallout 3's BSA files, but these files were not used, as new meshes and textures were made to replace them in Mothership Zeta.

Cryo mine
The cryo mine was originally a weapon cut from the final version of Fallout 3 for an unknown reason. It does not exist in the final version of the game, nor does it exist as an unused item in the G.E.C.K. editor. However, the mesh and texture are contained within Fallout 3's BSA files, these files however were not used and new meshes and textures were made to replace them in Mothership Zeta (the original mesh and texture were eventually used in Operation: Anchorage as spider drones).

Its appearance resembles that of the in game homemade weapons, and it was intended as an Energy Weapons dependent homemade weapon. Several junk items possibly related to the Cryolator were also cut; a coolant component (which forms the midsection of the Cryolator) and a liquid nitrogen canister (which was possibly intended as ammunition) are two. Both of these items use the same texture file as the Cryolator. The Cryolator and the possible components mentioned above do not exist in the game (except for the crutch used for the stock and the weapon's base), nor do they exist as unused items in the G.E.C.K. editor. However, the meshes and textures for them and the weapon itself are contained within Fallout 3's BSA files.

Curse Breaker
A unique baseball bat that was cut from Fallout 3. It deals more damage and has a better critical chance (x1.5 compared to x1.0 of a common baseball bat). It can be repaired with baseball bats. This weapon cannot be found anywhere in the game and can only be obtained via console command player.additem C80BB 1.

Discharge hammer
The discharge hammer is a weapon from the Fallout 3 add-on, Broken Steel that exists in the game files, but never used in game. It's a super sledge that does increased electrical damage to robots. This weapon can not be found anywhere in the game. It is obtainable only via console command on PC.

The baseball bat is a common melee weapon found in the Wasteland. The United States was stereotyped as a patriotic country, so it's very logical to find them everywhere. While useful for close combat with raiders, they are not particularly effective against the more durable foes found throughout the Wasteland.

An equippable, non-damaging pair of fists, equivalent to being completely unarmed, except not eliciting a reaction from any NPCs whatsoever. It is coded as part of the game engine rather than being pulled from external asset files like all other weapons.

Frag mine
The internal name of this weapon associates it with the Tranquility Lane portion of the main quest, but there are no mines used there in-game. This was probably intended as an alternate method for murdering Mabel Henderson at Betty's command. This version inflicts 300x as much damage, is much more valuable (3900 vs. 25 caps), and oddly weighs twice as much.

Gauss rifle (Beta)
The beta Gauss rifle is a beta version of the scoped Gauss rifle that uses the model of a laser rifle and features a five round magazine. It only does about 25% of the damage of the final version, but has a 100% knock-down chance. It is only obtainable through console commands. It can only be found in DLC05TestPhil cell with many other cut items from Operation Anchorage, like the Peepers. The beta version is especially interesting because, when fired, it shows the true trajectory of the Gauss rifle's shots, where as the "official" version of the weapon shows a misleading visual representation of the bullet trajectory. When firing the beta version, the round clearly fires quite a ways up and to the right of the center of the scope. For some reason this off-center trajectory remained unchanged in the "official" version, leading many players to confusing missed shots, because visually the round appears to be dead-center despite the fact that the actual coded path for the round remains up and to the right. A side-by-side comparison of both Gauss rifles, the beta and the "official", tested on multiple targets from multiple angles seems to confirm this.

Gauss rifle (Beta)
Grenade launcher
A cut content weapon in the Broken Steel add-on for Fallout 3. The grenade launcher is listed in the G.E.C.K., but was not placed in game. It's a modified combat shotgun that shoots grenades instead of shotgun shells. This weapon was created during one of Bethesda's tutorials on how to use the GECK and appears to be left in the game.

Laser rifle (demo)
A weaker version of the laser rifle, seemingly used for a demonstration, with lower crit damage (10 vs. 22).

Law Dog
A unique .32 pistol with slightly increased damage and increased value. Although it is a light weapon, it pales against the N99 10mm pistol in terms of rate of fire and damage. It can, however, be fired quite fast if the player can get a rhythm down. The Law Dog does not appear in anywhere in the game, it can only be obtained by using the console command: player.additem 6B532 1 100

Lightning gun
The lightning gun is a weapon from Broken Steel that is listed in the G.E.C.K., but it was not placed in game. It is a unique AER9 laser rifle. The lightning gun fires, essentially, a basic laser rifle's laser. At the point of impact it generates a natural gas cloud. After a moment, a second laser flies in (horizontally, from a seemingly arbitrary location) towards the gas cloud to ignite it. The secondary laser might not be able to reach the gas cloud (blocked by terrain/objects) in which case the gas cloud can be ignited manually by firing another shot into it (with the lightning gun or any other weapon that can ignite natural gas).

Love Tap
A unique variant of brass knuckles. Love Tap boasts slightly higher Damage than their common counterparts, a Critical Multiplier of 2 as opposed to 1 for the regular brass knuckles. They also deal more Critical Damage than common brass knuckles. In addition, they require 3 fewer Action Points per attack in V.A.T.S.. However, Love Tap is hindered by only having 100 item HP, half as much as regular brass knuckles. This weapon cannot be found anywhere in the game. It is obtainable only via console commands. To get Love Tap, use the console command: player.additem C80B9 1

Mirelurk bait grenade
A special frag grenade, which, based on the name, would have acted as bait to attract or lure away mirelurks. It is unimplemented: it is impossible to obtain without using the console, and it does not work, as mirelurks simply ignore them. It uses the frag grenade's world model and explosion effect but does zero damage, though it still causes the concussive effects if the player stands too close to the explosion. They were intended for the Wasteland Survival Guide, when Moira Brown sends the player into the Anchorage Memorial, and are mentioned in the script for the quest. This weapon can not be found anywhere in the game. It is obtainable only via console command on PC. To get a mirelurk bait grenade, use the console command: player.additem 30664 1.

O'Grady's Peacemaker
An unique police baton. It can be repaired with other police batons. There was to be a guard called O'Grady who would carry this weapon, but he was cut from the final version. This weapon cannot be found anywhere in the game and can only be obtained via console command player.additem 7843D 1

Pa's Fishing Aid
A unique version of the double-barrel shotgun added to Fallout 3 with the Point Lookout add-on, but was essentially cut post-production. It looks identical to its regular version, the double-barrel shotgun, but differs in damage, price and other characteristics. It can only be repaired with combat shotguns.

Smoke grenade
The smoke grenade was formally cut from Operation: Anchorage, but much like the Tesla cannon (Beta), can be reached out of the normal map boundaries.

Sonora Cruz's 10mm pistol
Sonora Cruz's unique 10mm pistol inflicts 100 damage per hit. It is flagged as unplayable, it will not show up in her inventory and cannot be pickpocketed. As she is programmed to flee instead of fight, she will never use it, effectively making it unused.

The spanner was cut from the final version of the add-on and can only be retrieved from the object database through the use of console commands. The spanner is a wrench - with a value and weight higher than that of other wrenches - equippable as a weapon, and the only one of its kind. As it was cut from the game, it was left unfinished; it is held in a strange manner (upside down and against the player's arm). It will knock down enemies on critical hits.

Tesla cannon (Beta)
This Tesla cannon is a developer test weapon, presumably an early developmental version of the Tesla cannon. It is aesthetically identical to a missile launcher and uses missiles as its ammunition source. It can be obtained via a glitch or console commands. It fires the same blast of electricity as the normal Tesla cannon. This Tesla cannon (it is just called "Tesla cannon" in the game) delivers less damage than the actual cannon, and uses up more A.P. per shot, but it can actually be repaired by ordinary missile launchers (but not vice versa). This means that unlike the regular Tesla cannon, the test version can be repaired to 100% indefinitely (assuming the player's repair skill is high enough). One copy of this weapon can be found outside the map boundaries at satellite relay station. It is obtainable via some rather tricky jumping, building an ammunition staircase, using Dogmeat, or console commands.

Tesla cannon (Beta)

Wanda is a unique R91 assault rifle found in the object database. In-game, it is functionally the same as the Xuanlong, with the exception of being more easily repaired. It can be repaired with other R91 assault rifles. This weapon exists in the game files, and can only be obtained through console commands on the PC version. The gun is inside the mailbox marked "weapons" within the testing hall that is accessible with console commands (coc TestQAItems).


Ant resin
Ant resin is an amorphous mixture of carboxylic acids that are obtained directly from giant ants. It is yellowish-green in color and is shiny and/or iridescent. The editor ID for this item in the GECK is "MS02AntResin." MS02 is the ID for The Superhuman Gambit quest, indicating that it was most likely related to the AntAgonizer, but was cut from the final version of the game. Though it serves no purpose in either game, this item is found in the game files for both Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.

Big Book of Science
An oversized copy of the science skill book. Its internal prefix associates it with the quest Wasteland Survival Guide. It weighs five Fallout pounds.

Unused. Its internal name prefix associates it with the quest Tranquility Lane. There in fact is a chandelier in the simulation which can be used to commit and assigned act of murder, but it is a world object, not an item.

Computer Password Module
Related to the quest "Stealing Independence".

Constitution of the United States
One of many cut documents related to Stealing Independence, as are the others: Emancipation Proclamation, Monroe Doctrine, Museum Token, U.S. Declaration of War on China and U.S. Declaration of War on Germany.

Control Collar
Called RRControlCollar internally. The 'RR' prefix is used exclusively for Reilly's Rangers.

Empty Sap Container
Quest item related to "Oasis". The player might have been supposed to show this to Father Birch after completing the quest for his side as proof.

Motivational Secrets of the Stars
Preliminary version of the speech skill book. Uses the world mesh of the green pre-war book. Unlike the used skill books, it weighs three nonspecific weight units.

(Pre-War Book)
There are seven unused pre-War books skins. None of them have names. The skins were later used in Fallout: New Vegas for junk items.

Survival Guide Manuscript
An item from a cut segment of the quest The Wasteland Survival Guide. At one point you were given a manuscript and had to go to Hubris Comics to print out copies. In the final game however, the location is not connected to any quest.

The Great House of Lod
A miscellaneous item which was cut from the final version of the Fallout 3 add-on, Point Lookout. It uses the junk item icon in the Pip-Boy, and the world model of a ruined book. It has a script attached which seems to imply that it was used for LOD (Level of Detail) testing.

Wasteland Survival Guide
Finalized version of the Wasteland Survival Guide. Classified as a book, rather than a miscellaneous item like the one accessible in game.

An item version of the book You're SPECIAL!, which is used to allocate stat points in Fallout 3.

Actor effects

This is an unused critical kill effect for weapons that fire mini-nukes, much like disintegration or gooification. The victim is engulfed in a sparkling bright lime green particle effect. The corpse is strangely rendered transparent afterwards with a mild radioactive glow, possibly due to a missing texture.

Better Rivet City Prices
Related to the quest The Wasteland Survival Guide. Increases barter by 15, regardless of location.

EMP Disable
Has the effect of a Pulse grenade on susceptible targets. The weapons in-game use the EMP object effect, which is effectively the same thing.

The same trait from Fallout 1 and 2. Increases AP by 10 and reduces DR by 20. Fallout 3 doesn't have traits, so it would have been a perk instead.

Life Giver
There are effects for unused second and third ranks for this perk.

Called "DeathClawPoison" internally. Deathclaws cannot inflict poison in the final game.

Rad Poisoning
Called "NukalurkAttack" internally.

RL3 Survive
Increased DR by 10, three stages.

Stealth Shield
Called "EnclaveInfiltratorStealth" internally. Runs a stealth boy script on the actor.

Base effects

Ant Vision
Ant Vision
Calls a script which was to be activated after consuming Ant Nectar.

Cure Addiction
Meant to cure a particular Addiction, or all.

Damage Chest
The only "damage body part" effects which are used are damage legs, used by the Dart gun. Including effects: Damage Left Arm, Damage Right Arm.

Other cutted base effects (not much known about)
Attack Health, Cripple Be Gone Effect, Damage Radiation Resistance, Flamer Burn, Flamer Smoke Effect, Frost Damage (This was possibly used later in Mothership Zeta), Generic Debug Effect, Glowing One Rad B Self Effect, Glowing One Rad Burst, (no name) (Gooification Effect Shader), Increased Agility - Jet, Increased Agility - Psycho, Increased Damage Resistance - Med-X, Increased Endurance - Med-X, Increased Perception - Jet, Increased Strength - Jet, Increased Strength - Med-X, Increased Confidence, Increased Speed Multiplier, Reduce Charisma (Mentat Addiction), Reduce Charisma (Psycho Addiction), Reduce Charisma (Buffout Addiction), Reduce Intelligence (Psycho Addiction), Reduce Intelligence - Psycho+, Reduced Action Points, Reduced Carry Weight, Reduced Health, Reduced Luck, Reduced Poison Resistance, Reduced Radiation Resistance, Script Effect, Shock Damage

Vault Boy stat images

You can see some of the unused Vault Boy graphics, such as - Light Step perk graphic, similar to the one used in the first two Fallout games. The version in Fallout 3 uses landmines instead of beartraps. Healing rate. The player character cannot heal at all in Fallout 3 without using items, resting, or having specific perks. Action Points. There is no method for the player character to actually see their derived statistics.

As you can see there is plenty of cutted content from the Fallout 3 game, and those above are just the most interesting ones, not all of it. For more cut content visit Fallout wiki, which was the source of this article.

June 26, 2014

Fallout 3 - Cut Content



The following are unused alternate icons for some weapons, intended for some sort of HUD pop-up.

Throwing is a skill from the first two Fallout games, which in Fallout 3 was consolidated into the Explosives skill to simplify gameplay. There are Pip-Boy images in the game's texture file which reveal that it was planned to return at some point before ultimately being cut. The image intended for use as its skill icon was later used in Fallout: New Vegas for the Heave, Ho! perk.

Fallout 3 cut content refers to content in Fallout 3 which was cut from the final version of the game. Most of it can still be found in the game files but is inaccessible within the game itself. The equipment can still be obtained by use of console commands.


a main quest in Fallout 3 which was cut from the final game. Its quest stages can still be found in the game files but beyond that there appears to be nothing left of it. In this quest, the player was supposed to enter Rivet City through an underwater hatch, acquire the energy source of "the prototype" and return it to Scribe Rothchild in the Citadel. The final objective was to meet Elder Lyons in his study.

Last Rites
Taking place after Take it Back!, its purpose is unknown, since all traces of its existence and form are deleted from the game files.

The Wasteland Survival Guide
At some stage in development, the Wasteland Survival Guide contained another quest stage. The player's objective would have been to print the books at Hubris Comics and return them to Moira (who at this point was apparently still called "Lea") as part of the work on the last chapter. This makes Moira's remark in the final game that it's cynical of the player to assume she would require such a dangerous task of him/her doubly ironic. Judging by its editor ID, the mirelurk bait grenade was also intended to be part of this quest. It was most likely to be used for the mission at Anchorage Memorial.

The quest, which involved Sarah Lyons, was completely removed from the game along with almost every trace of its existence - with the exception of a strange disk intended for use in the quest.

Radio Station

Tenpenny Tower radio
A radio station cut from the final edition of Fallout 3 at an unknown point in the game's development. Several lines of dialogue that were recorded for the station still exist among the game files and can be accessed with the G.E.C.K. The DJ for Tenpenny Tower radio is described in the script notes as someone "trying to sound like a radio celebrity." Quotes:
  • "Thank you for listening to Tenpenny Tower radio service. Brought to you by Allistair Tenpenny."
  • "This is Tenpenny Tower radio!"
  • "You're listening to Tenpenny Tower radio, the sound of progress!"
  • "This is Tenpenny Tower radio, music and inspiring talk for forward thinking people."
Allistair Tenpenny recorded several proverbs and maxims for broadcast on Tenpenny Tower radio for a feature to be called "Tenpenny Truisms". The Truisms:
  • "The poor man wishes for prosperity. The rich man makes his own."
  • "We must turn our thoughts away from that which is imperfect and impure."
  • "On that vast plain of dust we will raise new cities, and like the Phoenix spread the wings of new life and take flight!"
  • "Never wonder for a moment if you are worthy of the benefits you possess. Rather wonder always if you have utilized them to their fullest."
  • "All men were created equal. Not all men remain so."
  • "The beggar must lay down his cup, for a man needs both hands to grasp the future."
  • "Let us release our fears of the past into our hopes for the future!"
  • "The poor man wonders why he is poor. The rich man knows why he is rich."


Tuck Johnson
Tuck &  Karen Johnson

was abandoned some time during development prior to the Andale-based unmarked quest Our Little Secret being completed. Little remains implemented with regards to the non-player character, but remaining AI packages and code snippets lend clues as to his intended role within Andale. The character was to be based primarily out of his house (location not specified) and would proceed about a normal routine. It is not clear if any special conversations were to be available between him and the Lone Wanderer, but remaining dialog and conversations in the associated packages for Andale residents have him responding to the Lone Wanderer in a friendly, welcoming manner.

Susie Mack (as a child)
While Susie doesn't appear during the birthday party in Growing Up Fast, her unused 10-year old model exists in the G.E.C.K.

Christine Kendall (as a child)
While Christine doesn't appear during the birthday party in Growing Up Fast, her unused 10-year old model exists in the G.E.C.K.

Karen Johnson
It appears that Karen Johnson was abandoned some time during development prior to the Andale-based unmarked quest Our Little Secret being completed. There is another cut character with a similar name in the game's files, Tuck Johnson, presumably her husband. Karen Johnson and her husband were most likely one of the other "families" living in Andale. This is because it is said that four families survived the great war in Andale but in game there are only two "families".

Little Toe
Little Toe is a barely functional man wearing metal armor. He was to be a part of the Replicated Man quest and had a connection with another character, Trigger. Along with Trigger, he was removed from the game.

Meat (non-player character version)
Meat is a friendly glowing one that can be found in The Chop Shop in 2277. There is still a non-feral, non-player character version  of Meat in the game files.

Paladin Northup
Paladin Northup
Little is known about Paladin Northup, other than he was going to be part of the Brotherhood of Steel and that he had a few unique lines of dialogue. His internal name places him in Chesterbrook, PA.

Rock Crick hunter
Rock Crick hunters can only be added by console commands on the PC. If placed in the game, Rock Crick hunters will talk about hunting yao guai with each other, and if spoken to by the Lone Wanderer will eventually mention that "there's a 'Guai den to the north." Which area they are referring to is not specified beyond this.

Their editor IDs (FFDRockCreekHunter01, FFDRockCreekHunter02, and FFDRockCreekHunter04 through FFDRockCreekHunter07) suggest that they may have been intended to be associated with Rock Creek Caverns in some way. Additionally, the above Editor IDs appear together in a Form List (FFDCRockCreekHuntersLIST) whose only other entry is for Grandma Sparkle. This likely indicates that these are her "boys" who are out "hunting 'lurks" before being cut from the game, with Grandma Sparkle's dialogue the only remaining bit.

She is a character that was cut from the final release of Fallout 3, but the game files indicate that she would have appeared in Little Lamplight.

He was to be a part of the Replicated Man quest and had a connection with another character, Little Toe. Along with Little Toe, he was removed from the game.

Nothing much is know about O'Grady, but it is known that he was supposed to be a guard carrying the unique police baton, O'Grady's Peacemaker. He was cut from the game.


Was a named centaur cut from the final release of the game. Although identical to normal centaurs stat-wise, Clancy's internal name associates him with the quest Wasteland Survival Guide. Although he cannot be found anywhere in the game, Clancy can be found in the game files. His reference id is 2d3be.

Manowar tendril floater
Needle Tooth Floater
This new version of a floater possesses an eye in the place of a regular floater's mouth. Manowar tendril floater does not appear in the files of Fallout 3, but can be found in the book The Art of Fallout 3.

Needle tooth floater
This is a new version of a floater that is notably different from the basic version. It resembles a spider, but with a human head. Needle tooth floater does not appear in the files of Fallout 3, but can be found in the book The Art of Fallout 3.

Lamprey floater
This is a new version of floater much like the basic version but the mouth is only on one side and has teeth, and it possesses an eye above it. Lamprey floater does not appear in the files of Fallout 3, but can be found in the book The Art of Fallout 3.

Mister Mulberry
Mister Mulberry is a cut Mister Handy which was set to appear in Megaton. He is a non-hostile character, but he only has two generic dialog lines. Mister Mulberry can be found in Fallout 3's game files, with his reference id being 1d770.

Catfish mirelurk
A humanoid, mutated catfish known as a "catfish mirelurk" also appears in The Art of Fallout 3, the art book available with the collector's edition of Fallout 3.

Mutant wanamingo
Mutant wanamingo is a creature cut from the final version of Fallout 3. This is a wanamingo very mutated by radiation. Its mouth has been enlarged, it has been rendered sans tentacles and has taken a pinkish color. It appears wildly different than those encountered in Fallout 2.

Armor and clothing

All-purpose science suit
A unique version of the Enclave scientist outfit. Though unused, it was added to Fallout: New Vegas in a patch.

Apocalypse gladiator armor
They are identical with metal armor and metal helmet in terms of looks and stats except for an increased durability (75 instead of 50 item hitpoints for the helmet and 1200 instead of 500 for the armor).

Army power armor
It has a US Army band on each shoulder. There is no matching helmet for the Army power armor.

Composite recon armor
The armor is identical to recon armor in terms of stats and looks except for an increased durability (item health of 600 compared to 400 for the standard armor). The helmet is a recon armor helmet with increased durability (item health of 70 compared to 40 for the standard helmet) and an additional bonus of +1 to Perception. Composite recon armor and composite recon helmet can be found in the game files of Fallout 3 but are not used anywhere in the game.

Enclave Shocktrooper armor
Enclave Shocktrooper armor and the matching Enclave Shocktrooper helmet are a suit of power armor which, although present in the game files of Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, were not used in the final game. They are identical in appearance to Enclave power armor and helmet. In comparison with those, their stats are nearly identical except for increased item hitpoints and values as well as a decreased Damage Resistance on behalf of the Shocktrooper helmet.

Hat of the People
Unused in the base game of Fallout 3, but later used in The Pitt.

Raider armors and helmets
  • Hand-me-down raider armor (visually identical with raider sadist armor)
  • Highway scar armor (visually identical with raider blastmaster armor)
  • Sharp-dressed raider's armor, gives +10 speech and 1 CH (visually identical with raider painspike armor)
  • The Devil's pigtails (identical with raider psycho-tic helmet)
  • Pyro helmet (identical with raider blastmaster helmet save for the missing bonuses)
Handyman jumpsuit
The handyman jumpsuit is tinted red and can only be repaired with the Red Racer variant.
Although only obtainable via console commands in Fallout 3, a version of this jumpsuit is added in the Point Lookout add-on, worn by the weapons dealer Haley. The Point Lookout version will repeatedly give the +5 bonus each time the area is reloaded, allowing for an non-player character's repair skill to be maxed out at 100.

Head wrap
Has a red and yellow texture, is later used in Point Lookout.

Highway scar armor
Similar to raider blastmaster armor, with lower DR (15 vs. 16).

Makeshift gas mask
The makeshift gas mask is an unused piece of equipment in Fallout 3 which would have been used in Vault 106. In appearance, it is identical to the raider blastmaster helmet; it can also be repaired with it.

Leather armors
Leather armor is an enhanced, one long sleeved, black leather
jacket. The female version also lacks a left sleeve, and has
football shoulder pads in place of the Road Warrior
style pauldrons.
Three cut versions of leather armor can be found in the game files. They are identical to leather armor in all but name and can only be obtained via console commands. They are:
  • Commando armor
  • Defender armor
  • Road Rascal leather armor
Oasis exile hood
Similar to the Oasis druid hood, but with higher monetary value. (30 vs. 6).

Outcast recon armor
An Outcast variant of recon armor. Statistically similar, except the helmet gives +1 perception.

Police hat
Though unused, a children's version exists. The adult version is made available in expansions.

(Unique) Pre-War outfits
Indistinguishable from the regular version in-game, though they will appear as different items in the inventory. Their uniqueness is only apparent when looking at them in the editor, and they are likely just copied placeholders for until the developers could create differing names, stats and textures (which they never did).

Pre-War outfit and watch
Worn by the player character in Tranquility Lane. A regular version exists for child NPCs, but is unused.

"Robo-Thor" armor
"Robo-Thor" armor and "Robo-Thor" helmet are a suit of armor found in Fallout 3. While it looks the same as the Tesla armor, its stats more closely resemble the Enclave power armor. The only known way of obtaining this item is through console commands.

Shellshocked combat armor and helmet
  • Shellshocked combat armor (identical with standard combat armor) base id: 000cb5ef.
  • Shellshocked combat helmet (identical with standard combat helmet) base id: 000cb5f0.
Sleepwear is a piece of cut clothing. It is identical to sexy sleepwear and can only be retrieved through the console. Sleepwear gives a +1 bonus to Charisma.

Surgical mask
Its internal name ties it to the Wasteland Survival Guide quest. It has no world model or menu icon. A second version also exists, which is the version worn by James in the intro sequence. This version has no name when added to the inventory and does not affect the user's stats.

Talon combat armor
There are unique versions of both armor and helmet in the game files, with different base IDs and better stats. The unique variants have higher Damage Resistance and durability, but can only be obtained by using console commands.

Tesla resonance armor
The armor has stats that are identical to the regular Tesla armor. The Tesla resonance armor is a piece of armor which was cut from the final version of the Fallout 3 add-on Broken Steel. The Tesla resonance armor can only be added by console commands on the PC.

The Peepers
They are identical in appearance to the biker goggles. They provide a Damage Resistance of 1 as well as a scripted night vision effect. The Peepers are an armor item that was cut from the final version of the Fallout 3 add-on Operation: Anchorage.

Uses the same skin as the Vault 101 jumpsuit for male characters, and as glued-on underwear for female characters. This may be a sign that underwear was independently equippable, or that the player would wear the Vault jumpsuit under any external armor like in the first and second Fallout games.

Vault 87 jumpsuit
These suits were worn by the ill-fated subjects of Vault 87's Evolutionary Experimentation Program. Although the Vault 87 jumpsuit was put into the game's files, the game itself offers no opportunity to obtain one, and the only ones seen throughout the game are worn by Fawkes and the failed FEV subjects, ripped to shreds by their larger, mutated bodies.

Vault 92 jumpsuit
The Vault 92 jumpsuit was worn by its ill-fated residents. It cannot be found anywhere in-game, as the residents are dead and their jumpsuits have decayed. It can only be obtained via the use of console commands.

Explorer's and Wastelander's gear
These armors can be found in Fallout 3's game files but are not actually used anywhere in the game. They can only be obtained by using console commands.
  • Explorer's gear is identical in looks and stats with the merc troublemaker outfit except for being considerably lighter (weight of 3) and having 8 DR instead of 1.
  • Wastelander's gear is also identical to the merc troublemaker outfit except for its weight. It's even lighter than the Explorer's gear at only 2 pounds.


See article about rejected Fallout 3 perks here.

June 23, 2014

The Most Popular Fallout 3 Building Mods

Mini Hideout - Player Home - Katanas by Rayek - Wyked

Adds a player home in Springvale under the Red Rocket gas station. The Key can be found via Mailbox just across the street. Also includes equippable Katanas from necKros "Some Katanas" mod and "HK416 SOPMOD" from munkeenuts and dcpuser. Companion Friendly with idle markers.

Hideout Includes: 3 Equippable Katanas, Hidden Room, Computer Butler for Haircut/Surgery, Jacuzzi/Hot Tub (Removes Rads), Mannequin display (male or female), NavMeshed for companions (includes idle markers), Katana Fountain/Shrine (remountable Katanas), Aquarium (animated fish, bubbles), Custom Bobblehead Display Case (can use bobbles from other houses), Water Purifier, Map Marker for Fast Travel, Separate storage labeled Armor|Weapons|Tools|Ammo|Explosives|First Aid|Junk|Storage, 2 Floor Safes (key required/auto re-lock), Purified Sink, Classic Nuka Refrigerator, Workbench, Infirmary, Laboratory, Pristine, Nuka Cola Machine (for Ice-Cold Nukas), Well Rest Bed, Wall Mounted Jukebox GNR (click on outer bar to activate), Display Case, Hidden Hatch Entrance (key required), Bathroom (can sit on toilet), Fungus Garden (self watering with switch), Hidden Wall Safe (key required), Ammo/Explosives Sorter, Food, Medical and Tool/Component Sorters, Light Switches, Water Switches, Ability to add/remove sconce and Wonder Meat Maker. See more >>

DCInteriors Project by chuckSteel

Have you ever thought about scabbing the DC wastes, even though, the super mutants may horrifically and violently rip your heart out? Have you said to yourself "D*** the torpedoes, I am going Downtown anyway", only to find once you arrive that 99% of the shops and houses are all boarded up? Have you ever seen a building on the horizon, thinking you'll head there, just to find nothing of interest, nothing worth investigating? If so, this mod is for you! Just opened in the beautiful Downtown D.C. Waste, Georgetown District. A Cuppa Joe, Floyd's Barbershop, Robinson's Robots, Mama Dolce's Outlet Store, The US Army recruitment Center, the Nuka Cola Soda Shop and two abandoned townhomes. See more >>

Underground Hideout by danthegeek

This Mod adds a Player Vault on the South East end of the Wasteland near Rivet City. The vault includes all the ammonites including a stocked Armory, Display areas, Item Sorters, special Weapons, and is Companion Friendly. The entrance is located West of the “Rivet City” Entrance in the Parking lot with the crashed planes and wrecked cars. See more >> 

RR Companions Vault by NosRhyfelwr

The RR Companions Vault is a combination house mod AND fully functional companion system. The house portion consists of Vault 1. The entrance to Vault 1 is located just south of Springvale, towards Megaton. There is a map marker that begins the game fast-travel enabled. Once inside the entrance, you'll find yourself in the service tunnels that lead to the vault proper. These tunnels contain access points leading to two hatches in the wastes, and can be used for quick access to places you would normally have to walk overland - and through very dangerous places - to get to, but are especially useful for people who don't use fast travel.

Access points lead to: Underneath the Anacostia Crossing side of the Rivet City access bridge; Outside the western wall of Tenpenny Tower. Wasteland-side of the access points have map markers, as well, though they have to be discovered normally. Access to the Vault itself may be gained (starting from the Springvale entrance) by going straight down the hall, and hanging a left in the main tunnel. The large door at the end leads into Vault 1. It's hard to miss. The others are simple enough to find; just explore. The access tunnel cell is decent sized, but easy to navigate, and decently well lit. There is also a secondary Vault 1 access door, towards the Rivet City exit. It's a small utility door that leads to a tunnel underneath the Vault 1 Overseer's office. See more >>

Which one (if any) of those incredible mods have you tried? Share us some thoughts.

June 22, 2014

Let's talk about: Fallout 3 DLC

Author's Note: Wow, it's been awhile. I understand no one was chomping at the bit for more of these, but at the same time, I really wanted to keep coming back to work on it some more. So here I am, ready for another Let's Talk About, I hope you like it.

Downloadable content is a rather contentious issue, ya know? People are very split on it for some reason. The argument for dictates that through DLC you have a way to go back and continue to enjoy an experience without paying full price for it. The argument against says that more often than not the content provided should have been free, and that DLC's are just a way greedy developers can nickle and dime their fans. While I can certainly see both sides, and there are times when the latter is true, never has the former been more apparent than with the Fallout DLC's.

There are 8 of them in total, 4 for 3 and 4 for NV. I'm going to break each one down separately so you may draw down separately, so this might be a bit lengthy. Here goes.

Operation: Anchorage

History is really important to Fallout's overall theme. It being a "what-if" sort of universe where we all decided plastics and fuel efficiency were dumb, it's interesting to look back and see how it all turned into nuclear armageddon. Operation: Anchorage does that...Sort of. Specifically, it covers the high point of the conflict between the United States and China, that acted as the prelude to said nuclear armageddon. It's explained away with a fancy VI machine the Brotherhood Outcasts contract you to use for them, in exchange for "phat lewt". You are placed in the shoes of an American soldier, tasked with carrying out the aforementioned Operation: Anchorage.

Gameplay takes a bizarre turn in this one; As it is a virtual reality, you cannot loot bodies since they phase out of existence. You heal all damage and refill ammo and pick up new weapons at pre-determined points as you run along gunning down commies. Apparently Bethesda wanted to see what would happen if Fallout was a Call of Duty clone. To be fair, there are attempts at new RPG-sort of things here. You get to form a squad using a limited number of tokens to select members, and you get to choose what path you take to the end. Unfortunately, this is sort of lost since your squad mates kinda suck and you'll be doing most of the work anyway. There's no inherent challenge to it whatsoever, and there's about TWO FUCKING QUESTS, after which you win and get the delicious swag promised to you.

I actually forgot about this fucker. Never mind, DLC is hard as balls.
The swag alone is worth it, and it is mercifully short, but ultimately Anchorage gets a 4/10.

Broken Steel

I mentioned in my FO3 review that the game had a shit ending, and it did. It's rather funny how angry everyone got with the ending to this game, yet Bioware just went ahead and did the same thing years later, for a TRILOGY of games no less. But unlike Bioware, Bethesda was quick to fix the issue with Broken Steel, a special add-on that changes the ending, and then some. See, it lets you actually continue playing after the main campaign, and even offers a brand new, HARD AS BALLS campaign that I actually really like. This one has a lot of great cinematic moments, and the explosive climax makes me completely forget the utterly bland story presented up until this point. New enemies are added, and most of them are wicked powerful, if not utterly broken. Ghoul Reavers, in particular, soak up a stupid amount of damage while still being able to chunk your health at even your highest levels with the best armor.

Fuck these things, too.

The whole game has been reworked to be more challenging to higher level players, and it works. Broken Steel is the only DLC that I'd say is quite necessary. 10/10.

The Pitt

This was the first DLC that added a genuinely new location, and the remains of the urban tumor that is Pittsburgh is certainly one that immediately catches your eye. It's a stark, glowing furnace of hellfire, quite literally.

Play "Engine City" from Bioshock to this. It's oddly fitting.

The Pitt, as Pittsburgh is now called, is a massive ammunition plant, run by an army of slavers and their respective slaves. You are presented with the choice of liberating the slaves or siding with the slavers but before any of THAT happens, you start out as a slave. You are tossed in with all your gear confiscated, forced to fight the new deadly creatures called Trogs as you collect metal for the furnaces and fight in a gladiator arena for your freedom. Aside from the ridiculous amount of new armor and weapons The Pitt brings to play, the story is the only one of all the DLC's that actually allows choice in how the conflict is resolved. The Pitt itself is a very interesting locale, and I wish there were more quests in The Pitt itself. The Pitt also comes with a morale choice, as the people of the Pitt all suffer from this bizarre disease that's never explained in great detail.

Deciding their fate ultimately has little impact, and it feels tacked on. The Pitt gets a 7/10 from me.

Point Lookout

Point Lookout is pretty much what I wanted out of a DLC; A vast new and unique land to explore, with new quests and characters to love. It's a shame it's so horribly unbalanced, but who cares?! Fallout in exotic locations is one of my immediate deal makers, and Point Lookout puts Fallout on the swampy islands of Maryland, so sign me up!

Fallout: Louisiana needs to happen!

The best part about this particular DLC is that if you get frustrated or don't have the levels to take it on, you can just leave! The story is not forced on you like every other DLC, and this is for the best considering the insane difficulty of this particular item. Point Lookout makes you its bitch with artificial difficulty that is out of this world; Tribals that should take and do as much damage as Raiders suddenly fight like they're Enclave troopers, and don't even get me started on the fucking Inbreds, that, despite being...inbred, are incredibly smart and can accurately shoot you square in the face with a double barrel shotgun at 500 kilometers. Were it not for the locale and variety, I'd tell Point Lookout to kiss my ass.

The story's a pretty good one too, despite its distinct feeling of unimportance, and like most DLC has some very nice rewards that are worth working for, so ultimately Point Lookout scores an 8/10.

Mothership Zeta

This is the worst time I've had with the series since Brotherhood of Shit. Granted, anything is better than THAT, but this is still absolute garbage, despite the loot. Do you remember in Fallout 1 that you could find a wrecked alien spaceship, complete with alien skeletons and working gun? Well, Mothership Zeta attempts to follow up on that by having you straight up abducted. Though the presentation is cool enough, and the alien spaceship has some cool scenery, it stops being fun about 5 minutes in, when you suddenly realize in horror that the entire run through the ship is going to be the same: A monotonous grind through nonthreatening enemies and the occasional bullshit hard moment. The game TRIES to add variety with a group of NPC's, all of which are people abducted from Earth over a long period of time and cryogenically frozen. You can even meet an honest-to-god SAMURAI WARRIOR, who even speaks Japanese!

You aren't important, are you? 'Cuz I really like your armor...

Awesomeness of that aside, the gameplay consists of running through increasingly uninspired and boring alien ship environments, gunning down the same weak and ineffectual "Grey"-styled alien for about 3 goddamn hours. There are some attempts at variety, with a spacewalk section, some sort of strange "Alien Pinball" sort of thing, and the conclusion in which you fight another ship (This is not even close to being as cool as it sounds.). There's also these insanely powerful "Abomination" creatures, which are implied to be alien-human hybrids. Implied meaning there is virtually no story in this thing and you just have to infer. The game goes all Bioshock on you by leaving a crap load of Audio Logs that frame a story but it ultimately falls flat because there IS NO FRAME. It is never explained what the aliens want, why they abduct people, or why they create these hybrids that just end up killing them too, anyway!

Fuck Mothership Zeta, not even the incredibly powerful and high value alien weaponry would make me play this shit again, 1/10.

Don't agree with me? That's awesome! Share your love for Fallout and comment DLC feels bellow, from the best to the worst (if there is the worst one in your world), and you try to rate them. It is the whole point of "Let's talk about" series, to talk about and share love for Fallout. Make sure to read the next Let's Talk About to learn what I think about the New Vegas DLC.

More Let's Talk About:

June 19, 2014

The Most Popular Fallout 3 Model and Texture Mods

NMCs_Texture_Pack_for_FO3 by NeilMc_NMC

What This Mod Does: It changes the vast majority of in-game graphics. The DLC is not re-textured with this mod, it covers Fallout 3. It still works if you have the DLC installed but the textures in the DLC will be the ones that shipped with the original game (unless textures in the DLC are re-used from the Fallout game).

This was a years worth of work, all textures were made individually by 1 person alone, and took a great deal of effort. What graphics does this mod change?

Roads, Landscape, Trees, Rocks, Vehicles- Cars/ Motorbikes/ Boats etc. Buildings- Litter & most paper scraps. Interiors- all aspects, walls ceilings floors etc. Medium to large sized objects (eg. toolboxes, Nuka cola vendors, chairs, cupboards etc).
This encompasses the bulk of the in-game visuals, what I consider the vast majority of the graphics. What graphics does this mod NOT change?
  • Sky, Water, Small clutter objects (eg bottles, cans, books etc). NPC's (in game characters), Bodies/ faces, Clothing etc. Weapons, Effects. Mutants and other wasteland creatures. UI elements, Loading Screens, PipBoy.

Enhanced Night Sky by CptJoker

This mod is a high-resolution replacement for the default night sky. Taken from real-life star field photography, it's been carefully crafted to enhance your night-time viewing experience. (Note: the stars do not correspond to their accurate celestial positions - such is beyond my means to produce). Enjoy your nights of stargazing! No video available for this mod.
See more >>

Terrain pack by NeilMc_NMC

Replaces landscape/ terrain textures and bump maps for FALLOUT 3.
The default game textures and bump maps and have a typical resolution of 512x512 pixels. These textures have all been replaced with real-world photograph-based equivalent textures, and you can choose 3 different resolutions to suit your PC.
  • 2048x2048 pixels (400% larger, Most detailed)
  • 1024x1024 pixels (200% larger, Detailed) 
  • 512x512 pixels (same resolution as original textures)

The higher resolution packs may cause increased VRAM usage and therefore page-file swapping/ hard drive 'texture thrashing' and (due to increased memory usage) may cause some in-game stuttering/ lag or slow-downs. This will depend on your PC, CPU, RAM and graphics card. (None of this will harm your PC, just make it sweat a bit!) See more >>

Enhanced Blood Textures v2_22b by dDefinder

Increases the resolution size from 256 to 1024 and created new textures for screen, world, wounds and static blood decals. Esps are used to increase the size appearance of the blood, adjustments for screenblood, add more giblets and new wounds related to the weapon type. ini will change max amount and lifetime for blood that is in the world space. No video available for this mod. See more >>

Hi-Res Weapons v3 by the a - burns

For various rifles & pistols / merely enhancing standard textures. No new textures this time, only some improvements over the original ones and replacement of the 3rd person texture (small) by the larger 1st person texture. Doubled resolution for 3rd person textures (may impact performance). Tweaked textures:
  • Combat Shotgun, Hunting Rifle, Laser Rifle, Lincoln Rifle, 10mm Pistol, 10mm SMG, Laserpistol, .44 Magnum, Bottlecap Mine, Frag Mine, Frag Grenade, Gatling Laser, Minigun, RockIt Launcher, Flamethrower, Fatman, Missilelauncher, Railwayrifle, Sniperrifle, Plasmarifle, Chinese Officersword, Shishkebab, Supersledge, Baseballbat, Mesmetron and Sawedoff Shotgun.
No video available for this mod. See more >>

Which one (if any) of those incredible mods have you tried? Share us some thoughts.

June 16, 2014

The Most Popular Fallout 3 Armor Mods

Dragonskin Tactical Outfit by Antistar

The Dragonskin Tactical Outfit mod actually adds a selection of the titular outfits - in different colours and camo patterns - to the Wasteland. It is loosely based on the real Dragon Skin body armour apparently in use today by SWAT teams, Secret Service and other elite military personnel. During testing this armour withstood multiple assault rifle bullet impacts and even point-blank hand grenade blasts. The mod also adds matching 'Dragon' Combat Helmets, plus M40 Gas Masks (that provide some radiation resistance to the wearer), Combat Backpacks, Tactical Goggles and Balaclavas to complete the look.

The player will not need to find (or purchase) more than one outfit to be able to use it in different camo configurations: much cheaper and lighter 'camo packages' containing different 'covers' for the armour and helmets will allow the player to swap the camo type used by the outfit whenever they wish. The outfits themselves are quite expensive, but offer fantastic protection: they are intended to be amongst the best armour available in-game; before stepping up to power armour, that is. The outfits also increase the maximum weight the player can carry, and offer mild bonuses to the Small Guns and Sneak skills. Outfit and Helmet Camo Types:
  • Black, Desert, Urban, Winter and Woodland
Backpack Camo Types:
  • Black, Brown, Desert, Grey, Olive Drab, Tan, Urban, White, Winter, Woodland

Reinforced Chinese Stealth Suit by Shake

*Requires Operation Anchorage. This adds four armored variations of the Chinese Stealth Suit to the Wasteland called Dragoon Assault Armor, Dragoon Light Armor, Dragoon Imperial Armor, and Dragoon Swordmaster Armor. Also included are optional "Addon" items for Night Vision, increased Carry Capacity, and other various things. The set is a WIP, so expect changes or additions in the near future.

Warhammer 40k Space Marine armor by cerberos008

Become the Space Marine you've always wanted to be! With a complete redesign of the vanilla Power Armor, you can look exactly like the Emperor's finest. The sets of armor can be found inside three metal boxes in Underworld Concourse, within the 2nd floor room that's furthest from the city entrance. The boxes are right beside the mattress bed. Alternatively, when in-game, open up your game console and type in the bottom codes without the quotes to add the items into your inventory. See more >>

Advanced Recon Stealth Armor by Gopher

This mod adds several sets of stealth armor. Some of these are disguised so as not to be quite so obvious from a distance. Now you can choose your look and still be a ghost. Almost all the models are styled in the manner of existing FalloutNV and Fallout3 models, especially BrotherHood of Steel look and feel, with a touch of the Chinese armor style creeping in. Please note that the headgear and helmets designed to go with this armor are now found here: Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision.
  • Advanced Recon Armor - This is hi-tec adaptation of the Brotherhood of Steel recon armor. It provides far greater protection whilst also incorporating stealth technology to give a stealth field when sneaking, with no weapon drawn and stationary. This means you rely on your skill when moving or in combat, but you get the chance to become literally invisible when you stand still, adding a new dimension to the stealth experience. **HINT** Go into sneak before fast travelling, and you will arrive at your destination with stealth field intact. Same for activating doors/gates. Stop for a second before activating gate and when you enter the new zone, you will be invisible.
  • Advanced Recon Armor (Battle Worn) - A battle worn version of the above.
  • Advanced Regulator Recon Duster : As above but disguised to blend in the wasteland better. Sometimes it is not a good idea to wander about the wasteland always looking like a hi-tec commando. This armor is disguised to look similar to the regulator duster. Up close it will not fool anyone, but at a distance it might.
  • Advanced Recon Death Walker Duster : As above but in black leather.
  • Advanced Recon Trenchcoat : As above but disguised to look like a military trenchcoat. A little smarter than the regulator recon duster. 
  • Advanced Recon Black Ops Coat : As above but dark grey/black.

Which one (if any) of those incredible mods have you tried? Share us some thoughts.

Fallout 1, 2 Tactics, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4