Showing posts with label Fallout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fallout. Show all posts

June 10, 2014

Original Fallout Game Mods and Conversions


Fallout Fixt by Sduibek

This mod amalgamates most available Fallout 1 mods into one installation. In addition to included mods/patches, it fixes many bugs that still existed in the patched version of the game, adds new customizable optional content, and new features. Goal of Fallout Fixt: To enhance, fix and improve the Fallout 1 experience. This includes fixing bugs, restoring features, modifying balance, adding features, and many fixes to text/dialog. In addition to that, all other available mods and patches are rolled into Fixt (see below), meaning that Fallout Fixt is the only thing needed for "the best" Fallout 1 experience. It currently contains:
  • Official Interplay patch (1.1)
  • TeamX patches (1.2, 1.21, 1.3.5)
  • No Children Fix
  • Nimrod's Dialog Fixes (many text improvements)
  • Cathedral Crash Fix
  • robbforce text fixes

Included Mods / Enhancements:
  • TeamX Fallout NPC Mod
  • Sfall 1.18e the last FO1-supporting version (including shaders.fx for D3D modes)
  • Fallout1 Resolution Patch
  • Extended Flamer Attack
  • Screen Refresh (prevents screen from periodically going black during play)
  • Wasteland Ghost's Fallout Restoration Mod (not all of it, but invasions and a few other smaller things)
  • Weapon Drop Mod
  • Endgame Mod (allows you to keep playing like in Fallout 2)

Fallout1 Resolution Patch by Mash

Allows many graphical fixes and features including higher resolution and DirectX modes. This program modifies "falloutw.exe" in memory for the purposes of increasing the visual resolution, playing in a window and other enhancements. Currently Supported versions of the "Falloutw.exe" are:
  • US 1.1
  • TeamX Patch 1.2 (Executable included in TeamX's Fallout 1 patch)
  • Fallout Restoration Mod 1.2 (Executable included in Wasteland Ghost's Fallout 1 mod)
  • Polish 1.2
  • Fallout Collection (PC DVD) WHITE LABEL 1.2

See more >> | Get it here.

Sfall by Timeslip

A Fallout 2 engine tweak by Timeslip. Fallout 1 branch is discontinued. However, v1.18e still works for Fallout 1. The main features are:
  • Increase movement and combat speed to up to 10x normal.
  • Play fallout in a window or in 16 bit colour mode
  • Use d3d9 in place of the usual ddraw
  • Use the mouse scroll wheel in the inventory, barter, conversation and save/load menus.
  • Assign a use to the middle mouse button, and adjust mouse sensitivity beyond fallout's normal range
  • Adjust or remove the 13 year time limit
  • Fixes the broken pathfinder and sharpshooter perks
  • Adds some additional script functions for modders to use

Get it here.

Fallout Restoration Mod by TeamX

A direct successor of the Fallout Update Mod. It introduces most of the features seen in the Fallout Update Mod and plenty of the new ones. Mod is developed from scratch so it's expected to be more complex, solid and stable than the predecessor. Questionable and incomplete features are being removed. Project is based on the most recent version of the unofficial Fallout Patch v1.3.x.

Since currently only Wasteland Ghost is involved development, release model of the mod had been changed into modular structure. Non-cumulative updates are being released when ready. There are two parts available at this day:
  1. Game Restoration Mod Part 1: "Invasive procedures". An invasion of mutants army in all major towns has been restored. As long as Master exists, he and his army will slowly invade Wasteland. An invasion begins with the destruction of the LA: Boneyard. Then it continues to the Necropolis, Hub, Brotherhood of Steel, Junktown, Shady Sands and finally Vault 13. Note, that by interacting with the game world you can hasten an invasion in certain (or even all) locations. After a town's been invaded, all it's natives are killed and an invading army of mutants appears on the streets.
  2. Game Restoration Mod Part 2: "The Unknown Wasteland". This part deals mostly with caravans and random encounters. A caravan is actually shown, when it arrives in the town. Customers are now roaming around a caravan when it's in the town. A caravan leader now offers you a mini-quest: assist to unload a caravan. Few special encounters are fixed or re-enabled. Alcohol addiction (beer and booze) restored.

Fallout Revisited by Sorrow

This mod changes weapon damages and armor stats to more realistic. Damage Values were calculated with help of 3G3 Guns! Guns! Guns! weapon design system. Earlier versions of the mod were released in Poland and were liked by players. Game world changes: I fictionalized RL weapons and ammo (.44, Desert Eagle, .223) to fit the post WWII divergence and changed AK-112 to be more fitting to retro-futuristic USA. FDM:
  • No AC bonus from armor.
  • Modified HP of civilians and some of opponents - some people had as little HP as 12 (a leftover from GURPS or what?).
  • More random ranged weapons damage - FDM had unrealistically lethal firearms due to less random damage.
  • No HP bonuses for higher level NPCs.
  • Shotguns now fire salvoes of pellets which cause small damage to armored targets, but huge damage to unarmored ones.
Other mods and patches:

See also:

June 05, 2014

Rejected Fallout 3 Perks

In Fallout 3, you will gain a perk every level as opposed to every three levels in Fallout and Fallout 2, and every two in Fallout: New Vegas. There are 58 regular perks, 5 special perks and 7 quest perks in the normal game;
  • 2 special perks in Operation: Anchorage, though one is a special perk from the base game (Power Armor Training), 
  • 1 special perk and 2 quest perks in The Pitt, 
  • 14 regular perks in Broken Steel, 
  • 1 special perk, 2 quest perks and 3 cut perks (impossible to get without using the console or one or more mods) in Point Lookout
  • 1 special perk in Mothership Zeta
As you might have seen/use/know about those mentioned above, there is also a short list of perks that are rejected for Fallout 3 and would be interesting to see them in game:

  • Darwinian Perk: -100% depth. Player will also occasionally feel compelled to toss a live grenade at his own feet, then squeal in dismay like a digital cat.
  • Foppish Dandy Perk: -3 to Perception due to the player looking down his nose at everyone. Adds aura: Haughty Disdain. Does not protect against radiation.
  • Valueless Chav Perk: There are no discernible benefits gained from this particular perk, save from the ability to slightly frighten the elderly and frail.

  • Unsettling Gimp Perk: Player gains experience from any melee injuries inflicted upon him, but suffers -30 points to Speech skill due to restrictive ball-gag.
  • Mrs Doubtfire Perk: Immediate gender change, but each time the player uses V.A.T.S., there's a chance Pierce Brosnan will seduce their current companion.
  • Big Daddy Perk: +20 damage resistance, -1 hand, -5 to Sneak due to constant groaning. Enables the player to enlist any female child as a permanent companion.

  • Lil' Cthulhu Perk: -10 to Euclidean geometry, +10 disposition to Centaurs. Player can now look directly at the ground and press USE to immediately devour the Earth.
  • Barack Oblamma Perk: Immune to all attacks of any conceivable kind. Also gives +33% damage versus any human over the age of 70, +1 hope, +1 unity, +1 change.
  • Rod Hull Perk: The player has a 33% chance for an extra beak attack in V.A.T.S., but -50 disposition with all characters, particularly females. Fall damage is doubled.
The more you know..

Fallout 1 Full Remake by Arcseso Team for Fallout: NV

Fallout 1 - The Story WIP by ARCSESO

Check also development diary page on FB

Progress level:

  • Vault 13 (100% complete)
  • Vault 15 (100% complete)
  • Shady Sands (80% complete)
  • Junktown (50% complete)
  • The Glow (started)
  • Necropolis (started)
  • Raider Camp (claimed)
  • The Hub (started)

Fallout the Story is a work in progress at the moment. It is designed as a mod for the NV base game only (no DLCs needed). It is one of the main design goals to keep the look and feel of this all time classic intact. Which means it is a lot of work and needs every support it can get.

Arcseso team have made a complete new travel system. Which allows the player to discover the map of Fallout 1, also includes random encounters and the ability to flee (if your character is a coward ;) ). The game will be node based as the original. So you travel from one small world space to another. It is not a continues world. They have plans to add one larger world space which allows a bit more exploration (as easter egg so to say) but this one will be started at the end of development.


  • Vault 13: (start and revisit 100% complete)
  • Vault 15: (100% complete that was an easy one ;) )
  • Shady Sands (About 30% done)
  • Junktown (About 20% done)
All creatures (except they have forgotten one and "The Master" doesn't count as simple creature here ;) ) from Fallout 1 are complete in their original form. Sure that they reuse from New Vegas but if changes are needed (Centaur for example) they are made.

Armors & Clothing:
To keep the look & fell of the game at the same level as the original a lot of armors got a makeover. Which means Fallout The Story will look a bit more clean then Fallout 3 or NV but this change is intended.

The first Developer Vlog for Fallout The Story

Follower & Reputation:
The follower system is different in Fallout 1 then in the newer versions. They aren't mostly the nice guys which can only be used as pack mules. We try to reflect this with several additions to the standard system.

The second Developer Vlog for Fallout The Story


  • Need ammo (100% complete). 
  • Are part of factions and react to player actions against them (100% complete). 
  • Comment on places that are visited by the player (started)
Fallout the story uses the NV reputation system. Which is a bit more complex then the original and maybe a bit more unforgiving as they think it's worth it.

But they also added the newer features like the companion wheel.

Since there won't be any remake of the classics by BGS, this mod will get you the closest to the feel of the classic Fallout games in full beauty of 3D! This mod still needs a lot of work to be done, but also it needs every support it can get! Support this project by leaving comment (share your thought), and share this post and dev videos with your Fallout friends.

See also:

Related Articles:

May 26, 2014

Canceled Fallout games history

Van Buren (aka Fallout 3)

Van Buren was the project name Black Isle Studios assigned to their version of Fallout 3. In 2003, the game was canceled and the Black Isle employees were laid off.
The game was going to use an engine that Black Isle had made for Baldur's Gate 3, commonly referred to as the Jefferson Engine. It was fully 3D. Black Isle Studios planned to include a dual combat system in the game that allowed for the player to choose real time or turn-based combat, due to Interplay's demands, though Joshua Sawyer had stated that the emphasis would be on the turn-based version. Co-operative multiplayer was also going to be included in the game, again because of publisher requirements.

Fallout (PlayStation)

A proposed top down shooter proposed for Sony's original PlayStation console, although a prototype existed it was cancelled after 3-4 months of development. A Fallout top-down shooter for the original PlayStation was in development at Interplay at one point. It was canceled after about 3–4 months of pre-production and early prototyping. The PlayStation port of another notable cRPG published by Interplay,Baldur's Gate, was similarly canceled, although in a near complete state.

Fallout Tactics 2

Canceled sequel to Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel. developed by Micro Forté. Pre-production started shortly before the release of the first game, but it was canceled around December 2001. After the game started selling rather poorly, the sequel was canned by Interplay and didn't even get past concept. This would see the Midwestern Brotherhood of steel head South-East, towards Florida to deal with a GECK causing mutations. This game was cancelled in pre-development due to poor sales of the previous title.

Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel 2

also known as Vagrant Lands, was the canceled sequel to Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel. The development started before the release of the first game, and it was almost complete when Interplay laid off most of their employees in 2004. The plot incorporated some elements from Van Buren, the canceledFallout 3 by Black Isle Studios (Caesar's Legion, the Jackals, Nursery), as well as the mutated G.E.C.K. from the canceled Fallout Tactics 2. In March 2009, the design document for the game, written by Brian Freyermuth (one of the designers of the original Fallout), was leaked.

Fallout Online (aka "Project V13")

Following the sale of the Fallout franchise to Bethesda, Interplay retained a limited right to develop an online Fallout game. This ended up resulting in a lawsuit between the two companies, and the idea to make a MMO based Fallout remains unrealised.Initially, Project V13 was the internal code name for Fallout Online. In addition to the current team Jason Anderson, one of the other makers of Fallout, was involved in the project between 2007 and 2009, but had since left the team. Interplay's rights to developing and publishing this game have been the subject of a legal dispute between Bethesda Softworks, the current owner of the Fallout franchise, and Interplay.

Fallout Extreme

Another Sequel for Fallout Tactics, but developed for Consoles. This game would have seen "The Cause" head Northwest, through Canada and on to Alaska to do battle with the Brotherhood of Steel; following this victory they would then head on to China to destroy a Doom's Day Missile. Fallout Extreme is a canceled, squad-based, first- and third-person tactical game for the Xbox and PlayStation 2, using the Unreal Engine and developed by Interplay's 14 Degrees East division. It was in development for several months in 2000, but never had a concrete development team and had not been developed past conception. The game was never officially announced, and its existence was virtually unknown until detailed information about it was released in January 2010.

Fallout Pen and Paper d20

Licensed by Glutton Creeper Games by Interplay, this project would have brought Fallout to the tabletop through the D20 gaming system made popular by Dungeons and Dragons. Although Bethesda brought legal action against the project, it was eventually released as Exodus, with the Fallout elements removed. Fallout Pen and Paper d20 was a pen and paper role-playing game based on the Fallout computer games developed by Glutton Creeper Games. Because Bethesda threatened Glutton Creeper with legal action, they were forced to change the game into a post-apocalyptic RPG called Exodus.

Fallout iPhone game

Little is known about the plans to bring Fallout to the iPhone, except that multiple pitches had been rejected as of June 2009, and John Carmack of ID Software had developed a proof of concept, but nothing seemingly came from the development. According to Bethesda's Todd Howard, several early designs have been pitched and rejected. On November 5, 2009 John Carmack of Id Software said that, while it's nothing official yet, he has an internal proof of concept made for a Fallout iPhone game. Both Carmack and Bethesda's Todd Howard are fans of the platform and any iPhone game based on Bethesda's IP will likely be made as a joint project between id and Bethesda. Carmack said that he will likely be personally involved in making the game, although currently he is too overloaded with work on other games. "At the very least I'm going to be providing code," he said. In April 2010, Pocketgamer published a rumour that Bethesda were looking to reactivate the "Fallout Tactics" line with a mobile-based tactical game based in New Vegas.

Source: Fallout Wikia

See also: Fallout Games History Overview

May 25, 2014

Play Fallout Game on iOS Devices

This is an short quide on how to run the original Fallout game on your iPad or iPhone. You can do the same steps on any iOS device even on iPhone. To do this just follow the simple steps:

Jailbreak your iOS device (see for tutorials on how to do that on youtube), then install Fallout game on your PC and download files needed to run Fallout in MSDOS - follow this guide.

When all done, follow these instructions:
  1. Then open Cydia and add source:
  2. Install AppSync 5+ on your iOS device
  3. Download iDOS application version 2.0.1 (search iDos.ipa on Google)
  4. Install iDos application on your iOS device (Simply put it in iTunes and sync)
  5. Open cydia and install iFile to your iOS device
  6. Open installed iDOS application for the first time it will create dospad.cfg in the application folder.
  7. Download the program called iTools from their website (google it), this will allow you to access your iOS device file system from your PC or MAC and change it's files.
  8. Open iDOS application folder in the User/Applications/(your iDOS folder)/Documents
  9. Change the content of dospad.cfg to the content below:











After you've done changes in the content of dospad.cfg, then you simply:

  1. Upload FALLOUT folder to User/Applications/(your iDOS folder)/Documents
  2. Open iFile and give the Read/Write/Execute 777 permissions (see video on how to do that) to your FALLOUT folder.
  3. Open iDos and start the game.

Play Fallout 1 & 2 On Android

Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 Android installation guide.

Fallout 1 and 2 are fully playable on Android with all the sounds and music from the original game. Play the best role-playing video games for PC on your mobile!

With the use of an Android X86 emulator QEMU, you will learn how to install and play your own copy of Fallout 1 or Fallout 2 on Android.

Guide+video How to Play PC Games on Android with DosBox Turbo

Download the DosBox Turbo Version 1.0

Recommended System Requirements:

  • CPU Quad-Core, Dual-core 1.2Ghz+, equivalent or better.
  • GPU Adreno 220+, Nvidia Tegra2/3/4, equivalent or better.
  • 2GB, 1GB, 512MB. My Config asks for a min of 256MB & shouldn't be run on a device with less than 512MB. 8GB disk space

Minimum System Requirements:

  • 1Ghz Single-Core CPU with 512MB of Ram
  • GPU Adreno 220
  • 4GB Disk Space

Note: If you only meet the minimum requirements, then see Step 7 and use the optional Fallout2 Config without Video & Ambient sounds.

Tested Devices: Note2, HP TouchPad, Galaxy s3, Galaxy s1 i9000

How to install Fallout on your Android device:
  1. You will need Fallout 1 or 2 the game fully installed on a PC
  2. Download QEMU Emulator for Android:
Version 1.0 for Playing Fallout 2 Regular QEMU Download
Version 2.0 for Playing the Fallout 2 Restoration Project QEMU Download
Note: Version 1.0 is more stable but will not work properly with the Restoration Project.

Getting Fallout 1 & 2 setup to Play on Android:

Fallout 2
If you wish to play Fallout 2, we recommend installing Killap’s unofficial fallout 2 patch.

  1. Download and Extract the Unofficial patch, open the folder.
  2. Open the "data" folder and copy and paste these files into your Fallout 2 install directory. (yes to overwrite the files)
  3. Open the "Windows 95-98-ME" folder and copy and paste these files into your Fallout 2 install directory. (yes to overwrite the files)
  4. Open the “Batch_work’ folder and copy and paste these files into your Fallout 2 install directory. Run the "master_dat_fix_up.exe" file (A window will popup, wait for it..)
  5. Next this is EXTREMELY important, in your Fallout 2 install directory delete a file called "patch000.dat"
  6. Download and install one of my custom Fallout cfg files by copying and pasting it into your Fallout directory. These config files correct the game path for the sound data files. Config With Video & Ambient sounds: This is the standard required config file the fixes the sound directory path. Config without Video & Ambient sounds: This increases performance by removing ambient and video sounds. If you experience crashing when the videos play then, you will need this file. Note*NPC conversations will still have spoken dialogue. This can also improve screen scroll performance with and increased art_cache_size=256. You can also manually open the fallout2.cfg and change the value. I recommend 256, 512, or 768 (default=8). 
  7. (Optional) You can also install Mash’s resolution patch: to increase your screen size. 
Note This may impact game performance but allows you to see much more of the map at once. Fallout2 Hi-Res Patch v3.06

Fallout 2 Restoration Project
Note: The Fallout 2 Restoration Project requires a faster device to run than a regular install of Fallout 2. A fast Dual or Quad core device with 2GB+ is Recommended
If you wish to play Killaps Fallout 2 Restoration Project on Android then you must do the following.

  1. Download and Extract the manual Restoration patch, open the folder.
  2. Open the "main" folder and copy and paste these files into your Fallout 2 install directory. (yes to overwrite the files)
  3. Open the "Windows 95-98-ME" folder and copy and paste these files into your Fallout 2 install directory. (yes to overwrite the files)
  4. Open the “Batch_work’ folder and copy and paste these files into your Fallout 2 install directory. Run the "f2.bat" file (A window will popup, wait for it..)
  5. Next this is EXTREMELY important, in your Fallout 2 install directory delete a file called "patch000.dat" Fallout 2 Restoration Project Manual Version Download
  6. Download and install one of my custom Fallout cfg files by copying and pasting it into your Fallout directory. These config files correct the game path for the sound data files. Config With Video & Ambient sounds: This is the standard required config file the fixes the sound directory path. Config without Video & Ambient sounds: This increases performance by removing ambient and video sounds. If you experience crashing when the videos play then, you will need this file. Note*NPC conversations will still have spoken dialogue. This can also improve screen scroll performance with and increased art_cache_size=256. You can also manually open the fallout2.cfg and change the value. I recommend 256, 512, or 768 (default=8). 
  7. Download the citylimit49_mapper here and place it into your Fallout 2 follder. Run the exe to extract the files. (yes to overwrite the files) 
Look in the Fallout 2 folder for the F49+.exe file that was extracted and run it. It will fail to patch the mapper but will patch the Fallout.exe and allow us to play the restoration project.

Fallout 1
If you wish to play Fallout 1, we recommend installing the Dos Patch and launching the game from the Dos exe file.

  1. Download and install Fallout 1 the game on your PC. I got it from a free promotion @ GOG
  2. Download and extract the Fallout 1 Dos files below. You will need to add these Dos files into the fallout 1 folder installed on your PC. Copy and paste them directly into that folder. fallout1.1+Dos Patch download
  3. Download and install one of my custom Fallout 1 cfg files by copying and pasting it into your Fallout 1 directory. These config files correct the game path for the sound data files. There are two different config files. The one without video & ambient noise is for slower devices that just meet the Min system requirements or have performance issues.
  4. I also installed this NPC patch from the no mutants allowed website. This allows you to edit your follows weapons and inventory, like Fallout 2. Download and extract these files into the Data folder in your fallout 1 directory.
NPC mod Download:
  1. Download and Extract either the 2GB or 1GB empty HDD.img files to an easy to find location on your PC. Bigger is Better, for improved stability! Default is 2GB.
  2. Install the free 30 day trial of WinImage and run the application. Be sure to use it before 30 days passes.
WinImage 9.00 Download:
  1. Open the empty HDD.img by dragging it into the open Winimage program. Or navigating to it from file/open
  2. Locate your fully installed Fallout 1 or 2 game folder. Transfer the Fallout game folder into the HDD.img and save it. This should include Killaps Patches and Mash’s resolution patch. I would recommend playing at 640x480 if you have a dual core device. You can attempt 800x600 or 1024x768 if you have a quad core device. Single core devices should use my No Video or Ambient noise Fallout cfg. (Optional) You can install one of my custom Fallout cfg files by copying and pasting it into the Fallout directory. Config With Video & Ambient sounds: This is recommend to improve screen scroll performance and sound compatibility. Config without Video & Ambient sounds: This has the same sound tweaks but further increases performance by removing ambient and video noises. Note*NPC conversations will still have spoken dialogue.
  3. Save your new HDD.img and close the program.
  4. Copy and paste your new Fallout2 HDD.img into the SDL folder in your downloads.
  5. Transfer the sdl folder to your devices internal memory. This will be the location that opens when you plug in the USB cable.
  6. Transfer the libSDL.apk to your device and install it. Note* you may need to Enable 'Unknown Sources' from Settings/Security/Enable.
  7. Run the libSDL.apk and start windows. Skip scan disk if it comes up.
  8. Play Fallout2 on Android and wander the wasteland.
(Optional) Interface Apps:
GameKeyboard app that lets you make onscreen buttons and choose the keys:
Get the free Hackers Keyboard from the Play Store. It has a better layout for playing games and includes directional keys.

Notes (Important):
SDL cfg file:
Located in the sdl folder you will find the sdl.cfg file. This allows you to edit the instructions given to the emulator. You can edit and save changes to this file using notepad.

Here is the default line for the sdl.cfg file:
/sdl -L . -m 256 -boot c -hda c.img -hdb HDD_2Gb.img -usb -usbdevice tablet -soundhw sb16

  • You can increase or decrease the Memory –m 128 or 256 or 512+ (recommended) The Default is 256MB for compatibility.
  • Set the emulated Memory size to half of your total system Memory size. So if your device has 1GB of DDR use the 512 setting.
  • You can change the name of the HDD –hdb HDD_2Gb.img Note*It Must match the exact name in your sdl.cfg file.
  • Add additional HDD’s by adding sequentially lettered –hd(x) Like so
  • /sdl -L . -m 256 -boot c –hda c.img –hdb hdd_2Gb.img –hdc hdd_2Gb.img –hde hdd_2Gb.img… ect
  • The default is HDD_2Gb.img but you can edit the file with notepad. Just change the 2 to a 1, to use the HDD_1Gb.img, save and exit.

Extra HDD for Virtual Memory:
  • We would highly recommended attaching a 1/2GB HDD used only for virtual memory. You can use the Virtual Memory sdl cfg line below.
  • Once you are running the emulator right click on the vault 13 desktop icon and choose properties, select the performance tab. Next select “virtual memory” at the bottom, click “Let me specify my own virtual memory settings” and select the HDD you attached. It will prompt you to reboot once you exit. Don’t reboot, choose no, and then shutdown and re-launch the emulator. This will help to keep System Resources between 98-99% free. This helps to optimize the performance and improve stability.
  • You can check the performance by right clicking on the desktop vault computer and selecting properties. Navigate to the performance tab at the top and look for “System Resources:98%free”.
Virtual Memory sdl cfg:
/sdl -L . -m 512 -boot c -hda c.img -hdb HDD_2Gb.img -hdc HDD_1Gb.img -usb -usbdevice tablet -soundhw sb16


  • You will need to be rooted in order to Overclock your device. Increasing your CPU speed can have a large impact on performance and could make games playable on older devices. 
  • Get a free overclocking app from the Play Store such as AnTuTu's CPU Master (free). Open the app and increase the speed in small increments of 100-200Mhz and then run AnTuTu's Benchmark to check stability and performance. Once you've found a stable overclock start up QEMU and have fun.
  • You must click the volume bottom before you can move the mouse.
  • To help maintain stability try and minimize back ground app activity while running Fallout.
Note: Fallout 1 and 2 runs reasonably stable. Reasonably stable = testers report gaming session of 1-3hrs.

Tweaking the CPU Settings:

  • Increasing the minimum CPU frequency may help to improve stability. You can use the free CPU Master App. Also set the CPU governor to Performance or on demand. Don’t forget to set it back to normal after your finished exploring the wasteland.
CPU Master Play Store (free app)

Fallout 1 and 2 Troubleshooting:

May 23, 2014

Fallout Game Story

Fallout is set in the timeline which deviated from our own sometime after World War II, and where technology, politics and culture followed a different course. In the 21st century, a worldwide conflict is brought on by global petroleum shortage. Several nations begin warring with one another for the last of non-renewable resources, namely oil and uranium; known as the Resource Wars, fighting begins in April 2052 and ends in 2077. China invades Alaska in the winter of 2066, causing the United States to go to war with China and using Canadian resources to supply their war efforts, despite Canadian complaints.

Eventually, the United States violently annexes Canada in February 2076 and reclaims Alaska nearly a year later. After years of conflict, on October 23, 2077, a global nuclear war occurs. It is not known who strikes first, but in less than a few hours most major cities are destroyed. The effects of the war do not fade for the next hundred years and as a consequence, human society has collapsed leaving only survivor settlements barely able to make out a living in the barren wasteland, while a few live through the occurrence in underground fallout shelters known as Vaults. One of these, Vault 13, is the protagonist's home, where the game begins.

In Vault 13, in 2161 in Southern California, 84 years after the nuclear war. The Water Chip, a computer chip responsible for the water recycling and pumping machinery, breaks. The Vault Overseer tasks the protagonist, the Vault Dweller, with finding a replacement. He or she is given a portable device called the "Pip-Boy 2000" that keeps track of map-making, objectives, and bookkeeping. Armed with the Pip-Boy 2000 and meager equipment, including a small sum of bottle caps which are used as currency in the post-apocalyptic world, the main character is sent off on the quest.

The Vault Dweller is an inhabitant of one of the Vaults. The player can create a custom protagonist or choose to be one of three already available; Albert Cole, a negotiator and charismatic leader, whose background is somewhat in the legal system; Natalia Dubrovhsky, a talented acrobat and intelligent and resourceful granddaughter of a Russian diplomat in the Soviet consulate in Los Angeles, and Max Stone, the largest person in the Vault, known for his strength and stamina but lacking intelligence. Each of the three characters present either a diplomatic, stealthy or combative approach to the game.

The player initially has 150 days before the Vault's water supply runs out. This time-limit can be extended by 100 days if commission merchants in the Hub are sent to give water caravans to Vault 13. Upon returning the chip, the Vault Dweller is then tasked with destroying a mutant army that threatens humanity. A mutant known as "The Master" spreads a genetically engineered Pre-War virus, the "Forced Evolutionary Virus", to convert humanity into a race of "Super Mutants" and bring them together in the "Unity" — his plan for a perfect world. The Vault Dweller must kill him and destroy the military base housing the supply of FEV, thus halting the invasion before it can start.

If the Vault Dweller does not complete both objectives within 500 days, the mutant army will discover Vault 13 and invade it, bringing an end to the game. This time limit is shortened to 400 days if the player divulged Vault 13's location to the water merchants. A cinematic cutscene of mutants overrunning the Vault is shown if the player fails to stop the mutant army within this time frame, indicating the player has lost the game. If the player agrees to join the mutant army, the same cinematic is shown. In version 1.1 of the game, the time-limit for the mutant attack on Vault 13 is delayed from 500 days (or 400 depending) to thirteen years of in-game time, effectively giving the player enough time to do as he or she wishes.

The player can defeat the Master and destroy the Super Mutants' military base in either order. When both threats are eliminated, a cutscene ensues in which the player automatically returns to Vault 13. There, the player is told that he or she has changed too much, that children would want to leave the Vault to emulate his or her actions, and therefore the player's return would negatively influence the citizens of the Vault. Thus, the reward is exile into the desert, for, in the Overseer's eyes, the good of the Vault.

There is an alternate ending in which the Vault Dweller draws a handgun and shoots the Overseer after he or she is told to go into exile. This ending is inevitable if the player has the "Bloody Mess" trait or has acquired significant negative karma throughout the game. It can be triggered if the player initiates combat in the brief time after the Overseer finishes his conversation but before the ending cutscene.


May 22, 2014

Fallout Games History Overview

Fallout is an open world role-playing video game developed and published by Interplay Entertainment in 1997. The game has a post-apocalyptic and retro-futuristic setting, in the aftermath of a global nuclear war in an alternate historytimeline mid-22nd century. The protagonist of Fallout is an inhabitant of one of the long-term shelters known as Vaults who was tasked to find the Water Chip to save other dwellers from water's shortage.

Fallout is considered to be the spiritual successor to the 1988 role-playing video game Wasteland. It was initially intended to use Steve Jackson Games' system GURPS, but Interplay eventually used an internally developed systemSPECIAL. The game was critically acclaimed and inspired a number of sequels and spin-off games, known collectively as the Fallout series.

Fallout 2 is the sequel to the critically acclaimed game that took RPG'ing out of the dungeons and into a dynamic, apocalyptic retro-future. Fallout 2 is developed by Black Isle Studios and published by Interplay in 1998. While featuring a considerably larger game world and a far more extensive storyline, the graphics and game mechanics from Fallout remain mostly unchanged.

It's been 80 long years since your ancestor trod across the wastelands. As you search for the Garden of Eden Creation Kit to save your primitive village, your path is strewn with crippling radiation, megalomaniac mutants, and a relentless stream of lies, deceit and treachery. You begin to wonder if anyone really stands to gain anything from this brave new world.

Fallout: Tactics - the game follows a squad in the fictional Brotherhood of Steel as it becomes engaged in a desperate war. Although the game takes place in the Fallout universe, it does not follow or continue the story of either Fallout or Fallout 2. Fallout Tactics shipped with a bonus CD when it was pre-ordered. The bonus CD included Fallout: Warfare, a table-top miniatures game based on the Fallout universe, as well as a bonus mission for the main game which occurs in Springfield.

You are the wretched refuse. You may be born from dirt, but we will forge you into steel. You will learn to bend; if not you, will you break. In these dark times, the Brotherhood - your Brotherhood - is all that stands between the rekindled flame of civilization and the howling, radiated wasteland. Your weapons will become more than your tools, they will become your friends. You will use your skills to inspire the lowly and protect the weak... whether they like it or not. Your squadmates will be more dear to you than your kin and for those that survive there will be honor, respect and the spoils of war.

Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel
Action game developed and produced by Interplay Entertainment for the Xbox and PlayStation 2 game consoles. Released on January 13, 2004, BoS was the fourth video game to be set in the Fallout universe and the first to be made for video game consoles. The game chronicles the adventures of an initiate of the Brotherhood of Steel.

Fallout 3 is a post-apocalyptic sci-fi action role-playing open world video game developed by Bethesda Game Studios, the third major installment in the Fallout series. The game was released in North America, Europe and Australia in October 2008, and in Japan in December 2008 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

Vault-Tec engineers have worked around the clock on an interactive reproduction of Wasteland life for you to enjoy from the comfort of your own vault. Included is an expansive world, unique combat, shockingly realistic visuals, tons of player choice, and an incredible cast of dynamic characters. Every minute is a fight for survival against the terrors of the outside world – radiation, Super Mutants, and hostile mutated creatures. From Vault-Tec, America’s First Choice in Post Nuclear Simulation.

Vault 101 – Jewel of the Wastes. For 200 years, Vault 101 has faithfully served the surviving residents of Washington DC and its environs, now known as the Capital Wasteland. Though the global atomic war of 2077 left the US all but destroyed, the residents of Vault 101 enjoy a life free from the constant stress of the outside world. Giant Insects, Raiders, Slavers, and yes, even Super Mutants are all no match for superior Vault-Tec engineering. Yet one fateful morning, you awake to find that your father has defied the Overseer and left the comfort and security afforded by Vault 101 for reasons unknown. Leaving the only home you’ve ever known, you emerge from the Vault into the harsh Wasteland sun to search for your father, and the truth.

Read more about Fallout 3 Game Of The Year Edition

Fallout: New Vegas is an action role-playing video game in the Fallout video game series. The game was developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published in October 2010 by Bethesda Softworks for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3and Xbox 360. Downloadable content and expanded re-editions followed in 2010-2012.

Experience all the sights and sounds of fabulous New Vegas, brought to you by Vault-Tec, America's First Choice in Post Nuclear Simulation. Explore the treacherous wastes of the Great Southwest from the safety and comfort of your very own vault: Meet new people, confront terrifying creatures, and arm yourself with the latest high-tech weaponry as you make a name for yourself on a thrilling new journey across the Mojave wasteland. New Vegas It’s the kind of town where you dig your own grave prior to being shot in the head and left for dead…and that’s before things really get ugly. It’s a town of dreamers and desperados being torn apart by warring factions vying for complete control of this desert oasis. It’s a place where the right kind of person with the right kind of weaponry can really make a name for themselves, and make more than an enemy or two along the way.

Read more about Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition

May 21, 2014

Fallout RP - Alex The Wandering Stranger (Episode 1)

The electric lights above the bed crackled and seemed to shift in place. Alex laid awake, fully dressed with his eyes staring blankly into the common room's corner. The last commoner to make his way back from the Saloon had been in a drunken slumber for the last twenty minutes. Alex grabbed the satchel laying at his side and silently scrambled out of his bunk. He stopped at a nearby storage locker, checking around him to make sure everyone was fast asleep. He crouched and rummaged into the space blindly while keeping watch. He found another man's ration of Purified Water and began soundlessly putting them in his bag.

As he stood and opened the door the sounds of Megaton's night time reverie came in. He stood calmly feeling the crude wasteland breeze against the neck of his torn Enclave officer's jacket and he pulled down the brim of his pre-war hat and stepped out. The metallic clanking under his light boots perfectly echoed the ones from above near the saloon. He started towards the gate, brushing past Nathan Vargas who was walking towards his home rather distractedly. Nathan said something to him but continued on and under Stockholm's post. As he continued through the gates, he heard Stockholm call out:

"Where the hell are you going so late kid?"

"Somewhere else."

Alex pulled the hat farther down on his head and secured the strap on his bag. With his hand on the butt of his holstered .38 revolver he began walking in the direction of Tenpenny Tower. As Alex was walking towards the direction of Tenpenny tower, Red kept a eye on making sure trouble didn't cross him even though he didn't have much ammo to spare he would do anything to keep a fellow wastelander from perishing. Alex decided to stop and sleep off the fatigue from the long, tiring trip. Though he didn't know a problem later that night would soon he kept his .38 loaded prepared to shoot anyone who crossed him.

The sun can be unforgiving, but it's the cold wasteland nights that really brand you. Alex shivered and warmed his hands with the fire in front of him. The wind picked up with a faint chemical burn and pushed right through his jacket. Off in the distance a Bloatfly buzzed greedily and a soft thwack rent the air. Alex stood fully and drew his weapon, all of his senses on alert. A faint and steady hiss echoed from somewhere just over the hill followed by another swish of a blade. A hearty laugh rang out that made Alex's blood run cold. Alex rang one shot in the air, slowly removing the cloth of his Stormchaser hat from his face.

"Whoever the fuck you are.. Show yourself. You get one warning now."

As the hissing sound grew closer it became more evident to be some sort of propulsion, a sound one might relate to a stove's burner clicking on over and over. At the crest of a hill a man appeared. In his hand was a long blade. It appeared to be the bastard child of a lawn mower and a motorcycle, connecting behind his back to a large tank of what must be gasoline. Although the man's face was hidden under a protective fireman's helm, Alex could swear he was smiling. The gun in Alex's hand rang out twice.

It was the gunfire that woke Eleanor up. The twenty something year old wastelander was sleeping against the big boulders north of where Alex's fire was. She had seen him in the distance before her slumber and determined that he was no threat to her where she was. Now that she heard the gunshots, she knew it was time to be aware, even though her eyes still wanted to rest. Her hands immediately went to work as she wrapped her wavy raven color hair with a string of leather and put on her glasses that she had next to her, pushing them up the bridge of her nose. She reached to her belt on her green combat armor for her canteen, taking a swig of the last remaining water she had.

"Great. One problem at a time."

She murmured to herself to be quiet, putting the canteen back where it came from. Last and foremost, she reloaded her plasma rifle as quietly as she could, knowing that rifle wasn't as quiet as her laser pistol but since being so far away she couldn't chance shooting with a pistol. What she could see of Alex, he wasn't trying to hurt anyone. Hell, he could be a really good guy and she didn't want to just stand back as some psycho raider just came for him. Or worst, some slaver.

Hearing the nearby gunshots Red jumped up and quickly put on his regulator duster and loaded the .308 magazine into the decaying but loyal sniper rifle. Observing the skirmish of Alex and the stranger, Red taking aim took a deep breath and fired but only found it jamming. Cursing that his gun had jammed, pulled a 10mm out of the holster attached to the duster and silently running towards the commotion.

Chinese officers sword pierce his chest leaving only a gushing pool of blood, the attacker chuckled Red barely alive pulled the pin of the grenade on his side giving out a faint smile knowing he had the last laugh. The explosion alerted many in the area the explosion distracted the stranger which gave Alex a change to kill him once and for all.

Alex breathed deeply, doing his best to remain calm. The strange commotion around him confused him a bit. In a matter of seconds, a woman had appeared and rushed to his side and a man had given his life in an attempt to help. He shakily looked from where Red laid on the ground, sensing him still breathing then back to the woman at his side.

The next morning rose slowly through the crests of the hills surrounding the campfire. The stranger who had given their life for his lay buried a few hundred yards away. The attacking raiders had been removed of all their loot, which now lay piled next to a dirty backpack near the campfire. Alex straightened himself up and stared over at the sleeping stranger. Who was she? Why had she and this other person risked their lives for him?!

Alex waits until the next night when the stranger who had aided him has fallen asleep to move on. The day was spent in silence, pieces of a mole rat roasting over the fire crackling in protest to the quiet. The stranger seemed sweet, but she would only slow him down. The progress is made quickly as the next night falls, nothing between himself and Tenpenny Tower now. As he comes over the last hill, he watches as a woman in a vault's jumpsuit exits the gates and heads into the distance. A small mangy dog follows with it's tail bobbing eagerly.

"That's the 'lone wanderer' no doubt.." Alex thinks aloud to himself. He waits a moment watching her disappear into the distance then makes his way to the gate which is now closed back. He pushes the intercom. A rude, clearly upset voice comes through.

"What the hell do you want?"

Alex shifted uncomfortably and straightened his jacket out before pressing the intercom to speak into it.

"My name is Alex, I overheard an exchange between one of Mr. Tenpenny's associates and the woman who just left, I'm seeking employee-"

The intercom crackles an interruption.

"Yeah whatever, I'll let you in just don't mind the ghouls.. I'll have one of my men escort you to Tenpenny's suite."

Alex pulls the jacket closer to his body, hiding the. .38 revolver under it just as the gate opens and a man in combat armor greets him, holding a combat shotgun.

"Follow me, don't make any trouble."

The glare the man gives him makes it incredibly obvious that nobody here is in the mood for joviality at the moment and that Alex isn't making the best first impression showing up battleworn in an obviously stolen Enclave jacket. He follows the man into the tower and around a security desk to an elevator. As they step on Alex carefully examines his surroundings noting the people walk around. One of them is a ghoul male in a leather armor clearly quite pleased with himself.

"Hold tight, next stop Tenpenny's suite."

The elevator opens and the man beside Alex steps off and continues up a ways taking a left, he raises an arm to a man around the corner then turns back.

"You coming or what?"

Alex comes around the corner, entering the room before Tenpenny's perch. The man behind him closes the door and Alex puts his hand back on the revolver, opening the door to the outside slowly. The old man is peacefully setting, proper and straight like a true gentleman.

"Hello then, what can I do for you friend?"

His hands raise a small glass of whiskey which he swishes around. His face has a genuine smile, but Alex doesn't return it.

"The girl from Vault 101, she came by I see.."

Tenpenny took a slow deliberate sip from his glass and nodded.

"Yes, quite a nice girl.. I'm afraid she was rather short with me at first but she warmed up once we allowed that Roy fellow to move in, I think you may have noticed him on your way up.. Rotting flesh, cocky demeanor?"

Alex finally returned the favor with a smile as he wiped his mouth, the rough dirty particles from the wasteland air scratching him as it goes. The hand with the revolver comes out and points at Tenpenny who quickly loses his smile.

"I don't know why you stuck your nose in Megaton's business.. But you managed to get the sheriff killed in the process." 

Tenpenny quickly moves and starts to say something but Alex pulls the trigger twice.

"I don't need to know either.."

Alex takes a step over to the edge, dragging Tenpenny's draining body over to it. Below the men in combat armor raise their heads to the sound of the gunshots. He drops Tenpenny who plummets into the courtyard and Alex busts through the doorways in a rush, knocking the two men in front of it. He breaks for the elevator which dings and slowly opens. As the door closely slowly, Alex crouches and attaches a stealth boy to his side and activates it. The elevator reaches the lobby. A tense group is huddled, guns drawn.


This first Episode of Alex - The Wandering Stranger is brought to you by Nicholas Anderson, with help of Veronica Carrillo and a few anonymous peeps. For the Second Episode of Alex - The Wandering Stranger we need you! Second Episode will be gathered from the user comments bellow, so if you like RP and Fallout (Fallout 3 especially, because of the RP setting), then comment (write story sections) bellow and be sure to follow other user comments. As the story will develop, we will publish Alex series with full credits, so choose your avatar wisely! Enjoy your writing!

Fallout 1, 2 Tactics, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4