Showing posts with label Cheats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cheats. Show all posts

May 16, 2014


Cheat & Code List

The cheats for Fallout: New Vegas are the same as Fallout 3. To bring up the cheats console during gameplay, hit the tilde (~) key. Then, insert the cheat listed below on the left for the corresponding result on the right.

  • addspecialpoints X - Add indicated amount of Special Points (X = amount)
  • addtagskills X - Adds indicated amount of Tag Skill Points (X = amount)
  • advlevel - Level up your character one level
  • coc DevArmory - Access the developer test room type
  • GetQuestCompleted - Complete current quest
  • getXPfornextlevel - Gain one level
  • help - List all console commands
  • kill - Kills your character when selected
  • killall - Kills everyone
  • modpca Y X - Add indicated amount of points to your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats (Y = stat type, X = amount)
  • modpcs Y X - Add indicated amount of points to your skills (Y = stat type, X = amount)
  • movetoqt - Instantly travel to the location of your quest marker
  • player.setlevel X - Set player level (X = level)
  • player.additem XXXXXX # - Enter a six-digit code, XXXXXX, for an item or weapon using item and weapon codes. You must also enter a digit (#) or nothing will appear.
  • player.additem 000000F X - Get indicated amount of caps (X = amount)
  • removefromallfactions - Remove player from all factions
  • rewardKarma X - Add indicated amount of Karma Points (X = amount)
  • resurrect - Resurrects your character when selected
  • setpccanusepowerarmor X - Toggle Power Armor use (X = 0 or 1)
  • setspecialpoints X - Set Special Points (X = amount)
  • settagskills X - Sets Tag Skill Points (X = amount)
  • tcl - No clipping mode
  • tmm 1 - All mapmarkers
  • tdt - Toggle debug display
  • tlv - Toggle leaves
  • tgm - God mode

Create a shortcut to the game executable (this is applicable to Windows XP, Vista, and 7). Append the text string -console at the end of the command line in the "Target" box. When you launch the game using that shortcut, the game's developer console (the cheat console) will be active. Now, you can press the TILDE (~) key while the game is in progress to display the cheat console. On North American keyboards, the ~ key is next to the 1 key on the numerical row.

The syntax for the "add item" cheat is player.additem item_ID_code <integer_for_number_of_items>

 W E A P O N S
001720BC - WeapNVAntiMaterielRifleStatic
001720BB - WeapNVLightMachineGunStatic
001720BA - WeapNVTrailCarbineStatic
001720B9 - WeapNVHuntingShotgunStatic
00176E59 - WeapNVMacheteBoone
00176E57 - WeapNV44RevolverRaul
00176E55 - WeapNVCaravanShotgunCass
00174094 - WeapNVPlasmaDefenderArcade
00174093 - WeapNVAssaultCarbineLily
00171B48 - WeapNVSlaveBackPack
00167685 - WeapNVMacheteGladiator
00162C92 - WeapNVKnifeCombatUnique
001629B6 - WeapNVMinigunUnique
00162019 - WeapNVMissileLauncherUnique
00161246 - WeapNVThrowingKnife
0015FFF4 - WeapNVGrenadeMachinegunUnique
0015FF5D - WeapNVBBGunUnique
0015FE44 - WeapNVChainsaw
0015BA78 - WeapNVZapGlove
0015BA72 - WeapNVZapGloveUnique
0015BA03 - WeapNVBallisticFist
0015B38D - WeapNVGaussRifleUnique
0015A47F - WeapNVTeslaCannonUnique
0015837B - WeapNVGaussRifle
00157BCA - WeapNVLeadPipeUnique
00156F7C - WeapNVFireaxeUnique
00156968 - WeapSuperSledgeUnique
001568E6 - WeapNVSpikedKnucklesUnique
00155E6D - WeapNVDisplacerGloveUnique
00155E66 - WeapNVDisplacerGlove
0015430B - WeapNVMacheteGladius
001524B3 - WeapNVMantisGauntlet
00151D0C - WeapBladedGauntletUnique
001519E0 - WeapBladedGauntlet
0014F474 - WeapNVFireGeckoYoungFlame
0014EB3C - WeapNVEuclidsCFinder
0014EA5A - WeapNVGrenadeFragHoly
0014DE1D - WeapNVThrowingHatchet
0014DDDF - WeapNVGrenadeStun
0014DDDE - WeapNVGrenadeIncendiary
0014D2AC - WeapNVThrowingSpear
0014D2AA - WeapNVCleaverUnique
0014D2A7 - WeapNVStraightRazorUnique
0014C068 - WeapNVDetonatorLoyal
001479B3 - WeapLaserRifleUnique
00146C79 - WeapNVDogTagFist
001465A6 - WeapNVDebugMegaPistol
00143FBA - WeapNVLegateSword2
001429E2 - WeapNVGrenadeRifleUnique
001429E1 - WeapNVSniperRifleUnique
001429D1 - WeapNV127mmSubmachineGun
0013F76F - WeapKnifeAssassin
0013E540 - WeapSuperSledgeMeanie
0013E4DE - WeapNVLegateSword
0013D534 - WeapNVTimeBomb
0013568B - WeapNVMissFortuneGun
0013316D - WeapCattleProd
00133058 - WeapNVThatGun
00130041 - WeapNVDetonator
0012D852 - WeapNVBoxingTape
0012ADB8 - WeapNVDogTagFistUnique
00129A44 - WeapNVRangerSequoia
00127E45 - WeapNVMacheteDeadSea
00127C6C - WeapNV44RevolverUnique
0012701F - WeapGrenadeGas
001251CD - VFSWeapLaserRifleVanGraff
001251CC - VFSWeapPlasmaRifleVanGraff
001221C1 - WeapNVC4PlasticExplosive
00121168 - WeapNVMultiPlasRifle
00121154 - WeapNVRechargerRifle
00121148 - WeapNVBrushGun
0011E46F - WeapShovel
0011A8E4 - WeapNVHatchet
0011A8B9 - WeapNVFireaxe
0011A8A0 - WeapNVDressCane
00113248 - WeapNVFireGeckoFlame
0010BA90 - WeapNVSecuritronMissile
0010A70C - WeapNVSecuritronPowerFist
0010A70B - WeapNVSecuritronLaser
0010A70A - WeapNVSecuritronLauncher
0010A709 - WeapNVSecuritronSubmachineGun
00109A0C - WeapNVLongFuseDynamite
00109A0B - WeapNVMinePowderCharge
00109A0A - WeapNVCleaver
00106FEB - WeapNVMarksmanCarbineUnique
00106FEA - WeapNVMarksmanCarbine
00105CF6 - WeapNVLilyGauntlet
00105CF5 - WeapNVLilySword
001056D3 - WeapNVGrenadeRifleBroken
001056D2 - WeapMissileLauncherBroken
00103B1D - WeapNVLaserPistolUnique
0010108D - WeapNVDynamiteNoDrop
000FF576 - WeapNVGrenadeRifle
000FC335 - WeapNV9iron
000F82AA - WeapLaserRifleAlwaysCrits
000F7EAE - WeapPlasmaRifleAlwaysCrit
000F56F6 - WeapNVDriverUnique
000F56F5 - WeapNVCowboyRepeaterUnique
000F0F04 - WeapNVStraightRazor
000F0B12 - WeapNVHuntingShotgunUnique
000F062B - WeapNVBattleRifleUnique
000E9C3B - WeapNVServiceRifle
000E7655 - WeapNV9mmPistolUnique
000E6346 - WeapNVBinoculars
000E6064 - WeapNVPlasmaRifleUnique
000E5B17 - WeapNVVarmintRifleUnique
000E58BB - WeapNVBoxingGoldenGloves
000E5391 - WeapNVBoxingGloves
000E393B - WeapNVSingleShotgun
000E377A - WeapNVSilenced22Pistol
000E3778 - WeapNV9mmPistol
000BA0F3 - WeapNVDynamite
000E32F4 - WeapNV9mmSubmachineGunUnique
000E2C86 - WeapNV357RevolverUnique
000E2BFC - WeapHeavyIncinerator
000E2BF4 - WeapNVTriBeamLaserRifle
000CE569 - WeapNVMachete
000CE549 - WeapBooneSniperRifle
000CD53A - WeapNVCaravanShotgun
000CD539 - WeapNVTrailCarbine
000CD50E - WeapNVRebarClub
000CD50D - WeapNVBumperSword
00090A6B - WeapNVPulseGun
00090A6A - WeapNVGrenadeMachinegun
0009073B - WeapNVLaserRCW
00090727 - WeapNVPlasmaDefender
0009071F - WeapNVRechargerPistol
000906DF - WeapNVLightMachineGun
000906DA - WeapNVIncinerator
000906CF - WeapNVPlasmaCaster
0008F21E - WeapNVAssaultCarbine
0008F21C - WeapNVAntiMaterielRifle
0008F21A - WeapNVCowboyRepeater
0008F218 - WeapNVSilenced22SMG
0008F217 - WeapNV9mmSubmachineGun
0008F216 - WeapNV357Revolver
0008F215 - WeapNV44Revolver
0008F214 - WeapNVHuntingRevolver
0008F213 - WeapNV127mmPistol
0008ED0C - WeapNVLeverActionShotgun
0008ED0B - WeapNVHuntingShotgun
0008ED0A - WeapNVRiotShotgun
0007EA25 - WeapNVGrenadeLauncher
0007EA24 - WeapNVVarmintRifle

 A M M U N I T I O N
00176E5C - Ammo9mmRobot
00176E54 - AmmoCompanion
0016AEF9 - AmmoNVArchimedesII
00166F62 - AmmoFlamerFuelHomemade
00166B5A - AmmoSmallEnergyCellTurret
00165E7A - Ammo20GaMagnum
00165E79 - Ammo12GaMagnum
001613FF - Ammo5mmHollowPoint
001613D4 - Ammo127mmHollowPoint
00160C41 - Ammo223
00160C40 - Ammo9mmP
0015FD42 - AmmoPureWater
0015E8EE - Ammo38Special
0015E8ED - Ammo44Special
00158313 - AmmoSmallEnergyCellBulk
00158312 - AmmoMicroFusionCellBulk
00158311 - AmmoElectronChargePackBulk
0015830E - AmmoElectronChargePackMaxCharge
0015830D - AmmoElectronChargePackOverCharge
0015830C - AmmoMicroFusionCellMaxCharge
0015830B - AmmoMicroFusionCellOverCharge
00158307 - Ammo40mmGrenadeIncendiary
001582E0 - AmmoSmallEnergyCellMaxCharge
001582DF - AmmoSmallEnergyCellOverCharge
001582DA - Ammo12GaCoinShot
0014F44A - AmmoLakelurk
001429CF - Ammo127mm
00140AA8 - Ammo10mmJHPHandLoad
00140AA1 - Ammo50MGHandLoad
00140AA0 - Ammo308JSPHandLoad
00140A9F - Ammo556mmArmorPiercing
00140A9E - Ammo357MagnumJFPHandLoad
0013E44C - AmmoMissileHighVelocity
0013E44B - AmmoMissileHighExplosive
0013E449 - Ammo25mmGrenadeHighExplosive
0013E448 - Ammo20GaSlug
0013E447 - Ammo12GaSlug
0013E446 - Ammo12GaBeanBag
0013E445 - Ammo50MGArmorPiercing
0013E444 - Ammo50MGIncendiary
0013E443 - Ammo308HollowPoint
0013E442 - Ammo308ArmorPiercing
0013E441 - Ammo556mmHollowPoint
0013E440 - Ammo556mmSurplus
0013E43F - Ammo5mmArmorPiercing
0013E43E - Ammo4570SWCHandLoad
0013E43D - Ammo4570HollowPoint
0013E43C - Ammo357MagnumHollowPoint
0013E43B - Ammo10mmHollowPoint
0013E43A - Ammo9mmHollowPoint
0013E439 - Ammo22LRHollowPoint
0013E438 - Ammo44MagnumSWCHandLoad
0013E437 - Ammo44MagnumHollowPoint
00121162 - Ammo22LRPlinking
00121155 - AmmoMicroBreeder
00121150 - Ammo5mmSurplus
00121133 - Ammo4570
0011A207 - AmmoMS22Camera
001003B0 - ammoNellisArtillery
000E86F2 - Ammo20Ga
00096C40 - Ammo25mmGrenade
0008ED03 - Ammo9mm
0008ED02 - Ammo357Magnum
0008ECFF - Ammo50MG
0008ECF5 - Ammo12Ga
0007EA27 - Ammo22LR
0007EA26 - Ammo40mmGrenade
000615AF - AmmoElectronChargePackRobot
000615A8 - Ammo5mmRobot
00056634 - AmmoMirelurkKing
000B8791 - AmmoAntSpit
0006B53E - AmmoElectronChargePack
0006B53D - Ammo5mm
0006B53C - Ammo308
00078CC5 - AmmoMissileRobot
00078CC4 - Ammo556mmRobot
00078CC3 - AmmoMicroFusionCellRobot
00078CC2 - AmmoSmallEnergyCellRobot
00078CC1 - AmmoFlamerFuelRobot
0006A80D - AmmoMesmetronPowerCell
0005F706 - AmmoCentaurSpit
00047419 - AmmoBloatflyDart
00029383 - AmmoMissile
0002937E - Ammo44magnum
00029371 - AmmoFlamerFuel
00029364 - AmmoAlienPowerCell
0002935B - AmmoBB
00020799 - AmmoFatMans
00020772 - AmmoSmallEnergyCell
00004485 - AmmoMicroFusionCell
00004241 - Ammo10mm
00004240 - Ammo556mm
001476B0 - ModNV127mmSubmachinegunSilencer

 A C C E S S O R I E S
00147620 - ModNV127mmPistolSilencer
00129878 - ModNV10mmPistolSilencer
0010C86F - ModNVSilenced22SMGDrums
0010C86E - ModNVMissileLauncherGuidanceSys
0010C86D - ModNVGatlingLaserCFFrame
0010C86C - ModNVGatlingLaserFocusOptics
0010C86B - ModNVPlasmaRifleMagneticAccelerator
0010C86A - ModNVLaserRifleBeamSplitter
0010C869 - ModNVLaserRifleFocusOptics
0010C868 - ModNVLaserRifleScope
0010C867 - ModNVMinigunHighSpeedMotor
0010C866 - ModNVMinigunDampedSubframe
0010C865 - ModNVSniperRifleCarbonFiberParts
0010C864 - ModNVSniperRifleSuppressor
0010C863 - ModNVAssaultCarbineExtMags
0010C862 - ModNVHuntingRifleExtMag
0010C861 - ModNVHuntingRifleCustomAction
0010C860 - ModNVHuntingRifleScope
0010C85F - ModNVFlamerExpandedTanks
0010C85E - ModNV10mmSMGRecoilCompensator
0010C85D - ModNV10mmSMGExtMags
0010C85C - ModNV44RevolverHeavyFrame
0010C85B - ModNV44RevolverScope
0010C859 - ModNV10mmPistolLaserSight
0010C858 - ModNV10mmPistolExtMags
0010C857 - ModNVGrenadeMachinegunHSKit
0010C856 - ModNVGrenadeRifleLongBarrel
0010C855 - ModNVPlasmaCasterHSElectrode
0010C854 - ModNVLaserRCWRecycler
0010C852 - ModNVLightMGExpandedDrums
0010C851 - ModNVServiceRifleForgedReceiver
0010C850 - ModNVServiceRifleUpgradedSprings
0010C1AD - ModNVFatManLittleBoyKit
0010B968 - ModNV9mmSMGLightBolt
000F18FC - ModNV9mmSMGDrums
000F0FE9 - ModNVHuntingShotgunChoke
000F0FE8 - ModNVHuntingShotgunLongTube
000EEEDB - ModNVVarmintRifleNightScope
000EEEDA - ModNV357RevolverLongBarrel
000EEED9 - ModNV357RevolverHDCylinder
000EEED8 - ModNVVarmintRifleExtMags
000EEED7 - ModNVVarmintRifleSilencer
000EED3D - ModNV9mmPistolExtMags
000EED3C - ModNV9mmPistolScope
000EED3B - ModNVCowboyRepeaterMapleStock
000EED3A - ModNVCowboyRepeaterLongTube
000EED39 - ModNVCowboyRepeaterCustomAction
000EEA72 - ModNVBrushGunForgedReceiver
000EEA70 - ModNVTrailCarbineScope

 I T E M S
00165AF0 - SplashDamage
00165AEF - PlasmaSpaz
00165AEC - TheProfessional
00165AE6 - NukaChemist
0016581B - HandLoader
00165816 - VigilantRecycler
00165815 - JuryRigging
0016578B - ShotgunSurgeon
00165789 - LaserCommander
001656FD - RadChild
00165449 - Stonewall
00165447 - UnstoppableForce
00165446 - Slayer
001651B6 - HitTheDeck
00165182 - CenterOfMass
00165181 - SprayAndPray
00165180 - FerociousLoyalty
00165118 - FriendOfTheNight
00164ED1 - LooseCannon
0014609F - PiercingStrike
0014609E - SuperSlam
0014609D - RunNGun
0014609C - HeaveHo
0014609B - PackRat
0014609A - Meltdown
00146099 - LivingAnatomy
00146098 - LongHaul
00146097 - WeaponHandling
00146096 - TravelLight
00138562 - Cowboy
00137B02 - BuiltToDestroy
00137AFE - GoodNatured
00137800 - MissFortunePerk
001377FE - QuickDraw
001377FD - RapidReload
00136E14 - DeathclawOmelet
001361B4 - ConfirmedBachelor
001361B3 - CherchezLaFemme
00135F75 - Purifier
00135F18 - Hunter
00135F05 - Kamikaze
00135EC9 - GhastlyScavenger
00135EC8 - TriggerDiscipline
00135EC7 - FastShot
00135EC6 - SmallFrame
00135EC5 - HeavyHanded
00135EC4 - FourEyes
00135EC3 - MathWrath
0010F09E - Retention
00099834 - GrimReaperSprint
0009982D - Chemist
00099828 - Commando
00099827 - ChemResistant
00094EC4 - AdamantiumSkeleton
00094EC1 - Finesse
00094EBF - FastMetabolism
00094EBD - NightPerson
00094EBC - Cannibal
00094EBB - Gunslinger
00094EBA - BloodyMess
00094EB9 - LadyKiller
00094EB8 - BlackWidow
0007B202 - ActionGirl
00044CB1 - IntenseTraining
00044CB0 - Infiltrator
00044CAF - ConcentratedFire
00044CAA - ParalyzingPalm
00044CA9 - LeadBelly
00044CA7 - NerdRage
00031DE5 - Explorer
00031DE3 - FortuneFinder
00031DE1 - Comprehension
00031DE0 - Toughness
00031DDE - StrongBack
00031DD9 - Entomologist
00031DD8 - Educated
00031DD3 - SwiftLearner
00031DCC - Ninja
00031DC5 - SolarPowered
00031DC4 - ComputerWhiz
00031DC2 - RoboticsExpert
00031DBD - Tag
00031DBC - MysteriousStranger
00031DBB - BetterCriticals
00031DBA - ActionBoy
00031DB7 - LightStep
00031DB5 - AnimalFriend
00031DB4 - Sniper
00031DB3 - SilentRunning
00031DB2 - Pyromaniac
00031DB1 - LifeGiver
00031DAD - MisterSandman
00031DAC - HereandNow
00031DAB - DemolitionExpert
00031DAA - Scrounger
00031DA9 - RadResistance

 M I S C E L L A N E O U S
00058FDF - PowerArmorTraining
000A6F78 - ArmorPowerT51bHelmet
000A6F77 - ArmorPowerT51b
00014E13 - ArmorPowerT45d
00014C08 - ArmorPowerT45dHelmet
0006B463 - TeslaPowerArmorHelmet
0006B462 - TeslaPowerArmorGO
00060C6F - OutcastPowerArmor
00138DC3 - ArmorVault34SecurityHelmet
00138DC2 - ArmorVault34Security
00134094 - ArmorRemnantsTeslaHelm
00133F31 - ArmorRemnantsTesla
0013316B - ArmorPowerNCRHelmet
0013316A - ArmorPowerNCRSalvaged
00133169 - ArmorGannonTeslaHelmet
00133168 - ArmorGannonTesla
00133167 - ArmorPowerRemnantsHelmet
00133166 - ArmorPowerRemnants
00129254 - ArmorNVNCRRangerCombat
00126500 - ArmorCombatReinforced
001264FF - ArmorMetalReinforced
001264FE - ArmorLeatherReinforced
0010D8DC - ArmorCombatBlack
000F3797 - ArmorFiendHelmetRare
0015DB3D - SnowglobeTheStrip
0015DB3C - SnowglobeNellis
0015DB3B - SnowglobeTestSite
0015DB3A - SnowglobeGoodsprings
0015DB39 - SnowglobeHooverDam
0015DB38 - SnowglobeMtCharleston
0015DB37 - SnowglobeFortmormon
00004322 - Alien Blaster Form
00029364 - Alien Power Cell

 A R M O R
00058FDF - PowerArmorTraining
000A6F78 - ArmorPowerT51bHelmet
000A6F77 - ArmorPowerT51b
00014E13 - ArmorPowerT45d
00014C08 - ArmorPowerT45dHelmet
0006B463 - TeslaPowerArmorHelmet
0006B462 - TeslaPowerArmorGO
00060C6F - OutcastPowerArmor
00138DC3 - ArmorVault34SecurityHelmet
00138DC2 - ArmorVault34Security
00134094 - ArmorRemnantsTeslaHelm
00133F31 - ArmorRemnantsTesla
0013316B - ArmorPowerNCRHelmet
0013316A - ArmorPowerNCRSalvaged
00133169 - ArmorGannonTeslaHelmet
00133168 - ArmorGannonTesla
00133167 - ArmorPowerRemnantsHelmet
00133166 - ArmorPowerRemnants
00129254 - ArmorNVNCRRangerCombat
00126500 - ArmorCombatReinforced
001264FF - ArmorMetalReinforced
001264FE - ArmorLeatherReinforced
0010D8DC - ArmorCombatBlack
000F3797 - ArmorFiendHelmetRare
00100633 - VMS15Rebreather Rebreather
00120853 - OutfitProstitute03 Wearable Prostitute Outfit
00120854 - OutfitProstitute01 Wearable Chained Prostitute Outfit
00120855 - OutfitProstitute02 Wearable Exposed Prostitute Outfit
00020420 - ArmorCombat Combat Armor
00020423 - ArmorLeather Leather Armor
00020426 - ArmorCombatHelmet Combat Helmet
00020429 - OutfitLucasSimms Sheriff's Duster
0002042e - OutfitTunnelSnake01 Tunnel Snake Outfit
0002042f - ArmorRaider01 Raider Painspike Armor
00020432 - ArmorRaider01Helmet Raider Psycho-Tic Helmet
000c09d4 - MS03EnvironmentSuit Environment Suit
00140c38 - ArmorNVBoone01 1st Recon Survival Armor
00140c39 - ArmorNVBoone02 1st Recon Assault Armor
00140d46 - ArmorMetalHelmetReinforced Metal Helmet, Reinforced
0012116a - ArmorNVNCRTrooperMP NCR Military Police Armor
000c111a - Vault106GasMask Makeshift Gas Mask
00081792 - OutfitRepconCult Bright Brotherhood Robe
0008198c - KIDOutfitPrewarChildandWatch Pre-War Outfit and Watch
000c24f9 - MS04LeskosLabCoat Lesko's Lab Coat
001428ec - JasonBrightoutfit Jason Bright's Outfit
000425ba - VaultSuit101Utility Vault 101 Utility Jumpsuit
000e2dd0 - CowboyHat01 Desperado Cowboy Hat
00163119 - ArmorWhiteGloveSociety White Glove Society Attire
000e2f40 - HatVanceHat Vance's Lucky Hat
000a3045 - OutfitMerc05 Merc Grunt Outfit
000e32f1 - HatVikkiBonnet Vikki's Bonnet
00023030 - MS18RangerBattlearmor Ranger Battle Armor
000e3791 - HVExplosiveCollar Explosive Collar
000236d8 - PipBoyNPC Pip-Boy 3000
00023b62 - RavenRockCorpseArmorEnclave Enclave Power Armor
00104184 - VaultSuit21 Vault 21 Jumpsuit
001046f8 - MS03VaultSuit21Armored Armored Vault 21 Jumpsuit
0000431e - VaultSuit101 Vault 101 Jumpsuit
0004443e - ArmorEnclave Enclave Power Armor
0004443f - ArmorEnclaveHelmet Enclave Power Helmet
001649dd - ArmorLegate Legate's Armor
000a472e - ArmorNVPGSoldier Powder Gang Soldier Outfit
000a472f - ArmorNVPGPlain Powder Gang Plain Outfit
000a4730 - ArmorNVPGGuardArmor Powder Gang Guard Armor
000a4731 - ArmorNVPGSimple Powder Gang Simple Outfit
00104c23 - OutfitBennySuit Benny's Suit
001251c9 - VFSArmorCombatBlackVanGraff Van Graff Combat Armor
00025083 - ArmorPowerUnplayable Power Armor
000854cf - OutfitBoSScribe Brotherhood Scribe Robe
001258c2 - OutfitFormalWear Formal Wear
001258c3 - FormalWearHat Tuxedo Hat
00145ec5 - HelmetNVNCRRangerCombat Ranger Helmet
000c5d34 - OutfitMerc06 Merc Cruiser Outfit
00025b83 - PipBoyGlove Pip-Boy Glove
001264fe - ArmorLeatherReinforced Leather Armor, Reinforced
001264ff - ArmorMetalReinforced Metal Armor, Reinforced
00126500 - ArmorCombatReinforced Combat Armor, Reinforced
000e6749 - ArmorNVGKSoldier Great Khan Soldier Armor
000e674a - ArmorNVGKSuit Great Khan Suit Armor
000e674b - ArmorNVGKArmored Great Khan Armored Leather
000e674c - ArmorNVGKSimple Great Khan Simple Armor
0006696d - OutfitMysteriousStranger Mysterious Stranger Outfit
00146f23 - Firehelmet Fire Helmet
0014722a - ArmorCombatHelmetReinforced Combat Helmet, Reinforced
000a6f77 - ArmorPowerT51b T-51b Power Armor
000e7091 - HelmetNVGKSpike Great Khan Spike Helmet
000a6f78 - ArmorPowerT51bHelmet T-51b Power Helmet
000c71e1 - RedRacerLabCoat The Surgeon's Lab Coat
000c72fb - HatTakomaBaseballCap Takoma Park Little Leaguer Cap
000e78c6 - HatConstruction Construction Hat
00107af2 - VMS15BoomerOutfitWearable Janet's Boomer Outfit
00127c6a - NVSlaveBackpack Slave Backpack
000c7c4e - ArmorTorcherMask Torcher's Mask
000c7c54 - ArmorWanderersLeather Wanderer's Leather Armor
0014823e - OutfitVeronicaRobes Veronica's Armored Robes
001083e0 - CowboyHat02 Cattleman Cowboy Hat
001083e1 - CowboyHat03 Rawhide Cowboy Hat
000e89f3 - ArmorFiendHelmet01 Fiend Battle Helmet
000c8e07 - MS04AmorousAttire Naughty Nightwear
00129254 - ArmorNVNCRRangerCombat NCR Ranger Combat Armor
00028ead - ArmorReconHelmet Recon Armor Helmet
00028ff8 - KIDHatPartyChild Kid's Party Hat
00028ff9 - HatPrewarBaseballCap Pre-War Baseball Cap
00028ffa - OutfitWastelandHat04 Ballcap with Glasses
00109a92 - OutfitBoomer1 Boomer Jumpsuit
00109a93 - OutfitBoomer2 Boomer Flightsuit
00089b52 - Underwear Underwear
0016a26f - OutfitVeronicaHood Veronica's Hood
0010a0d0 - ArmorBoomerWeldingHelmet Welding Helmet
0010a427 - CowboyHat04 Rattan Cowboy Hat
0010a428 - CowboyHat05 Old Cowboy Hat
000eaddf - HatNVPsychicNullifier Psychic Nullifier
0014b053 - OutfitRaul Raul Armor
0014b054 - HatRaul Raoul Hat
000cafbe - VaultSuit77 Vault 77 Jumpsuit
0010b3e7 - OutfitBoomersCap Boomers Cap
0010b3e8 - OutfitBoomersHat Boomers Hat
0010b3e9 - OutfitBoomersHelmet Boomers Helmet
000ab491 - HatPoliceAdult Police Hat
000cb543 - UniqueArmorDefender Defender Armor
000cb544 - UniqueArmorCommando Commando Armor
000cb545 - ArmorUniqueWastelander Wastelander's Gear
000cb549 - ArmorUniqueExplorer Explorer's Gear
000cb54b - UniqueGlassesLuckyShades Lucky Shades
000cb5ef - ArmorUniqueCombat Shellshocked Combat Armor
000cb5f0 - ArmorUniqueCombatHelmet Shellshocked Combat Helmet
000cb5f3 - ArmorUniqueEnclave Enclave Shocktrooper Armor
000cb5f4 - ArmorUniqueEnclaveHelmet Enclave Shocktrooper Helmet
000cb5f5 - ArmorUniqueLeather Road Rascal Leather Armor
000cb5f6 - ArmorUniqueMetal Apocalypse Gladiator Armor
000cb5f7 - ArmorUniqueMetalHelmet Apocalypse Gladiator Helmet
000cb5fa - ArmorUniqueRecon Composite Recon Armor
000cb5fb - ArmorUniqueReconHelmet Composite Recon Helmet
000cb5fc - ArmorUniqueRaider01 Sharp-Dressed Raider's Armor
000cb5fd - ArmorUniqueRaider01Helmet The Devil's Pigtails
000cb5fe - ArmorUniqueRaider02 Hand-Me-Down Raider Armor
000cb5ff - ArmorUniqueRaider04 Highway Scar Armor
000cb600 - ArmorUniqueRaider04Helmet Pyro Helmet
000cb605 - OutfitUniqueEnclaveScientist All-Purpose Science Suit
000cb606 - OutfitUniqueMerc01 Merc Charmer Outfit
000cb607 - OutfitUniqueMerc02 Merc Troublemaker Outfit
000cb608 - OutfitUniqueMerc03 Merc Adventurer Outfit
000cb609 - OutfitUniqueMerc04 Wasteland Legend Outfit
000cb60a - OutfitUniqueMerc05 Merc Grunt Outfit
0006b464 - ArmorTeslaPower Tesla Armor
000cb60b - OutfitUniqueMerc06 Merc Cruiser Outfit
0006b465 - ArmorTeslaHelmet Tesla Helmet
000cb60c - OutfitUniquePrewarBusinesswearDirtyDARK Power-Suit Armor
000cb60d - OutfitUniquePrewarCasualwear Pre-War Casualwear
0006b467 - OutfitMysteriousStrangerHat Mysterious Stranger Hat
000cb60e - OutfitUniquePrewarNegligee Sleepwear
000cb60f - OutfitUniquePrewarSpring2 Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit
0002b385 - OutfitWastelandMerchant01 Roving Trader Outfit
0012b86d - GamblerMHat02 Suave Gambler Hat
0012b86e - GamblerMHat03 Well-Heeled Gambler Hat
0012b965 - VaultSuit34 Vault 34 Jumpsuit
0012b966 - VaultSuit11 Vault 11 Jumpsuit
000abbe2 - MQ04PlayerOutfit Pre-War Outfit and Watch
0010bee9 - HelmetNVNCRTrooperMP MP Trooper Helmet
0010c67c - OutfitJailhouseRocker Jailhouse Rocker
0006c587 - MountedVaultSuit101Armored Armored Vault 101 Jumpsuit
0010c876 - OutfitFollowersDoctor Followers Doctor Coat
0008c83c - OutfitMerc04 Merc Veteran Outfit
0010cda4 - OutfitGannonArcadesDoctor Arcade's Lab Coat
000acd5a - OutfitElderMcNamara Brotherhood Elder's Robe
000acda4 - GlassesThreeDog Sunglasses
000ccebf - HatNCR1stReconBeret 1st Recon Beret
0010d2cd - OutfitTrooperFatigues NCR Trooper Fatigues
000cd270 - HatNCRBeret Beret
0002d11b - HelmetMayorMacCready MacCready's Helmet
0010d8db - BountyHunterDuster Bounty Hunter Duster
0010d8dc - ArmorCombatBlack Combat Armor
0002dc05 - ArmorLeatherUnplayable Leather Armor
000cdf63 - HatPartyDestroyed Destroyed Party Hat
0002dd80 - OutfitLucasSimmsHat Sheriff's Hat
0010e1dd - OutfitGambler01 Fancy Gambler Suit
0010e1de - OutfitGambler02 Well-Heeled Gambler Suit
0010e1df - OutfitGambler03 Dapper Gambler Suit
0010e1e0 - OutfitGambler04 Shabby Gambler Suit
000ce26d - HatNVNCRRanger Ranger Hat
000ee47b - ArmorNVCLExplorer Legion Explorer Armor
000ee47c - ArmorNVCLRecruit Legion Recruit Armor
000ee47d - ArmorNVCLPrime Legion Prime Armor
000ee47e - ArmorNVCLVeteran Legion Veteran Armor
000ee47f - ArmorNVCLVexillarius Legion Vexillarius Armor
000ee480 - ArmorNVCLPraetorian Legion Praetorian Armor
000ee481 - ArmorNVCLCenturion Legion Centurion Armor
000ee482 - HelmetNVCLExplorer Explorer Hood
000ee483 - HelmetNVCLCenturion Centurion Helmet
000ee484 - HelmetNVCLVexillarius Vexillarius Helmet
000ee485 - HelmetNVCLRecruit Recruit Helmet
000ee486 - HelmetNVCLRecruitDecanus Recruit Decanus Helmet
000ee487 - HelmetNVCLPrime Prime Helmet
000ee488 - HelmetNVCLPrimeDecanus Prime Decanus Helmet
000ee489 - HelmetNVCLVeteran Veteran Helmet
000ee48a - HelmetNVCLVeteranDecanus Veteran Decanus Helmet
000ce552 - ArmorNVSpaceSuit Space Suit
000ce553 - ArmorNVNCRRangerPatrol NCR Ranger Patrol Armor
000ee68d - ArmorPowerBrotherhoodOfSteelT51B Brotherhood T-51b Power Armor
0014e834 - VMS49ExplosiveCollar Destroyed Collar
000ee68e - HelmetNVNCRTrooperGoggles Goggles Helmet
000ee68f - HelmetNVNCRTrooper Trooper Helmet
000ee690 - ArmorNVNCRTrooperFaceWrap NCR Face Wrap Armor
000ee691 - ArmorNVNCRTrooperBandoleer NCR Bandoleer Armor
000ee692 - ArmorNVNCRTrooper NCR Trooper Armor
000ee693 - ArmorNVNCRTrooperMantle NCR Mantle Armor
0004e6a0 - HelmetEyebot Eyebot Helmet
0010ea7f - GamblerMHat01 Dapper Gambler Hat
0010ea80 - GamblerFHat01 Stylish Gambler Hat
0010ea81 - GamblerFHat02 Fancy Gambler Hat
000cee21 - HelmetNVSpaceSuit Space Suit Helmet
000ef1cb - OutfitRepublican01 Caravaneer Outfit
000ef1cc - OutfitRepublican02 Field Hand Outfit
000ef1cd - OutfitRepublican03 Settler Outfit
000ef1ce - OutfitRepublican04 Prospector Outfit
0008f571 - ArmorTeslaPowerFX Tesla Armor
0002f563 - SlaveCollar Slave Collar
0008f775 - LLFFArmorRaider03Helmet Boogeyman's Hood
000efb23 - VaultSuit3 Vault 3 Jumpsuit
0013002c - OutfitKimballSuit President Kimball's Suit
001300af - VaultSuit19 Vault 19 Jumpsuit
001300b0 - VaultSuit24 Vault 24 Jumpsuit
0003064d - ArmorRecon Recon Armor
00110a71 - OutfitProstitute01 Chained Prostitute Outfit
00110a72 - OutfitProstitute02 Exposed Prostitute Outfit
00110a73 - OutfitProstitute03 Prostitute Outfit
00110a74 - OutfitKings Kings Outfit
00050e44 - HatParty Party Hat
000b1056 - OutfitPrewarBusinesswearDirtyDARK Grimy Pre-War Businesswear
000b17a0 - HelmetEyebotCaravanSpecial Crow's Eyebot Helmet
00112daf - OutfitMemphisKid Memphis Kid Outfit
00133166 - ArmorPowerRemnants Remnants Power Armor
00133167 - ArmorPowerRemnantsHelmet Remnants Power Helmet
00133168 - ArmorGannonTesla Gannon Family Tesla Armor
00133169 - ArmorGannonTeslaHelmet Gannon Family Tesla Helmet
0013316a - ArmorPowerNCRSalvaged NCR Salvaged Power Armor
0013316b - ArmorPowerNCRHelmet Salvaged Power Helmet
00033078 - ArmorRadiationSuit Radiation Suit
0003307a - ArmorRadiationSuitAdvanced Advanced Radiation Suit
0003307c - ArmorRaider02 Raider Sadist Armor
0003307d - ArmorRaider03 Raider Badlands Armor
0003307e - ArmorRaider04 Raider Blastmaster Armor
0003307f - ArmorMetal Metal Armor
00033080 - ArmorMetalHelmet Metal Helmet
000f3797 - ArmorFiendHelmetRare Motor-Runner's Helmet
00153a0e - OutfitJumpsuitRepconn Repconn Jumpsuit
00033598 - HelmetHockeyMask Hockey Mask
00133f31 - ArmorRemnantsTesla Remnants Tesla Armor
0017409d - OutfitJessupBandana Jessup's Bandana
00134094 - ArmorRemnantsTeslaHelm Remnants Tesla Helmet
00073d57 - OutfitWastelandHat05 Bandana
00134490 - NVGenOliverCap General Oliver's Cap
000340c1 - KIDHatPrewarCapKid Kid's Baseball Cap
000340c3 - KIDOutfitPrewarChild Pre-War Kid's Outfit
000340c4 - KIDOutfitPrewarChildOld Dirty Pre-War Kid's Outfit
000340c8 - HatPrewarHat Pre-War Hat
000340cd - HatPrewarBonnet Pre-War Bonnet
000340cf - OutfitPrewarCasualwearDirty Dirty Pre-War Casualwear
000340d0 - OutfitPrewarSpring Pre-War Spring Outfit
000340d1 - OutfitPrewarSpringDirty Dirty Pre-War Spring Outfit
000340d7 - OutfitProjectPurityDoctor Lab Technician Outfit
000340d9 - OutfitRivetCityScientist Scientist Outfit
000340de - OutfitEnclaveOfficer01 Enclave Officer Uniform
000340e1 - KIDHatPoliceChild Kid's Police Hat
000340e4 - KIDOutfitLittleLamplighter01 Kid's Cave Rat Outfit
000340e6 - OutfitPrewarNegligee Sexy Sleepwear
000340e7 - KIDOutfitMayorMacCready Mayor MacCready's Outfit
000340ed - VaultSuit87 Vault 87 Jumpsuit
000340ef - VaultSuit112 Vault 112 Jumpsuit
000340f2 - KIDVaultSuitChild101 Vault 101 Child's Jumpsuit
000340f8 - KIDOutfitWastelandChild01 Ragamuffin Outfit
000340f9 - KIDOutfitWastelandChild02 Junior Officer Outfit
000340fa - KIDOutfitWastelandChild03 Wasteland Scout Uniform
000340fb - KIDOutfitWastelandChild04 Athlete of the Wastes Outfit
000340fd - GlassesBlackrimmed Eyeglasses
000340fe - OutfitWastelandDoctor01 Wasteland Doctor Fatigues
000340ff - OutfitWastelandDoctor02 Wasteland Surgeon Outfit
00034105 - MS18RangerHelmet Ranger Battle Helmet
0003411a - OutfitJumpsuitRobco RobCo Jumpsuit
0003411b - OutfitJumpsuitRedRacer Red Racer Jumpsuit
00034122 - OutfitMerc01 Merc Charmer Outfit
00034123 - OutfitMerc02 Merc Troublemaker Outfit
00034124 - OutfitMerc03 Merc Adventurer Outfit
00034125 - OutfitEulogyJones Eulogy Jones' Suit
00034126 - OutfitEulogyJonesHat Eulogy Jones' Hat
00074296 - HeadWrap01 Head Wrap
00074334 - HeadWrap04 Head Wrap
00074335 - HeadWrap03 Head Wrap
00074336 - HeadWrap02 Head Wrap
0007494c - KIDOutfitWastelandChild05Hat Blast Off Helmet
00074950 - KIDOutfitWastelandChild01Hat Ragamuffin Tophat
00074952 - KIDOutfitWastelandChild03Hat Wasteland Scout Hat
001350ef - OutfitCass Cass' Outfit
00014c08 - ArmorPowerT45dHelmet T-45d Power Helmet
00014e13 - ArmorPowerT45d T-45d Power Armor
00015038 - PipBoy Pip-Boy 3000
00075201 - ArmorPowerBrotherhoodOfSteelT45D Brotherhood T-45d Power Armor
0011689a - OutfitTrenchcoat Trenchcoat
0011689b - OutfitFedoraHat Fedora
001168a4 - VMS18WhiteGloveMask White Glove Society Mask
00116e26 - VFSCalebMcCafferyHat Caleb McCaffery's Hat
00096cb7 - OutfitTenpenny Tenpenny's Suit
001370d6 - OutfitNVSlave1 Slave Rags
001370d7 - OutfitNVSlave2 Slave Rags
001370fd - NVSlaveHat01 Slave Scarf
001370fe - NVSlaveHat02 Slave Scarf
000b73f1 - VaultSuit108 Vault 108 Jumpsuit
000b73f2 - VaultSuit106 Vault 106 Jumpsuit
000b73f3 - VaultSuit92 Vault 92 Jumpsuit
001176e3 - OutfitVivaVegas Viva Las Vegas
000b75e2 - HatPartyStanley Party HatStanley
000d7779 - HVBrokenArmorPowerHelmet Broken Power Helmet
000d777a - HVBrokenArmorRecon Broken Recon Armor
000d777b - HVArmorPowerBroken Broken Power Armor
00157cd2 - ArmorLeatherGladiator Gladiator Armor
000b7f53 - HatNCRBoonesBeret Boone's Beret
00158615 - OutfitFollowersDoctorUnique Followers Lab Coat
0007836e - MS14PowerArmorMorphine Prototype Medic Power Armor
00078643 - KIDOutfitLittleLamplighter01Hat Kid's Murray the Mole Hat
00078644 - ArmorRaider02Helmet Raider Arclight Helmet
00078645 - ArmorRaider03Helmet Raider Wastehound Helmet
00078647 - OutfitEnclaveOfficer01Hat Enclave Officer Hat
00078648 - OutfitWastelandMerchantHat Roving Trader Hat
00138dc2 - ArmorVault34Security Vault 34 Security Armor
00138dc3 - ArmorVault34SecurityHelmet Vault 34 Security Helmet
00018de5 - OutfitWasteland01 Brahmin-Skin Outfit
00079f09 - VaultSuitUtilityDad Dad's Wasteland Outfit
0015a935 - ArmorNVpapakhanHelmet Papa Khan Helmet
0015a937 - NVPapaKhanArmor Papa Khan Armor
0011a970 - ArmorMask White Mask
0013b1a8 - NVLegionExplorerAuraToken Aura Token Kicker
0009b185 - KIDOutfitWastelandChild04Hat Kid's Ballcap with Glasses
0009b186 - OutfitWastelandHat01 Motorcycle Helmet
0009b188 - OutfitWastelandHat03 Biker Goggles
0009b189 - OutfitWastelandHat02 Stormchaser Hat
0001b5bd - OutfitEnclaveScientist Enclave Scientist Outfit
0005b6e8 - ArmorRaider04Helmet Raider Blastmaster Helmet
0005b6ea - KIDOutfitWastelandChild05 Blast Off Pajamas
0011bacb - PimpBoy Pimp-Boy 3 Billion
0011bcf8 - PimpBoyNPC PimpBoy 3 Billion
0001ba00 - OutfitWasteland02 Wasteland Wanderer Outfit
0005bb63 - OutfitPrewarCasualwear2 Pre-War Relaxedwear
0005bb66 - OutfitPrewarSpring2 Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit
0005bb6f - OutfitPrewarCasualwear2Dirty Dirty Pre-War Relaxedwear
0005bb70 - OutfitPrewarSpring2Dirty Dirty Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit
0013bf53 - ArmorNVCaesar Caesar's Armor
0011bee2 - OutfitAmbassadorCrocker Ambassador Crocker's Suit
0007c109 - ChildBlastoffHelmet ChildBlastoffHelmet
0007c17d - MS03StealthHat Shady Hat
0001c295 - GlassesReadingClr Tinted Reading Glasses
0001c296 - GlassesReading Reading Glasses
0005c682 - OutfitPrewarBusinesswearDirty Dirty Pre-War Businesswear
0005c99f - GlassesShades Sunglasses
0005c9a0 - GlassesDoctorLi Doctor Li's Glasses
0005c9a1 - GlassesTortiseshell Tortiseshell Glasses
000fcebb - ArmorFiendHelmet02 Fiend Warrior Helmet
000fcebc - ArmorFiendHelmet03 Fiend Helmet
0001cbdb - OutfitWasteland03 Wasteland Settler Outfit
0001cbdc - VaultLabCoat Vault Lab Uniform
000fd175 - VaultSuit22 Vault 22 Jumpsuit
0007cfef - CG00BirthSkirt BirthSkirt
0013d3b5 - ArmorLightAudioTemplate ArmorLightAudioTemplate
0013d3b6 - ArmorHeavyAudioTemplate ArmorHeavyAudioTemplate
0003d1fe - MS13Collar Slave Collar
000fd561 - OutfitNVJumpsuitRaulPetroChico Raul's Petro-Chico Jumpsuit
000fd771 - VaultSuit3Utility Vault 3 Utility Jumpsuit
0005dc82 - GlassesReadingChild GlassesReadingChild
0013e25a - HelmetNVLegate Legate Helmet
0015e35d - OutfitGeneralOliver General Oliver's Uniform
0003e54a - RegulatorDuster Regulator Duster
0015ea6d - OutfitRaulJumpsuitArmor Raul Jumpsuit Armor
0003e591 - MS03SurgicalMask Surgical Mask
0013eb32 - ArmorPlasticAudioTemplate ArmorPlasticAudioTemplate
0013eb33 - ArmorMediumAudioTemplate ArmorMediumAudioTemplate
0013ec03 - ArmorNVNCRDeadTrooper01 NCR Trooper Armor
0013ec04 - ArmorNVNCRDeadTrooper02 NCR Trooper Armor
0013ec05 - ArmorNVNCRDeadTrooper03 NCR Trooper Armor
0013ec06 - ArmorNVNCRDeadTrooper04 NCR Trooper Armor
0013ec07 - ArmorNVNCRDeadTrooper05 NCR Trooper Armor
0015ef66 - ArmorCombatReinforcedMark2 Combat Armor, Reinforced Mark 2
0015ef67 - ArmorCombatHelmetReinforcedmark2 Combat Helmet, Reinforced Mark 2
0015ef8b - CassHat Cass's Hat
0001ea6d - OutfitPrewarCasualwear Pre-War Casualwear
0013f297 - ArmorPowerAudioTemplate ArmorPowerAudioTemplate
0013f3a2 - DamWarPowerArmor DamWar power armor
0013f3a3 - DamWarEnclaveOfficer DamWar Enclave Officer
0013f3a4 - DamWarLegion DamWar Legion
0013f3a5 - DamWarCenturion DamWar Centurion
0013f3a6 - DamWarEnclaveScientist DamWar Enclave Scientist
0013f3a7 - DamWarRanger DamWar Ranger
0013f3a8 - DamWarCombatRanger DamWar Combat Ranger
0013f3a9 - DamWarGreatKhan DamWar Great Khan
0013f3aa - DamWarTrooper DamWar Trooper
0013f3ac - DamWarCombatRangerHelm DamWar Combat Ranger Helmet
0013f3ad - DamWarLegionHelm DamWar Legion Helmet
0013f3ae - DamWarFaceMask DamWar Face Mask
0013f80e - OutfitJumpsuitHooverDamCivilian Civilian Engineer Jumpsuit
0013f80f - OutfitJumpsuitHooverDamNCR NCR Engineer Jumpsuit
0011f87b - OutfitNCRRangerCivilian01 Ranger Red Scarf Outfit
0011f87c - OutfitNCRRangerCivilian02 Ranger Vest Outfit
0011f87d - OutfitNCRRangerCivilian03 Ranger Casual Outfit
0011f87e - OutfitNCRRangerHat01 Ranger Brown Hat
0011f87f - OutfitNCRRangerHat02 Ranger Grey Hat
0011f880 - OutfitNCRRangerHat03 Ranger Tan Hat
0011f881 - GlassesNCRRangerCivilian Authority Glasses
000bf6fd - OutfitJumpsuitTLHandyman Handyman Jumpsuit
0015fd5c - ChineseStealthArmor Chinese Stealth Armor
0015fd5d - ChineseStealthHelmet Chinese Stealth Helmet
0007836e - Prototype Medical Power Armor


Here is few Fallout: Tactics Hints. Feel free to add yours in comments. Enjoy!

Developer Commentary

Hold Shift during the credits to hear developer commentary.

Item Duplication

When you first enter a level at the first random encounter drop your items on the ground and leave. Return to location, pick up your items and leave again. Return a second time and the items will still be on the ground. Repeat this to duplicate items.

Fallout 2 - Cheats & Hints

Here are couple of Fallout 2 Cheats and Hints, feel free to add yours in comments. Enjoy!

Developer Comments
To hear comments by the development team, hold [Shift] during the credits.
Easy XP
In the NCR go to the place where the girl asked you to help talk the cop out of suicide and repair the computer. Talk to the girl and you will get 4000exp, a first aid kit and a science book. Repair the computer again and talk to her again and the same will happen.
Lots of XP
To get a lot of exprience points after you beat the game, first go to Commercial Row in New Reno. Talk to Father Tully (the drunk in the church), and he'll give you the Fallout 2 hintbook. Everytime you read it, you get 10,000 EXP. For even more, go to Vault City. Go into the vault, then the third level. Stick your PIPBoy into the computer on the east side, where you did before. You will get a message from the producers saying to go to the computer in the north end of the far west room. Everytime you use it, you get 20,000 XP (yes EVERYtime you use it).
Unlimited Money and Jet
In the Den, there is a thug named Joey. He will try to sell you the drug "Jet". Talk to him and he'll ask you for $500 a dose. When you first talk to him, have less than $500 in your inventory and say you'll buy it. He will say you don't have enough money and tell you not to buy it anywhere else. There will be an option that says "Wait, I'll buy it". Click on that and he'll say "You'll be coming back". Then say "Maybe". In your inventory, you will have the jet, without even paying for it. Here comes the best part! Go into his inventory by using the steal skill. He will have the $500 you were supposed to give him. You can then steal that money! You may do this as many times you wish for unlimited money and jet.
Free Access to the Vault
To get into vault city's vault without being a citizen all you have to do is get directly in front of the vault right before the gaurds say "only citizens allowed" then go into combat mode, enter the vault and WHA-LA! Free access..

Fallout 3 Cheats

To bring up the cheats console during gameplay, hit the tilde (~) key. Then, insert the cheat listed below on the left for the corresponding result on the right.

Cheat List:

  • addspecialpoints X - Add indicated amount of Special Points (X = amount)
  • addtagskills X - Adds indicated amount of Tag Skill Points (X = amount)
  • advlevel - Level up your character one level
  • GetQuestCompleted - Complete current quest
  • getXPfornextlevel - Gain one level
  • help - List all console commands
  • modpca Y X - Add indicated amount of points to your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats (Y = stat type, X = amount)
  • modpcs Y X - Add indicated amount of points to your skills (Y = stat type, X = amount)
  • player.setlevel X - Set player level (X = level)
  • player.additem 000000F X - Get indicated amount of caps (X = amount)
  • removefromallfactions - Remove player from all factions
  • rewardKarma X - Add indicated amount of Karma Points (X = amount)
  • setpccanusepowerarmor X - Toggle Power Armor use (X = 0 or 1)
  • setspecialpoints X - Set Special Points (X = amount)
  • settagskills X - Sets Tag Skill Points (X = amount)
  • tcl - No clipping mode
  • tmm1 - All mapmarkers
  • tdt - Toggle debug display
  • tlv - Toggle leaves
  • tgm - God mode

Weapons Code List:

.32 Pistol 0000080A
.44 magnum 00050F92
10mm Pistol 0001A334
10mm Pistol 0000434F
10mm Pistol 0006F210
10mm SMG ( Sydneys "Ultra" ) 0006E7CC
10mm Sub Machine gun 00004321
A3-21's Plasma Rifle 0006B539
Acid Spit 000B8793
Acid Spit 0006E8CE
Alien Blaster 00004322
Ant's Sting 000C553E
Assault Rifle 0001FFEC
Baseball Bat 0000421C
BB Gun 000C0327
BB Gun 00004323
Black Bart's Bane 0006B535
Blackhawk 000303A2
Board of Education 000C310F
Bottlecap Mine 0000433A
Brass Knuckles 00004324
Breaker 000CB546
Butch's Toothpick 00078440
Buzzsaw 0003BC6F
Chinese Assault Rifle 00046BDD
Chinese Assault Rifle 0000080B
Chinese Officer's Sword 0006415D
Chinese Officer's Sword 0002B3CB
Chinese Pistol 00004325
Chinese Pistol (Zhu-Rong v418 ) 00060C2C
Clover's Cleaver 000C80B8
Col. Autumn's 10mm Pistol 0006B531
Col. Autumn's Laser Pistol 000ABBE4
Combat Knife 00004326
Combat Knife 00064093
Combat Shotgun 0003713D
Combat Shotgun 00004327
Curse Breaker 000C80BB
Dart Gun 0000432A
Deathclaw Gauntlet 0000432B
Electrical Zap 00022FF1
Eugene 0006B538
Excalibat 000C80BC
Experimental MIRV 0003422B
Fat Man 0000432C
Fawkes' Super Sledge 0007843F
Fire Hydrant 00021367
Firelance 000C80BA
Fisto! 000CB601
Flamer 00078C60
Flamer 0000432D
Flamer 000C58EE
Flamer 000A0C02
Flamer 0009E8DF
Flamer 0007C10B
Flamer 00039550
Frag Grenade 00004330
Frag Mine 0000433C
Frag Mine 00028172
GasTrap Dummy 000001F6
Gatling Laser 0000432E
Gatling Laser 0000432E
Hand Laser 00018B9E
Highwayman's Friend 00078442
Hunting Rifle 00004333
Jack 000C6E5B
Knife 00004334
Laser 00050ED0
Laser 0007B23A
Laser 0007B237
Laser Pistol 000B4178
Laser Pistol 00063E8A
Laser Pistol 00004335
Laser Rifle 00074795
Laser Rifle 00004336
Law Dog 0006B532
Lead Pipe 00004337
Liberty Laser 00033FE2
LibertyPrimeWeapBomb 0005932F
Lincoln's Repeater 0003C07A
Love Tap 000C80B9
Mesmeron 00004339
Mesmetron 000BF5A4
Minigun 0000433F
Mirelurk Bait Grenade 00030664
Miss Launcher 000B2644
Missile Launcher 00057E8F
Missile Launcher 00004340
Nail Board 000A01DD
Nail Board 00063FDC
Nuka-Grenade 00004342
O'Grady's Peacemaker 0007843D
Occam's Razor 000CB602
Ol' Painless 00066C76
Plasma Grenade 00004332
Plasma Gun 0007C10C
Plasma Gun 0003954F
Plasma Mine 0000433D
Plasma Pistol 00004343
Plasma Rifle 00004344
Plunkett's Valid Points 000CAFA9
Police Batton 00004345
Pool Cue 00004346
Power Fist 00004347
Protectron's Gaze 000C553F
Pulse Grenade 00004331
Pulse Mine 0000433E
Radioactive Spit 00058717
Railway Rifle 00004348
Repellent Stick 0002D3B7
Reservist's Rifle 00092966
Ripper 00004349
Rock-it launcher 0000434B
Rolling Pin 00029769
Rolling Pin 000B2943
Sawed-Off Shotgun 0000434C
Sawed-Off Shotgun 000AE8AE
Scoped .44 Magnum 0000434D
SentryBot Laser Gatling 000389AF
SentryBot Minigun 00057E8E
Shishkebab 0000434E
Shriek 0007F598
Silenced 10mm Pistol 00004350

Slasher Knife 0002869C
Sledge Hammer 00004351
Sledgehammer 00063FA2
Smuglers End (Laser Pistol) 0006B536
Sniper Rifle 00004353
Spiked Knuckels 00004354
Stabhappy 000C80BE
Super Sledge 000B0E7C
Super Sledge 00004352
Switchblade 0006407F
Switchblade 000289C3
Sydney's 10mm "Ultra" SMG 0005DEEE
The Break 00066C77
The Kneecapper 0006B53A
The Shocker 000BFF62
The Tenderizer 000A874B
The Terrible Shotgun 0006B534
Tire Iron 00004328
Vampire's Edge 00078441
Vertibird Bomb Gun 0003E5E2
Vertibird Gun 00089C51
Victory Rifle 000CB548
Wazer Wifle 00061793

Ammo Code List
.308 Caliber Round 0006B53C
.32 Caliber Round 000207F7
.44 Round Magnum 0002937E
10mm Round 00004241
5.56mm Round 00078CC4
5.56mm Round 00004240
5mm Round 0006B53D
5mm Round 000615A8
Alien Powercell 00029364
BB - Ammo 0002935B
Bottlecap Mines 0000433A
Dart 00047419
Dart 0002936E
Electron Charge Pack 000615AF
Electron Charge Pack 0006B53E
Energy Cell 00020772
Energy Cell 00078CC2
Flamer Fuel 00029371
Flamer Fuel 00078CC1
Frag Grenades 00004330
Frag Mines 0000433C
Mesmetron Power Cell 0006A80D
Microfusion Cell 00078CC3
Microfusion Cell 00004485
Mini Nuke 00020799
Missile 000B8791
Missile 0005F706
Missile 00078CC5
Missles 00029383
Pulse Grenades 00004331
Railway Spikes 00029384
Shotgun Shell 00028EEA
Shotgun Shell 0004C5F9
Sonic Energy 00056634

Armor Code List
Power Helmet 00014C08
Power Armor 00014E13
Pip-Boy 3000 00015038
Brahmin-Skin Outfit 00018DE5
Enclave Scientist Outfit 0001B5BD
Wasteland Wanderer Outfit 0001BA00
Tinted Reading Glasses 0001C295
Vault Lab Uniform 0001CBDC
Vault 101 Security Armor 0001CBDD
Ghoul Mask 0001DC1C
Pre-War Casualwear 0001EA6D
Combat Armor 00020420
Leather Armor 00020423
Combat Helmet 00020426
Sheriff's Duster 00020429
Tunnel Snake Outfit 0002042E
Raider Painspike Armor 0002042F
Raider Psycho-Tic Helmet 00020432
Ranger Battle Armor 00023030
Ranger Armor 00023030
Pip-Boy 3000 000236D8
Rivet City Security Helmet 000239CB
Rivet City Security Uniform 000239CC
Enclave Power Armor 00023B62
Power Armor 00025083
Pip-Boy Glove 00025B83
Recon Armor Helmet 00028EAD
Kid's Party Hat 00028FF8
Pre-War Baseball Cap 00028FF9
Ballcap with Glasses 00028FFA
Roving Trader Outfit 0002B385
MacCready's Helmet 0002D11B
Leather Armor 0002DC05
Sheriff's Hat 0002DD80
Slave Collar 0002F563
Recon Armor 0003064D
Radiation Suit 00033078
Advanced Radiation Suit 0003307A
Raider Sadist Armor 0003307C
Raider Badlands Armor 0003307D
Raider Blastmaster Armor 0003307E
Metal Armor 0003307F
Metal Helmet 00033080
Hockey Mask 00033598
Kid's Baseball Cap 000340C1
Pre-War Kid's Outfit 000340C3
Dirty Pre-War Kid's Outfit 000340C4
Pre-War Hat 000340C8
Pre-War Bonnet 000340CD
Dirty Pre-War Casualwear 000340CF
Pre-War Spring Outfit 000340D0
Dirty Pre-War Spring Outfit 000340D1
Chinese Jumpsuit 000340D2
Dirty Chinese Jumpsuit 000340D3
Lab Technician Outfit 000340D7
Scientist Outfit 000340D9
Doctor Li's Outfit 000340DA
Enclave Officer Uniform 000340DE
Kid's Police Hat 000340E1
Kid's Cave Rat Outfit 000340E4
Sexy Sleepwear 000340E6
Mayor MacCready's Outfit 000340E7
Oasis Robe 000340E8
Oasis Villager Robe 000340E9
Red's Jumpsuit 000340EA
Red's Bandana 000340EB
Vault 87 Jumpsuit 000340ED
Vault 112 Jumpsuit 000340EF
Vault 101 Child's Jumpsuit 000340F2
Ragamuffin Outfit 000340F8
Junior Officer Outfit 000340F9
Wasteland Scout Uniform 000340FA
Athlete of the Wastes Outfit 000340FB
Pint-Sized Slasher Mask 000340FC
Eyeglasses 000340FD
Wasteland Doctor Fatigues 000340FE
Wasteland Surgeon Outfit 000340FF
Ranger Battle Helmet 00034105
Tenpenny Security Uniform 00034119
RobCo Jumpsuit 0003411A
Red Racer Jumpsuit 0003411B
Vault 101 Security Helmet 0003411C
The AntAgonizer's Costume 0003411D
The Mechanist's Costume 0003411E
The AntAgonizer's Helmet 0003411F

The Mechanist's Helmet 00034120
Armored Vault 101 Jumpsuit 00034121
Merc Charmer Outfit 00034122
Merc Troublemaker Outfit 00034123
Merc Adventurer Outfit 00034124
Eulogy Jones' Hat 00034126
Slave Collar 0003D1FE
Regulator Duster 0003E54A
Surgical Mask 0003E591
Vault 101 Utility Jumpsuit 000425BA
Enclave Power Armor 0004443E
Lincoln's Hat 0004445B
Eyebot Helmet 0004E6A0
Party Hat 00050E44
Colonel Autumn's Uniform 0005157E
Maple's Garb 0005A6CA
Poplar's Hood 0005A6CB
Raider Blastmaster Helmet 0005B6E8
Blast Off Pajamas 0005B6EA
Tenpenny Security Helmet 0005B6EB
Pre-War Relaxedwear 0005BB63
Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit 0005BB66
Dirty Pre-War Relaxedwear 0005BB6F
Dirty Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit 0005BB70
Dirty Pre-War Businesswear 0005C682
Sunglasses 0005C99F
Doctor Li's Glasses 0005C9A0
Tortiseshell Glasses 0005C9A1
GlassesReadingChild 0005DC82
Outcast Power Armor 00060C70
Outcast Power Helmet 00060C72
Army Power Armor 00061A72
Lyons' Pride Power Armor 00061A73
Tunnel Snake Outfit 00061D98
Outcast Recon Helmet 000645ED
Mysterious Stranger Outfit 0006696D
Dirty Pre-War Spring Outfit 00066C71
Leather Armor 00066C72
Power Armor 00066C73
Leather Armor 00066C74
Tesla Armor 0006B464
Tesla Helmet 0006B465
Mysterious Stranger Hat 0006B467
Armored Vault 101 Jumpsuit 0006C587
Linden's Outcast Power Armor 00070877
Bandana 00073D57
Three Dog's Head Wrap 00073FEC
Ledoux's Hockey Mask 0007401C
Head Wrap 00074296
Head Wrap 00074334
Head Wrap 00074335
Head Wrap 00074336
Blast Off Helmet 0007494C
Ragamuffin Tophat 00074950
Wasteland Scout Hat 00074952
Brotherhood Power Armor 00075201
Brotherhood of Steel Powered Helmet 00075201
Brotherhood of Steel Powered Armor 00075203
Brotherhood Power Helmet 00075203
Prototype Medic Power Armor 0007836E
Kid's Murray the Mole Hat 00078643
Raider Arclight Helmet 00078644
Raider Wastehound Helmet 00078645
Chinese Commando Hat 00078646
Enclave Officer Hat 00078647
Roving Trader Hat 00078648
Dad's Wasteland Outfit 00079F09
Child Blastoff Helmet 0007C109
Modified Utility Jumpsuit 0007C17C
Shady Hat 0007C17D
BirthSkirt 0007CFF0
Pre-War Outfit and Watch 0008198C
Vance's Longcoat Outfit 00083C5C
Brotherhood Scribe Robe 000854CF
Elder Lyons' Robe 00087274
Underwear 00089B52
Button's Wig 0008A6DD
Merc Veteran Outfit 0008C83C
Tesla Armor 0008F571
Boogeyman's Hood 0008F775
Tenpenny's Suit 00096CB7
Kid's Ballcap with Glasses 0009B185
Motorcycle Helmet 0009B186
Biker Goggles 0009B188
Stormchaser Hat 0009B189
Oasis Druid Hood 0009B18A
Merc Grunt Outfit 000A3045
Talon Company Armor 000A6F76
Talon Combat Armor 000A6F76
T-51b Power Armor 000A6F77
T-51b Power Helmet 000A6F78
Police Hat 000AB491
Pre-War Outfit and Watch 000ABBE2
Three Dog's Glasses 000ACDA4
Talon Combat Helmet 000B0278
Grimy Pre-War Businesswear 000B1056
Crow's Eyebot Helmet 000B17A0
Crow's Eyebot Helmet 000B17A0
Vault 108 Jumpsuit 000B73F1
Vault 106 Jumpsuit 000B73F2
Vault 92 Jumpsuit 000B73F3
Party HatStanley 000B75E2
Handyman Jumpsuit 000BF6FD
Environment Suit 000C09D4
Makeshift Gas Mask 000C111A
Lesko's Lab Coat 000C24F9
Merc Cruiser Outfit 000C5D34
The Surgeon's Lab Coat 000C71E1
Takoma Park Little Leaguer Cap 000C72FB
Torcher's Mask 000C7C4E
Wanderer's Leather Armor 000C7C54
Naughty Nightwear 000C8E07
Oasis Exile Hood 000C942D
Vault 77 Jumpsuit 000CAFBE
Defender Armor 000CB543
Commando Armor 000CB544
Explorer's Gear 000CB549
Lucky Shades 000CB54B
Shellshocked Combat Armor 000CB5EF
Shellshocked Combat Helmet 000CB5F0
Talon Combat Helmet 000CB5F1
Talon Combat Armor 000CB5F2
Enclave Shocktrooper Armor 000CB5F3
Enclave Shocktrooper Helmet 000CB5F4
Road Rascal Leather Armor 000CB5F5
Apocalypse Gladiator Armor 000CB5F6
Apocalypse Gladiator Helmet 000CB5F7
Robo-Thor Helmet 000CB5F8
Composite Recon Armor 000CB5FA
Composite Recon Helmet 000CB5FB
Sharp-Dressed Raider's Armor 000CB5FC
The Devil's Pigtails 000CB5FD
Hand-Me-Down Raider Armor 000CB5FE
Highway Scar Armor 000CB5FF
Pyro Helmet 000CB600
Dirty Chinese Jumpsuit 000CB603
Hat of the People 000CB604
All-Purpose Science Suit 000CB605
Merc Charmer Outfit 000CB606
Wasteland Legend Outfit 000CB609
Merc Grunt Outfit 000CB60A
Merc Cruiser Outfit 000CB60B
Power-Suit Armor 000CB60C
Pre-War Casualwear 000CB60D
Sleepwear 000CB60E
Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit 000CB60F

Aids Code List
Ant Meat 0003C345
Ant Queen Pheromones 00033068
Beer 00015197
Berry Mentats 000BF7C6
Blamco Mac and Cheese 0008C556
Bloatfly Meat 0007C10D
Blood Pack 00034051
Brahmin Steak 00015198
Bubblegum 0008C560
Buffout 00015163
Cave Fungus 00038E0C
Cram 0008C552
Crispy Squirrel Bits 00031948
Crunchy Mutfruit 0001519C
Dandy Boy Apples 0008C554
Dirty Water 000151A4
Dog Meat 00034050
Fancy Lads Snack Cakes 0008C55A
Fire Ant Nectar 00085ABB
Fresh Apple 00015196
Fresh Carrot 00015199
Fresh Pear 0001519F
Fresh Potato 000151A0
Grape Mentats 000BF7C5
Gum Drops 0008C564
Hatchling Mirelurk Meat 00065175
Human Flesh 0003404F
Ice Cold Nuka-Cola 00040DCB
Iguana Bits 0001519A
Iguana on a Stick 0001519B
InstaMash 0008C558
Jet 00015164
Junk Food 0003359C
Med-X 00050F8F
Mentats 00015165
Mirelurk Cakes 0003404D
Mirelurk Meat 0003404E
Miss. Quantum Pie 00049076
Mole Rat Meat 0003404C
Mole Rat Wonder Meat 000ABD17
Mutfruit 00034049
Noodles 0001519D
Nuka-Cola 0001519E
Nuka-Cola Quantum 000284F9
NukaLurk Meat 00095F48
Orange Mentats 000BF7C7
Pork N' Beans 0008C55E
Potato Crisps 0008C562
Psycho 00015166
Purified Water 000151A3
Radaway 00015167
Radroach Meat 0009C957
Salisbury Steak 000293A9
Scotch 000151A1
Softshell Mirelurk Meat 000552CE
Squirrel on a Stick 00031949
Squirrel Stew 0003194A
Stimpaks 00015166
Strange Meat 0002E376
Strange Meat Pie 0007E173
Sugar Bombs 0008C551
Sweetroll 00030A23
Ultrajet 000C9CF4
Vodka 00032C74
Whiskey 00032C75
Wine 0003404A
Yao Guai Meat 0003404B
YumYum Deviled Eggs 0008C55C

Book Code List
Big Book of Science 0003403C
Big Book of Science 0002D3A4
Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual 00034045
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine 00034043
Dean's Electronics 0003403D
Duck and Cover! 0006A80C
Footlocker 000199C2
Grognak the Barbarian 00034040
Guns and Bullets 0003403E
Lying, Congressional Style 00034044
Motivational Secrets of the Stars 0002D3A3
Nikola Tesla and You 00034041
Paradise Lost 000BACFE
Pugilism Illustrated 0003403F
Survival Guide Manuscript 0002D3B2
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor 00034042
Tumblers Today 00034046
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes 00034048
Wasteland Survival Guide 000C5634
You're SPECIAL! 000AB2EF

Miscellaneous Items Code List
Bobby Pins 0000000A
Bottle Caps 0000000F
Medical Brace 0002210D
Stealth Boy 00043E94
finger 000604DE

Fallout 1, 2 Tactics, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4