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Showing posts with label game. Show all posts

June 22, 2014

Fallout 2 - Cut Content

You really need to get out more. Your sexual exploits have been...well, two dimensional.
Description for Virgin of the Wastes, a cut reputation title in Fallout 2. For unknown reasons, the Virgin of the Wastes title was cut in the final game, yet is still present in the game files and it's possible to add it via a save editor. The Chosen One would begin the game with this reputation, which can be lost by sleeping one time with any sex-specific characters. This title would however, had no effect in-game.

Cut content refers to content in Fallout 2 which was cut from the final version of the game. Some of it can still be found in the game files but is inaccessible within the game itself.


Primitive Tribe
A second tribal village, tentatively named Primitive Tribe, Sulik's home, situated on the coast between Arroyo and Navarro. It was planned to appear in a location in Fallout 2, but was cut for the final version of the game and is only mentioned by Sulik in-game, and Primitive Tribe members can only be met in random encounters (under the name "a war party").

They are extreme believers in the here-after and revere many spirits, certain that they are the tribe's spirits. Their principals are connected to the classical elements: Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. The main, wisest and strongest of them is Grampy Bone, that appears to be the only unique spirit and not come from other spirits group. It is only in contact with Sulik, an honor for him, which can be found through his nose's bone. The known Primitive Tribe's spirits are: Bonespirits, Dark-spirits, Evil spirits, Grampy Bone, Spirits of anger, Spirits of chaos, Spirits of fire, Spirits of poison, Spirits of wrath, Spirits of the earth, Spirits of the sky, Spirits of the water, Spirits of the wind, Spirits walking, Strong spirits and Stupid spirits.

For them, spirits are omnipresent, and can, and often do, travel with people and can guide them, such as a stupid person carries "stupid spirits", while an evil person has "evil spirits". The members of the Primitive Tribe also have a large bone driven their nose, allowing them to connect to spirits and be able to speak with them, given advice and talk about the future, but "spirits see and say different", so their words are sometimes hard to understand.

Before 2241, Kurisu, with some other member of the Primitive Tribe, wanted to start trading with another village, but during the journey, she and the other members of the group were killed or kidnapped by a mysterious group. Only one survivor returned to the village and said that "evil warriors came with magic torches. Fire would lick tribe warriors and they'd go to the spirit. The evil warriors tied up the rest and took off".

Sulik, member of the Primitive Tribe
Sometime later, Vic the trader came to the Primitive Tribe's village to talk about the group (thinking it was the Slaver's Guild of Metzger) who kidnapped the group of Kurisu and say to Sulik, the brother of Kurisu, to come to Klamath for more information. But Vic was taken prisoner by Metzger, and when Sulik finally went to Klamath and saw that Vic was not there, he stopped in the Buckner House. Immerged by "spirits of anger and chaos", he drank and destroyed the establishment, linking him to Maida Buckner the owner until his debt of 350 NCR dollars is paid for the damages.


The Village
A village outside Vault City, whose inhabitants are trying to avoid being turned into "servants". It was to be the home of Connar and the focus of the cut quest Resolve the problem with the nearby village.

Den Residential 
A cut location in Fallout 2, but it is still possible to actually enter this part. (accessible from Den map with keyboard and with CTRL-R). This map contains an early version of Smitty's junkyard (without the car) and a few rather boring houses with people with no dialogue. The only dialogue that is implemented on this map is that of the ghost girl, Anna Winslow. She appears at night in the easternmost house and behaves much like she does on the Den East Side. There are some collectibles in Smitty's locker.

First, you must enter the map screen (with green triangles). After this, you must just press the number 3 (the Den Residential is the 3rd area in The Den, so you have entered the 3rd area). After entering this part of the map, you have entered the cut version of The Den. This means you can get what you want, and get away with it. Meaning you can kill Rebecca and get away with it, because you are in the different version of The Den, not the original one.

An Abbey world map location north of Gecko, featuring monks hoarding pre-War wisdom. This is also where the PC would have run into Ian, still alive after 80 years (but killed in Necropolis according to the Vault Dweller's memoirs). It was a monastery located north of Gecko, in which monks preserved technical knowledge in the form of books, blueprints and items. Interestingly, the monks did not actually understand the technical knowledge in the books they preserved in any practical sense. Instead, they treated them like holy materials; they were read, copied and cared for, but none of the knowledge was used as originally intended.

Although not a single preserved item at the Abbey functioned, it was open to anyone as long as they did not damage anything. This is very unlike the Brotherhood of Steel, for instance, who hoard knowledge and technology so that they remain superior to other factions. The Abbey can be accessed by the player through the CTRL+R command on the main menu screen. The file name is "". According to Tandi during the special encounter Café of Broken Dreams, she claims that Ian is part of the Abbey. He is stated to have died in an encounter when a super mutant burned him with a flamethrower, according to the Vault Dweller's memoirs.

Environmental Protection Agency
The Environmental Protection Agency west of New Reno, with up to seven levels, featuring all kinds of high-tech stuff, artificial intelligences, weapons and items. The EPA was originally to appear in Fallout 2, but was eventually cut off because of lack of time to finish it. It was mentioned in the Sierra mission statement holodisks and in the Van Buren Nursery design document.

The following is a description of the location from the Fallout Bible #6, written by Chris Avellone: The EPA was full of an odd assortment of puzzles, fighting, and various weird adventure "seeds" (literally), including, but not limited to:
  • A parking lot jungle replete with several varieties of spore plants.
  • A bizarre petting zoo. Filled with humans. Hungry humans.
  • Sub-levels filled with exciting varieties of poisonous gases and virus-laden mutant fruit flies.
  • A small government museum complete with dioramas! The exhibits on post-holocaust America are especially amusing.
  • A storage room full of new seeds for Arroyo. Some seeds grow into bad things.
  • An entourage of custodial peevish holograms that provide tours and bursts of incidental binary strangeness.
  • Various non-player characters on "ice". (in hibernation).
  • Computers filled with information on crop rotation and the F.E.V. virus.
  • A clinically depressed Mister Handy and a hyperactive drug-making appliance for Science characters.

The EPA was supposed to use the Vault City/Vault 13 tile set for interiors (bright white, like original vault). Special scenery objects include an EPA parking lot sign, and color-coded symbols on the walls, running the whole range of the rainbow. Elements of the Environmental Protection Agency (such as the Toaster, and Hologram 00000) would later appear in Old World Blues, an add-on for Fallout: New Vegas.

USS Quetzel
The interior of the Hubologist space shuttle (accessible from San Francisco map with keyboard and with CTRL-R) and three endings where the Hubologists kill themselves in different ways by means of the shuttle. The USS Quetzel is a reusable nuclear-powered spacecraft built before the Great War. It is located in the ruins of San Francisco, though it lacks both rocket boosters or an external fuel tank; a quest involves finding a fuel source for it.

There are two endings for the Hubologists regarding the shuttle that are inaccessible due to incomplete scripting. If the Chosen One does not get them fuel, the Hubologists use a cheap alternative, resulting in the shuttle blowing up during liftoff. If they get fuel, the liftoff is without complications, but the shuttle's air insulation is damaged, resulting in the Hubologist crew suffocating in space. Pressing number 5 at the San Francisco map will bring you to a location with a "UNUSED ART" room - the shuttle interior. Attempting to examine certain things will have you see a Shuttle wall.

The Shi-Huang-TiIcon was a Chinese submarine that crashed in San Francisco during the Great War. The descendants of the crew settled in the ruins of the city and became known as the Shi.
The remains of this vessel were likely used as material to help construct the Steel Palace, and the ship's on-board supercomputer was established as the Emperor. The Shi-Huang-Ti was originally meant to appear in Fallout 2, but was eventually cut from the final version of the game because of time constraints, and is only mentioned.


Petey was to be a drug addict in the Den in 2241, who begs money from the people he runs into. Tubby and Flick both feed his habit.

Brave Little Toaster
Brave Little Toaster was going to appear in Fallout 2, but was cut along with the rest of the EPA. In one of the abandoned kitchens in the EPA is a small, intelligent toaster with an IQ of 6000. All of its brain power is focused towards convincing humans to make toast. Dialogues with it were to be somewhat one-sided, as the player would ask it a question, and it would respond with some question about whether the player would like toast or waffles. It is a reference both to The Brave Little Toaster by Thomas M. Disch, as well as the Talkie Toaster from British TV series Red Dwarf. Also possibly another Red Dwarf reference, 6000 was Holly's (Red Dwarf's AI) original IQ level.

As revealed in boilerplate left in the Tibbets Prison design document for Van Buren, Spud was planned to be a tougher Radscorpion "boss" for the lower level of the Mercenaries' cave. He is described as "the biggest, baddest Radscorpion in the land".  Spud was to be a tribute to the Fallout team's scorpion mascot of the same name.

Three-Card Monte
Three-Card Monte was planned to gamble with the Chosen One in New Reno. After accepting his offer, he'd tell them to pick a card. By passing a Perception check, one can see that he has kept the card under his arm.

Rico was planned to be the bodyguard of Three-Card Monte, another cut character. He is stupid and can never be talked to, he only "hit people Monte tells him to".

A casino dealer in 2241. Nikki is in cahoots with Pretty Boy Lloyd, and has been ripping off Louis Salvatore.

Old Joe
At one point in the planning for Fallout 2, Ian had survived and was living in Vault City under the name of Old Joe. According to his dialogue, Ian would mistake the Chosen One for the Vault Dweller and would reminisce about events from Fallout before realizing the mistaken identity. Commenting on the prejudiced nature of Vault City's citizens, he would give the Chosen One a gun, apparently his old Colt 6520 10mm pistol before sending them away, encouraging the Chosen One to "make proud" the memory of the Vault Dweller.

A shifty-looking character in a Vault 13 jumpsuit that was cut from Fallout 2 before release. His purpose was simple - he was a debugging tool and could change the Chosen One's reputation on the spot.

An inhabitant of the village outside Vault City in 2241. Connar was meant to be the self-appointed leader of the village just outside of Vault City. His role was to be to convince the Chosen One to not kill the mole rats there so that the people would not become Vault City's servants.

A tribal from the Primitive Tribe in 2241, who, in 2253, becomes leader of the Blackfoot tribe. Kurisu is a young tribal girl kidnapped by slavers. She is also the sister of Sulik, a tribal warrior. Although Sulik's quest was to find her, he never did. She somehow appeared many years later somewhere in the Southwest and became leader of the Blackfoot tribe. Her name was revealed in the Van Buren leaks. The name Kurisu is a joke concerning Avellone's first name, her name being 'Chris' with Japanese pronunciation.

Was planned to be a rival to the Chosen One, first encountered after exiting Arroyo for the first time. He claims to be an exile from Arroyo and that he should be the Chosen One. Kaga was to be encountered six times during the course of the game and each time he has better weapons and armor. According to the programming Kaga was to have an obscene amount of hit points, and was to simply run away after taking a certain amount of damage.

Renegade Brotherhood soldier
The Renegade Brotherhood soldier was to appear in Fallout 2, but was cut early on. Presently, he appears only in a Fallout loading screen. The Renegade Brotherhood soldier was a character created by Leonard Boyarsky and Jason Anderson for an early draft of Fallout 2.

The Renegade Brotherhood soldier wore a partially deconstructed suit of T-51b power armor, indicating that he was a former member of the Brotherhood or a member who had gone rogue or splintered. He was supposed to save the Chosen One from an ambush by a gang of lobotomites.

Lobotomites appear in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on, Old World Blues. Lobotomites were to appear in Fallout 2, but were cut early on, and appeared only in a Fallout loading screen. At one point in the game, the Chosen One was supposed to be ambushed by a group of these monsters, wherein a Renegade Brotherhood soldier comes to his aid.


A Klamath quest to expose the Duntons as cattle rustlers using the radscorpion limbs.

A second part of the Help Lara attack Tyler's gang quest where the player would go with Lara's gang to the party Tyler is attending and fight him and the remains of his gang.

Putting the kids in the Den in an orphanage (possibly run by Mom), with the beneficial side effect of the player not having to risk being pick pocketed any more. Also killing Metzger and telling Karl to return to Modoc should have had quest entries.

Diplomatic characters would have been able to beat the raiders by talking to Shadow-Who-Walks and making him leave their employ (Shadow-Who-Walks had been planned to be Sulik's archenemy).

Use of the heart pills to cover up the Roger Westin murder.

An additional twist to the Lynette-Westin holodisk exchange where the player could blackmail them with knowledge of their underhanded connection.

One Broken Hills subplot with Chad the corrupt caravan leader and another concerning the mutagenic serum.

Possibility to finish the spleen quest by assassinating Dr. Wong within a day after his refusing to give you the spleen, and then going to Dr. Fung as usual (prevented by a bug).

A quest to retrieve a corpse stolen by the Hubologists from the Shi, hinted at by the existence of such an item and a log note in the Shi database.

Going to the Oil Rig using the vertibird in Navarro and/or going to Navarro using the vertibird in the desert transaction.

Use of the Red and yellow reactor keycards in the oil rig reactor room.


A Li'l Chemist kit allowing the mixing of chemicals.

The ball gag. The cut casino Pit boss character makes reference to the Chosen One using this item in a dance performance "That ball gag you had with you didn't hurt, either"

Marked cards

Radscorpion limbs, which were originally intended to be used in exposing the Dunton's cattle rustling.

The pipe rifle as a Springer rifle (as mentioned in WORLDMAP.TXT Encounter: DEN_slavers) loaded with Rocks.

A Phazer at the scene of the Federation Crash Site.

A zip gun (Lenny should have one).

Fish were to be miscellaneous items.


A good ending for the deathclaws of Vault 13, where the Pack expands peacefully into the surrounding territory. According to John Deiley, who designed Vault 13, this was scrapped because the Enclave plot required the slaughter of the deathclaws. Killap's unofficial patch gets around this by a simple solution: killing Dr. Schreber in Navarro saves the deathclaws if the player can kill him before the attack (two weeks after first entering V13).

Good endings for Vault City and Gecko. The good ending for Gecko which revolves around Gordon's "greed is good" scheme is only inaccessible because of a bug.

Two Vault City endings where Vault City is razed and one Gecko ending where Vault City invades Gecko.

Sound files for endings for the Elder, Marcus, Harold and the President.


Images for each specific Karma level.

Virgin of the Wastes title.

Tragic and alcohol addiction.

Named critters, that are not in the game, and earlier versions of existing ones.

Prevented by a scripting bug - getting to the SAD by finding a map in Sam Pritchard's grave or from the traveler encounter. Fixed by Killap's patch.

The robots in the SAD going to the repair bay for maintenance and repair bots replacing killed robots with new ones.

A food system.

A few extra movies (e.g. meeting Gruthar, the desert transaction and getting the car).

Animations: an attack with the pole of the spear, that was finished only for vault-suit clad people, and Mister Handy with minigun and another big gun.

The Rainbow Confederation is a group dedicated to gay and lesbian rights in the post-Apocalypse.

As you can see there is plenty of cutted content from Fallout 2 game, but not as half as it were in original Fallout. For more cut content visit Fallout wiki, which was the source of this article.

Other Fallout 2 related articles:

See also:

June 16, 2014

The Most Popular Fallout 3 Armor Mods

Dragonskin Tactical Outfit by Antistar

The Dragonskin Tactical Outfit mod actually adds a selection of the titular outfits - in different colours and camo patterns - to the Wasteland. It is loosely based on the real Dragon Skin body armour apparently in use today by SWAT teams, Secret Service and other elite military personnel. During testing this armour withstood multiple assault rifle bullet impacts and even point-blank hand grenade blasts. The mod also adds matching 'Dragon' Combat Helmets, plus M40 Gas Masks (that provide some radiation resistance to the wearer), Combat Backpacks, Tactical Goggles and Balaclavas to complete the look.

The player will not need to find (or purchase) more than one outfit to be able to use it in different camo configurations: much cheaper and lighter 'camo packages' containing different 'covers' for the armour and helmets will allow the player to swap the camo type used by the outfit whenever they wish. The outfits themselves are quite expensive, but offer fantastic protection: they are intended to be amongst the best armour available in-game; before stepping up to power armour, that is. The outfits also increase the maximum weight the player can carry, and offer mild bonuses to the Small Guns and Sneak skills. Outfit and Helmet Camo Types:
  • Black, Desert, Urban, Winter and Woodland
Backpack Camo Types:
  • Black, Brown, Desert, Grey, Olive Drab, Tan, Urban, White, Winter, Woodland

Reinforced Chinese Stealth Suit by Shake

*Requires Operation Anchorage. This adds four armored variations of the Chinese Stealth Suit to the Wasteland called Dragoon Assault Armor, Dragoon Light Armor, Dragoon Imperial Armor, and Dragoon Swordmaster Armor. Also included are optional "Addon" items for Night Vision, increased Carry Capacity, and other various things. The set is a WIP, so expect changes or additions in the near future.

Warhammer 40k Space Marine armor by cerberos008

Become the Space Marine you've always wanted to be! With a complete redesign of the vanilla Power Armor, you can look exactly like the Emperor's finest. The sets of armor can be found inside three metal boxes in Underworld Concourse, within the 2nd floor room that's furthest from the city entrance. The boxes are right beside the mattress bed. Alternatively, when in-game, open up your game console and type in the bottom codes without the quotes to add the items into your inventory. See more >>

Advanced Recon Stealth Armor by Gopher

This mod adds several sets of stealth armor. Some of these are disguised so as not to be quite so obvious from a distance. Now you can choose your look and still be a ghost. Almost all the models are styled in the manner of existing FalloutNV and Fallout3 models, especially BrotherHood of Steel look and feel, with a touch of the Chinese armor style creeping in. Please note that the headgear and helmets designed to go with this armor are now found here: Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision.
  • Advanced Recon Armor - This is hi-tec adaptation of the Brotherhood of Steel recon armor. It provides far greater protection whilst also incorporating stealth technology to give a stealth field when sneaking, with no weapon drawn and stationary. This means you rely on your skill when moving or in combat, but you get the chance to become literally invisible when you stand still, adding a new dimension to the stealth experience. **HINT** Go into sneak before fast travelling, and you will arrive at your destination with stealth field intact. Same for activating doors/gates. Stop for a second before activating gate and when you enter the new zone, you will be invisible.
  • Advanced Recon Armor (Battle Worn) - A battle worn version of the above.
  • Advanced Regulator Recon Duster : As above but disguised to blend in the wasteland better. Sometimes it is not a good idea to wander about the wasteland always looking like a hi-tec commando. This armor is disguised to look similar to the regulator duster. Up close it will not fool anyone, but at a distance it might.
  • Advanced Recon Death Walker Duster : As above but in black leather.
  • Advanced Recon Trenchcoat : As above but disguised to look like a military trenchcoat. A little smarter than the regulator recon duster. 
  • Advanced Recon Black Ops Coat : As above but dark grey/black.

Which one (if any) of those incredible mods have you tried? Share us some thoughts.

June 15, 2014

The Best Fallout 3 ENB Presets


Midhrastic ENB for Fallout 3 by midhras

Midhrastic is an ENB configuration for use with Fallout 3 (and possibly also New Vegas). It was based off the ENBseries binary and shader files designed by Boris Vorontsov (of ENBseries is an image post-processing method hugely popular in games such as Grand Theft Auto IV and Skyrim, and many users have designed their own configuration using original and scrounged code and personally tweaked values. I’m a tweaker and scrounger myself. Upon recently discovering that Vorontsov released an experimental binary for use with Fallout: New Vegas, and after trillville (a.k.a. Anthemios) used it to great effect in Fallout 3, I had to try and design my own ENB. What you can download here is the result of that desire. See more >>

Realism ENB 0_237 by Wanny

This is simply an ENB aiming for realistic image. Nothing more, nothing less. Contains a custom weather ESP file and cloud textures to make sure there are no bugs. DLCs are not officially supported as I didn't work on them much (yet) but they will work. DC/Surburban area is partial cloudy, North is overcast and Wasteland East/West is sunny.

It is heavily edited to my taste and may not please everyone. I got a few requests to upload this ENB config so there we are. Hope you enjoy. I won't provide support much as I don't have much time for modding and I hope you understand. See more >>

Lone Wanderer ENB by lonewanderer518

Lone Wanderer ENB will enhance the sense of visual immersion and gameplay. Powered by ENB .161 it uses sun glares, palette based color corrections, bloom, SMAA, SSAO, Indirect lighting, and detailed shadows. Post processing is done with SweetFX. This adds anti-aliasing, Lumasharpen, HDR, DPX, Tonemapping, Vibrance, LiftGammaGain, Dither and Curves . Additionally, the prepass effects have modifications and original tweaks from Kyo and Midhras. These prepass effects bring you tilt-shift, chromatic aberration, sharpening, film grain noise, advanced focus, and bokeh blur with multiple offsets.

Two key characteristics are more realistic colors and depth of lighting. A goal that will continue to be developed is customization. Many variables are being worked on to give the user a chance to adjust this mod to their taste. Revive your game and travel the wasteland as the Lone Wanderer. See more >>

Enb Next Generation by TheRadik

Enb Next Generation is based in two different configurations for a different experience than the original. The Next Generation "F3ProjectRealitymkl" is a configuration adapted for this mod. And the Next Generation Standard is a configuration adapted for itself, but is based mod "Fellout". The Next Generation of configuration F3ProjectRealitymkl fantastic mod, has more variety of climates and some effects, this setup works fine for Fallout 3 DLC. It supports FALLOUT GOTY, and might even be true for New Vegas, but you should get off FN Mkl Project Reality mod for New Vegas to make it work, but for now only recommend using it in Fallout 3, because later I will make a similar setup for Fallout new vegas.

The Next Generation Standard Configuration, stands on its own, does not need to install another mod, and is compatible for Fallout 3, also works for all the DLC, but I found that there may be problems for the nights can be very bright, but could be solved if you download the DLC Support mod "Fellout". See more >>

Which one (if any) of those incredible mods have you tried? Share us some thoughts.

June 14, 2014

Fallout 1 Guilds / Factions


Razor, leader of the Blades
The Blades are a group of survivalists led by a woman named Razor, living in a pre-War nightclub in the Boneyard north of Adytum. The Blades appear only in the original Fallout, though a sign similar to the one from their hideout appears in Fallout 2 on a building in Klamath.

While a peaceful group, they are persecuted by the Regulators, who both coerce them into doing their bidding and frame them for crimes against the people of Adytum. This makes it appear that the Adytowners are seriously threatened by the Blades; a convenient pretext for the Regulators' own repressive policies. The Blades are fairly disorganized, and simply trust in their leader, Razor, to do what is best for their gang. They live in the large building which dominates the downtown area of Boneyard.

The people of Adytum generally despises the Blades, as they are thought to have killed Jon Zimmerman's son, Jason. While relatively unarmed, a man named MacRae teaches the Blades his knowledge of combat skills as self-defense, and guards their front-door entrance from intruders. He is mainly the only 'representative' the Regulators parley with; however, there is little peace-talk. If the Vault Dweller agrees to help the Blades fight the Regulators, they will be instructed to go to the Gun Runners' fort and ask their leader for weapons and ammunition. After the Vault Dweller does what is asked, the Blades storm Adytum fully geared (the Vault Dweller may be in the fight as well if the player wishes). Alternatively, the player may accept the quest "Kill Razor" in an attempt by the Regulators to rid the Boneyard of the Blades.

Brotherhood of Steel

BoS Logo
The Brotherhood of Steel was founded by Roger Maxson, a captain in the United States Army. Led by Colonel Robert Spindel, Maxson was part of a team sent on January 3, 2076 to monitor progress at a West-Tek facility in California, which was conducting research on behalf of the American government. On January 7, 2077, all West-Tek research and personnel – Maxson and his team included – were relocated to the newly constructed Mariposa Military Base in an effort to enhance security.

The Brotherhood of Steel is a neo-knightly order that rose from the ashes of the United States military in the years following the Great War of 2077. The organization's tenets include the eradication of mutants and the veneration of technology. In recent decades, the Brotherhood has become quite reluctant in regards to sharing advanced technology with their fellow Wastelanders, whom they generally consider too ignorant and irresponsible to deserve such technology. The Brotherhood has been known to trade their technology with frontier communities and the NCR, but more often than not, they prefer to keep the more advanced material to themselves.

Although the Brotherhood has always been portrayed as aloof, as time went on more negative aspects of their beliefs have been increasingly emphasized as their power has decreased. Originally they stood for relatively benign goals of preservation. Indeed, in one of the possible endings in Fallout; they voluntarily reintroduce technology, engage in novel research, and actively assist those inhabiting the wasteland. Later, in Fallout Tactics, the Midwestern faction eventually would go on to become a near-fascist state, but only if a specific ending is chosen in which this faction assumes the new leadership of a prejudiced General Barnaky. A different ending involves the Midwestern Brotherhood working together with the humans and non-humans of the Midwestern wasteland for the greater good, and create a post-apocalyptic utopia (however, it should be noted that none of the endings of Fallout Tactics has yet been assumed as canon, and so is open to speculation). By the time of Van Buren/New Vegas the main Brotherhood is strongly paranoid, it not only seeks to preserve technology, but actively remove it from outsiders, is disinterested in nonmilitary assets, and engages in little if any work to actually improve their tech. Much of the Brotherhood's belief system is enshrined in a document known as the Codex, which acts as an important source of information on regulations and rules that members must adhere to.

The East Coast Brotherhood is different from the West Coast, seeming to want to help others instead of collect vital technology, but this created a faction focused entirely on collecting tech in the east, the Brotherhood of Steel Outcasts. The Brotherhood does also hold a religious side, with some or all members believing in a deity known as the "Creator", and often praying to the Creator, on occasions such as meals.

Crimson Caravan

Crimson Caravan Logo
Crimson Caravan is the largest caravan outfit in the Core Region, and quite probably the entire Wasteland. The Crimson Caravan Company is the largest supplier to the NCR of military-grade weaponry, and an assortment of provisions and other equipment types. The Crimson Caravan appears in Fallout and Fallout: New Vegas, and were to appear in Black Isle's canceled Fallout 3. Although they don't appear in Fallout 2, signs with the Crimson Caravan logo can be found in Klamath.

In 2161 they are headed by Demetre Romara, with his daughter Keri working the schedules (and caravaneers from time to time). Their travel destinations include Junktown, Boneyard, Necropolis and Brotherhood of Steel. The pay is $600 per run and they operate on the 3rd and 17th of every month.

Children of the Cathedral

Children of the Cathedral Logo
The Children of the Cathedral was the religious branch of the Unity, a widespread religious cult that the Master established as a cover for his activities and to spread his philosophy. The Children of the Cathedral only appeared in Fallout. They are mentioned and a robe of them appeared in Fallout 2. There is also an indirect mention in Fallout: New Vegas, on Black Mountain Radio. Former members were to appear in Van Buren.

The actions of the Cathedral's Children are based on the belief that the nuclear holocaust (referred to as the Holy Flame, the Sacred Fire), invoked by human greed, corruption and selfishness was a chance to begin anew. It is the proverbial light that nearly destroyed humanity. The Master is the antithesis, the Dark God, waiting in the Darkness below (quite literally), leading his children into a new era of peace and unity.

In order to spread their message, The Children ran a number of hospitals in various places around the wastes. The largest was in the Water Merchants' section of the Hub. The Children also maintained a small, ragged clinic in the ghoul city of Necropolis where two Children provided medicine in exchange for money until they were forced to leave when the Vault Dweller eliminated the super mutant garrison at the water shed. Finally, in Junktown, a doctor from the Children would move into one of the buildings after 80 days from the start of the game. The main Children of the Cathedral operation, though, was in the actual Cathedral. Located somewhere in the Boneyard, the ruins of Los Angeles and a few miles south of Adytum, the Cathedral was home to High Priest Lasher, a sadistic priest, and High Priest Morpheus, the human leader of the Children.


The Fools were a small gang of metal-clad men and women seeking to control the entirety of Scrapheap. They contested Crypts' control over the town's power source, but were too few in numbers to make any kind of move against the superior numbers of their rival gang. They operated out of the Scrapheap's garage, under Baka, a strong, barely sane woman with a Rockwell CZ-53 personal minigun. Their initiation ritual consists of telling a joke that must impress the rest of the team.

Followers of the Apocalypse

Or simply the Followers, are a faction based in the Core Region, and have established their presence in the Mojave Wasteland. Their goal is to tend to the inhabitants of the wasteland, as well as to ensure that the horrors of the Great War are never to be repeated. To that end, they serve as keepers of knowledge, a position which provides them with the skills they need to carry out their mission.

Forgoing preaching in favour of humanitarianism, the Followers are generally welcomed by the inhabitants of the wasteland. Wherever they go, the Followers seek to provide services to those in need, namely medical care and agricultural instruction. Those in positions of power often regard them as seditious anarchists; though such accusations are not entirely without truth, the organization as a whole has no interest in seizing power.

The Followers of the Apocalypse readily assist those who require aid, and welcome anyone who wishes to join their ranks, including former members of the Enclave. Although pacifists by nature, the Followers will not hesitate to defend themselves against attackers, and will take up arms against those who threaten their ideals.

The origins of the Followers can be traced back to the settlement known as Dayglow, located in the ashes of what was once the city of San Diego. Due to their proximity to the Glow, locals found themselves falling to illness at an alarming rate, either due to their exposure to high levels of radiation or some other, unknown cause. Eventually, they were forced to relocate, and began a mass migration to the north. Among their number was a young girl by the name of Nicole, who would later become founder and leader of the Followers.

Friendly Lending Company

FLC Logo
The Friendly Lending Company, known mostly as FLC, is ostensibly a business operation lending out funds owned by Decker to those in need. In reality, the FLC is a loanshark operation, baring accusations by the Hub police of extortion, with several thousands of hubcaps on hand; stored in the safe of the organization's main office in the Hub's downtown area. The FLC is managed by Lorenzo "the Munificent" Giovanni, under the control of Decker whose philosophy of being a respectable business man is summarized by his words, "You don't show us respect, you get hurt. How much more respectability can a man ask for?"

FLC gives out loans on a graduated scale of 200 hubcap units, at an interest rate of 10% of the original loan, with a maximum of 1,000 hubcaps; potential customers must build a credit base at each 200 hubcap level to be able to receive a loan on the next additional 200 hubcaps. FLC allows up to 10 days before the loans are due.

Gun Runners

NV Gun Runners Sign
The Gun Runners are a weapons merchant and manufacturer faction operating out of the Fortress in the Boneyard. Originally, they were a normal gang, like the Skulz or the Blades, who had come to the Boneyard from the Hub in hopes of securing territory of their own. Shortly after arriving, approximately around 2131, they decided to start a gunrunning business, having settled themselves in an abandoned factory with functional manufacturing equipment that they used to produce high-tech weapons and ammunition. In addition, the factory was very easy to defend, as it was surrounded by a moat of highly toxic waste, spanned by a single plank bridge. They began selling weapons in 2155.

Approximately around 2151, they had been using their own supplies of scrap metal in their manufacturing process, but since running out they have had to rely on trade with Adytum to support their business. In 2158, once the Regulators began running Adytum, trade between the two groups began to heavily favor the town, and the Gun Runners grew desperate in search of another source of supplies. However, the deathclaws, which had taken up residence in the Boneyard, made such a search impossible. This is where the Vault Dweller stepped in.

Hub Police

The Hub police are the law enforcement of the Hub, headed in 2161 by sheriff Justin Greene. Most of them are simpletons who have a badge only because nobody else would take it. Their officers are spread throughout each district except for the Heights, where Mr. Hightower's guards have to fend for themselves. They also patrolled in large numbers around the Hub in the wasteland, ensuring that the caravans come to the Hub. The police station is in the downtown area, but if any member of the Hub police is attacked (those in the wasteland included), all others will become hostile towards them.

In fact, if the police become hostile, the Vault Dweller won't be able to leave the Hub (even if every single person is dead) without being in combat mode. Keep in mind that defeating every member of the Hub police is a remarkable feat - they make up for their lack of training with automatic weapons and good armor.


Khans Logo
The Khans are a tribe of brutally vicious and semi-organized raiders with a culture based around the basic tenets of Social Darwinism. They are one of the more formidable of the four groups (Khans, Vipers, Jackals, and the community of Shady Sands) that originated in Vault 15. Most wastelanders view the Khans as the founders of the chem trade. They are also known to make jet, psycho and many other addictive chems. Their main base in 2161 was located southeast of Shady Sands. At least twice, the Khans have suffered a brutal near-defeat, but, "like a Phoenix", the group has always managed to rise again from its ashes.

The Khans were founded and lead by the father of Garl Death-Hand (known as "The Death-Hand") who led them on regular pillage raids. Their primary victims were the village of Shady Sands, a community created by the last of the four groups that left Vault 15. Sometime before 2161, Garl Death-Hand killed his father and became the leader of the Khans. After that, they set up camp in and around an open house to the southeast of Shady Sands, with tents surrounding the main building as basic dwellings and workstations for subordinate and lower ranked members.

Garl continued the work of his father, preying on the towns of Shady Sands and Junk Town, and others they could get themselves upon who they considered easy prey. After a hard day's work thieving, killing, and pillaging the average traders at times, Garl and his fellow Khans would sometimes go to Junktown to "relax" with its ladies afterward. In 2161, Garl was ultimately killed when the Vault Dweller came to rescue Tandi, who had been kidnapped by the Khans. The Vault Dweller also saves two other slaves owned by Garl, and killed all other Khans in the Khan camp, except for one young man named Darion who was either away or hiding. Despite the menacing attitude they portrayed, Ian, a original Fallout companion who is also in Fallout 2, described them as "Abunch of low-life's with bad attitudes."


The nightkin were an elite warrior caste in the Master's super mutant army and the apex of his creation of super mutants. When the Master's super mutant army was defeated in 2162, many began wandering the Wasteland or banded together into groups of varying sizes and with varying ends.

Nightkin can be found in the upper levels of the Cathedral, as well as inside the Mariposa Military Base, and in random patrol encounters in the cells around the base. After the Master's fall, many surviving Unity super mutants had become a chaotic wasteland wandering force, set on to destroy everything it encountered. They are superior to other super mutants in skill, equipment, and weaponry. Many of the nightkin are equipped with cloaking devices, such as Stealth Boys. The only gaming effect of this is to give them a slight ethereal look, as it does not affect the player's chance of hitting them.


Raiders are any group of wastelanders who pillage, plunder, murder, or otherwise ruin the day of anyone unfortunate enough to not be one of them. If there were still laws, they'd be outlaws. Raiders tend to organize into loose confederations of gangs in the post-apocalyptic wasteland and are a constant problem. Raiders typically prey upon travelers and very small towns, leaving more populous or larger areas alone.
Numerous raider groups can be found across the wasteland. Most are composed of only a few people scraping out a living by preying on other inhabitants of the wastes, typically without any real driving purpose (besides for the thrills). Others, however, such as the Khans and the 80s, form their own tribal customs through raiding for survival rather than for thrills.

Beside a great number of raider gangs encountered throughout the Core Region, there are three distinct raider groups referenced by the first Fallout: Jackals, Vipers, and Khans, although only the latter appear in the actual game. All three groups originated from Vault 15.


Led by the sadistic Caleb, the Regulators are a vicious gang that serves as the "police force" of Adytum in Southern California. Nominally under the authority of Adytum's mayor, Jon Zimmerman, they in fact manipulate Zimmerman and control Adytum's affairs, ruling harshly, expropriating a good part of Adytum's industrial wealth for themselves, and enforcing forced labor on Adytum's citizens.
To legitimize their authority, they have claimed that the Blades, a survivalist group to the north, are a threat, and frame them for crimes, such as the murder of Jason Zimmerman.

The Regulators are part of the group that left the demonstration Vault in south Los Angeles and founded Adytum. Caleb's Regulators appear only in Fallout. They are not related in any way to the Capital Wasteland Regulators from Fallout 3.


The Skulz are a gang in Junktown. They do Gizmo's dirty work, and basically anything else they want. Vinnie has a deal with Killian Darkwater - the Skulz don't bother Killian and he doesn't bother them as long as they keep it low-key. The Vault Dweller puts a stop to their activities for good in a quest given by Lars. The leader of the gang is Vinnie; other notable members are Victor, Shark and Sherry.

Thieves' Guild

The Thieves' Guild or Thieves' Circle is a group of thieves in the Hub's Old Town led by the slightly crazed Loxley. Their main hideout, the Thieves Circle, can be found in the basement of a junkie's home. An audience with Loxley and his associates will require the player character to lockpick and survive some minor traps. The guild is loosely based on the 'old stories' as Loxley calls them of Robin Hood and his band of merry men.

The leader of the guild is Loxley, who has his own room and three other members in the hideout: Jasmine, Cleo and Smitty. Jasmine is Loxley's assistant who handles all the details of assignments and payment. Cleo is the only member who doesn't seem too reluctant to communicate with you. She will give you a great deal of information on the Guild and how they feel about the rest of the Hub. Smitty doesn't have much to say - he actually seems pissed off about you even being alive.


The Underground is the largest criminal organization, located in the Downtown district of the Hub. The Underground's hideout, or Decker's Underground, is located underneath the Maltese Falcon. Decker is head of the Underground, and never leaves the hideout (most likely not to risk being captured by the Hub Police). Your ability to speak with him is granted only by his door guard Kane, and even so, you will never be able to speak with him without Kane guiding you, and taking you directly back, removing the ability to enter the hideout without initiating combat. Decker is considered the largest threat to the Hub and merchants who aren't willing to cooperate.

Next to the bartender is a room guarded by Kane, a minion of the Underground and possibly Decker's right hand. Kane makes sure only people Decker wants to see are let in, and handles all of his payments. Kane is recognizable as a very powerful and durable opponent. Inside the hideout there are five other guards/members who protect and do business for Decker, but you can't speak with any of them, and they aren't given names. Other members could thrive throughout the streets of the Hub, but you wouldn't be able to tell.

Underground ghouls

The underground ghouls were a loose organization of disgruntled but peaceful ghouls in Necropolis in 2161. Presumably due to their unwillingness to partake in his hostile administration of the City of the Dead, they were forced by Set to live in the city's sewers. They were apparently unarmed and form no threat to anyone, but were one of the most helpful factions in Necropolis, telling the Vault Dweller where to find the water chip but requesting him to fix the pump first.


The Unity was the name of Master's vision of humanity after the war, as well as his own organization, which includes both the Master's Army and the Children of the Cathedral. In order to avoid the self-destruction of the species, the Master desired to forcefully evolve humans into one, perfect race, removing the inequalities that are the cause of strife among humans. To this end, he used the Forced Evolutionary Virus (FEV) to create his race, the super mutants, also called the Master's Army.

With the discovery of the Los Angeles Vault, and the establishment of the Children of the Cathedral, the Master created the means of conversion and recruitment of people into his project. Under the disguise of apostles of peace, establishing hospitals and churches in the cities of the wasteland, the Children and the Mutants, led by the nightkin elite warriors, prepared for a war that would change the face of the Earth and bring upon the master's dream.

Vat Team 9

A squad of super mutants residing in the Mariposa Military Base in 2161. Vat Team 9 is a special containment squad who are part of the Master's Army, who were stationed in the room near the cell block access elevator to deal with any potential disturbances caused by prisoners or unsavory elements (such as the Vault Dweller). It consists of three super mutant soldiers, with the sergeant wearing classic super mutant armor.

Water Merchants

The biggest caravan company in the Hub in 2161. They control the water tower and, by extension, water distribution in the area. Their control over the oasis was the root of the Great Merchant Wars and remained a point of controversy among the Hubbers for years to come as rival companies were forced to buy water to sell from the WM. As such, this company became very wealthy, very fast, at the cost of developing some serious enemies, among them Decker of the Hub underground.

Compared to other companies, the caravan guards get the worst pay check (only 200 caps each way) although they are less likely to run into fierce opposition, and leave often, every five days. Additionally, a shipment of water can be bought to send it to Vault 13 and extend the time limit for finding the water chip by 100 days. In the Vault Dweller's memoirs he mentions organizing water to be sent back to Vault 13, admitting in hindsight it was probably a mistake, but put his mind at ease. In the unpatched version, this also lowered the Vault 13 invasion time limit by 100 days.

Source: Fallout Wiki

See also:

June 11, 2014

Insomnia the game

InSomnia - is a Real-Time, tactical, RPG with unique game mechanics and elaborate universe. Development by indie studio MONO. For latest news about the game, check their Facebook page here, Help this game get on Steam and / or support the whole project here.

InSomnia is an Atmospheric Single/Coop RPG, set in the dieselpunk, Apocalyptic universe, "Living" open world sandbox & realtime, tactical gameplay. InSomnia will send you into murky retro-futuristic universe of metal jungles permeated by Noir and Dieselpunk. Young "Noman" awakes from the cryogenic sleep on a colossal space station travelling through space for about 400 years to an elusive Point of evacuation, a distant planet, where the residents of the station will be able to revive the mankind. Either way, you will have to survive this tough world to learn the real reason for the mankind to embark on such a risky journey, and how mistaks of the past have influenced the present.

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More post-apocalyptic games:

Fallout - Cut Content

You boozed your brain out of your head once too often and now your body is craving for more... and more... and more... well done! You got yourself addicted.
This was only partially implemented in Fallout and Fallout 2. Art and descriptions exist, but the addiction itself is not defined and so it cannot be obtained.

Fallout cut content refers to the content in original Fallout game, which was cut from the final version of the game. A few of it can still be found in the game files but is inaccessible within the game itself. While there is so many of cut content in Fallout, we'll be focusing on the most interesting ones:


The Jackals 
During the spring of 2141, four groups left Vault 15 to brave the Wasteland. In the winter of the same year, three of these groups became roving gangs of raiders: the Jackals, the Vipers, and the Khans. The Jackals founder and first leader is unknown. After their creation, they began to raid Shady Sands and fought extensively against the Vipers and the Khans, until they were defeated by the Khans and fled east of California sometime before 2161. Though they were once very feared, along with the Vipers they were almost all destroyed by the NCR and the remaining Jackals were again pushed further east, towards the Mojave Wasteland. Profoundly savage and cannibalistic nature. They are mentioned in Fallout but finally only appeared in-game in Fallout: New Vegas in 2281.

The Thinker Nightkin
An utopian idealists, living in the harsh dystopian wastelands. All known members are super mutant nightkin, but they recruit humans into their ranks as was attempted with the Vault Dweller. They believe that together the humans and mutants can work to build a better wasteland, and ultimately bring peace to all. The thinker nightkin were initially meant to be included in the original Fallout, but they were eventually cut, and are only mentioned by in the shared dialogue file.

The Vipers
A band of quasi-religious raider-tribals with a profound shamanistic nature. They originated from Vault 15 with two other raider groups (Khans and Jackals). From Killian Darkwater's dialogue, their main base is called The Shrine in 2161, and was located north from Junktown but was cut from the final version of the game. The Vipers were initially meant to be included in Fallout and are only mentioned by Aradesh, Ian and Killian Darkwater. Jess Heinig said:
There were originally going to be two other raider tribes in addition to the Khans—the Vipers and some other group the Jackals. We had this idea worked out for the Vipers being in a cleft in a canyon with some beat-up wagons or motor homes, and a sort of snake-worship-cult thing going on. There was gonna be a quest where you could become an honorary Viper and go through their pit of serpents and gain the Snakeater perk for free. Sadly, we just didn't have time to actually build the map.
They are also mentioned in Fallout 3, in the Citadel of the Capital Wasteland Brotherhood of Steel. A computer containing information about Maxson family reveals that western Brotherhood were fighting this raider group before the encounter with the Master. Maxson II, father of John Maxson, was killed by them. They finally appear as enemies in Fallout: New Vegas, albeit splintered and weak. They were also to appear in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 project by Black Isle Studios.


Viper Camp
The Vipers hideout, or as they call it "The Shrine," is many small adobe buildings surrounding a large pit. This pit is where they conduct their religious ceremonies. The sacrifices are placed within the pit and several huge Pit Vipers slither out to claim their meal. Although it has never happened, if anyone were to escape the pit, the Vipers would let that individual go, claiming it was the will of the great Snake.

Burrows Raccoon concept art
The Burrows is a small community, founded in 2101 by FEV-mutated raccoons known as S'Lanter from the West Tek Research Facility. Log Date January 12, 2076:
With batch 11-011, we have improved the mitotic cycle efficiency by 43%. We have infected 53 raccoons with the new strain. In addition to the now expected size increase, behavioral tests confirmed an increase in intelligence and manual dexterity by 19 points on the Schuler-Kapp index. Unfortunately, several subjects escaped confinement and had to be hunted down and dispatched. Major Barneet ordered the remaining subjects terminated. Two pairs were unaccounted for.
The above excerpt is from the FEV experiment disk found at the Glow in Fallout and is the only remaining in-game reference to the non-existent area.

Brotherhood Ruins
Originally, the Lost Hills was not a bunker - it was a small concrete building, found by soldiers from Mariposa that employed it as a base, and slowly, but steadily changed it into a true fortress. The Brotherhood also had an invasion ending planned, where the super mutants march against the Brotherhood and lay siege to Lost Hills. While defending their fortress valiantly, a traitor, Kedrick, would assassinate the Elders and sell the Brothers to the super mutants. Lost Hills would be subsequently destroyed. An unused "Dead Brotherhood" map is still included in the game files and can be accessed via the main menu.

Other cut elements include a few non-player characters (notably a scribe mourning the Brotherhood's reluctance to explore "soft" sciences such as sociology or psychology), a romance subplot including Jennifer, the Paladin, another Michael-related sub quest about pulse grenades and girls from lower levels and a day/night cycle in the bunker.

Other Random Locations/Encounters
There are some MSG files for a type of random encounter that was never fully implemented: people from a nearby location who had lots of dialog, depending on your rep there, could give you news or lead you to their base.
  • Lance, one of the guards from Shady Sands' long-range patrols. His dialog was: Just stay where you are. We've heard about you in Shady Sands and we want no part of you.
  • A lone raider - The lone raider is raider roaming the wastes near Shady Sands in 2161. His dialog was: They have destroyed Shady Sands. They kill anyone in their path. I never dreamt such ferocity existed. We are all doomed...
  • Sean - finding the remains of an ambushed caravan along with the corpse of a Vault 13 scout named Sean, who turned super mutant.
Vault 13 couple - When the Vault Dweller left on their quest to save Vault 13, this couple took over their room. It was, however, promised to the Vault Dweller that their room would be left empty awaiting their return. Dialog was: We didn't think that you were coming back. You have such a nice room, and we were a little crowded with her parents. I hope you don't mind.


Become a Blade
The symbol of the Vipers
This quest was to be given to the Vault Dweller by Razor, if first spoken to Fire and getting directed to her.

Become an honorary Viper
Like most other content cut from Fallout, this quest was likely excluded due to time constraints. Dialog: You could become an honorary Viper and go through their pit of serpents and gain the Snakeater perk for free.

Deliver Locket for Romero
a side quest cut from the final version of Fallout.

Deliver package from the Gun Runners
According to the global variables, it seems as though this quest was about actually delivering a bomb to the Followers of the Apocalypse in the Boneyard Library. Dialog: I have a package for you from Gabriel. Other dialog: Hmm. I see. Thank you.

Rescue Jason Zimmerman
The quest involved freeing Jason, son of Jon Zimmerman, who was being held captive by the Rippers. The quest was cut when the gang itself was cut from the game and their warehouse became infested with deathclaws instead.

Stop the Gangs from attacking Adytum
Originally the Blades were a gang and the Regulators were the "typical" honest police force, but later the developers got the idea of switching the groups' moralities, making the Blades honest people and the Regulators overly authoritarian. The quest was likely removed since it contradicted this state of affairs.

The Search for the Glow, The Trade Line, To Catch a Wisp and The Wood Cutter's Wife quests was cut because the location it was given in, the Burrows, was cut from the game as well.

A Brotherhood mini quest 
Was meant to deliver Pulse Grenades from Michael to Sophia. Also more extended dialogue with Michael, and being able to con a Laser Pistol out of him.

A Brotherhood spy quest.

Find Children spy in the Followers
One of the unimplemented side quests from Fallout. It can be assumed that the Followers of the Apocalypse had been infiltrated by the Children of the Cathedral, and the purpose of this quest was to find and apprehend the traitor. Unfortunately, the traitor was either removed from the final version of the game or never implemented, effectively rendering the quest impossible to complete. This will also give the Followers of the Apocalypse a bad ending, regardless of what the Vault Dweller might try to do. With Fallout: New Vegas, the good ending is considered canon.
It seems the name of the spy was Heather.

  • A quest to deliver (perhaps unwittingly) a bomb to a Follower named Jake (you can ask Nicole about him).
  • Being able to report Iguana Bob to the Hub police (really).
  • A mini quest involving Billy and Dan in the Hub, which has been fully scripted but seemingly does not work.


Shady Sands
Agatha, the story-teller, Elder, Barterman, Guard (Barterman) and Sammy.

Hernandez, a man of mucho gusto, a gambler with a foolproof system. Vasquez Villanova Hernandez Ortega, a mercenary desperado. Bob, who owes many caps at Gizmo's Casino.

The Hub
Avery, Richie - you could pose as a Hub Vault Inspector when confronting him. Rufus, playing Cyberhood, Prince of the Matrix. Hubbian and Troy.

Followers of the Apocalypse
Amber, Alan, Heather, a spy working for the Children. Henry, Herion, Peter, Jake, second in command. Jelissa, Jessica, Lynda, Mohandki, Nancy, Percy, Savil, Shannon and Neil.

Fire, Razor's right-hand man. Romero, Snake, Dolgan, Beca, Jade, Dragon and Michelle.

Lost Hills
Brenden, Kedrick and Farli.

Most cathedral NPCs give you only a small part of their dialog. A good example is Viola, who has many lines that cannot be accessed. So it's hard to tell if actually any NPCs were completely removed. Dumar, Zack Barstow. Cut psykers: Dominic - "A strange energy flares from his eyes" and Wiggup - "Small sparks of energy flow over his body" This is probably Wiggum. Cut Cathedral members: Surf and Barracus.

Super mutants
They may have been supposed for the Mariposa Military Base or the Master's Lair, it's not always quite sure. Uthern, leader of the Super Mutants. Rae, he might join you in your fight against the Master.

Other Cut Content
Happy endings for the Followers (with a picture showing an unbroken wall) and the Hub (with a picture showing Iguana Bob), and mutant invasion endings for Junktown (with a picture showing a the super mutant) including the Brotherhood.

In-game effects of mutant invasions of the Followers, Hub, Brotherhood, Junktown and Shady Sands.

A clue index, mostly serving as reminders of known information, and a function to store video clips in your Pip-Boy.

An unused "fire dance" death animation for children and midgets.

As you can see there is plenty of cutted contents from original Fallout game, and those above are just the most interesting ones, not all of it. You could build a whole new game just from those cuts.. For more cut content visit Fallout wiki, which was the source of this article.

Fallout 1, 2 Tactics, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4